This repo contains a curative list of Implicit Representations and NeRF papers relating to Robotics/RL domain, inspired by awesome-computer-vision
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For an overview of NeRFs, checkout the Survey (Neural Volume Rendering: NeRF And Beyond), Blog post (NeRF Explosion 2020) and Collection (awesome-NeRF)
- Object Pose Estimation
- Manipulation/RL
- Object Reconstruction
- Physics
- Planning/Navigation
- Citation
Object Pose Estimation
BundleSDF: "Neural 6-DoF Tracking and 3D Reconstruction of Unknown Objects", CVPR, 2023. [Paper] [Webpage]
ShAPO: "Implicit Representations for Multi Object Shape Appearance and Pose Optimization", ECCV, 2022. [Paper] [Pytorch Code] [Webpage] [Video]
NCF: "Neural Correspondence Field for Object Pose Estimation", ECCV, 2022. [Paper] [Pytorch Code] [Webpage]
Neural-Sim: "Learning to Generate Training Data with NeRF", ECCV 2022. [Paper] [Pytorch Code] [Webpage]
DISP6D: "Disentangled Implicit Shape and Pose Learning for Scalable 6D Pose Estimation", ECCV 2022. [Paper] [Pytorch Code] [Webpage] [Video]
SNAKE: "SNAKE: Shape-aware Neural 3D Keypoint Field", NeurIPS, 2022. [Paper] [Pytorch Code]
NeRF-RPN: "A general framework for object detection in NeRFs", CVPR 2023. [Paper] [Video]
NeRF-MAE: "Masked AutoEncoders for Self-Supervised 3D Representation Learning for Neural Radiance Fields", ECCV 2024. [Paper] [Webpage] [Pytorch Code]
nerf2nerf: "Pairwise Registration of Neural Radiance Fields", arXiv. [Paper] [Pytorch Code] [Webpage] [Dataset]
iNeRF: "Inverting Neural Radiance Fields for Pose Estimation", IROS, 2021. [Paper] [Pytorch Code] [Website] [Dataset]
NeRF-Pose: "A First-Reconstruct-Then-Regress Approach for Weakly-supervised 6D Object Pose Estimation", arXiv. [Paper]
PixTrack: "Precise 6DoF Object Pose Tracking using NeRF Templates and Feature-metric Alignment", arXiv. [Paper] [Pytorch Code]
"Parallel Inversion of Neural Radiance Fields for Robust Pose Estimation", arXiv. [Paper] [Website]
NARF22: "Neural Articulated Radiance Fields for Configuration-Aware Rendering", IROS, 2022. [Paper] [Website]
FroDO: "From Detections to 3D Objects", CVPR, 2020. [Paper]
SDFEst: "Categorical Pose and Shape Estimation of Objects From RGB-D Using Signed Distance Fields", RA-L, 2022. [Paper] [Pytorch Code]
SSC-6D: "Self-Supervised Category-Level 6D Object Pose Estimation with Deep Implicit Shape Representation", AAAI, 2022. [Paper] [Pytorch Code]
Style2NeRF: "An Unsupervised One-Shot NeRF for Semantic 3D Reconstruction", BMVC, 2022. [Paper]
"Shape, Pose, and Appearance from a Single Image via Bootstrapped Radiance Field Inversion", CVPR, 2023. [Paper] [Code]
TexPose: "Neural Texture Learning for Self-Supervised 6D Object Pose Estimation", CVPR 2023. [Paper][Code]
Canonical Fields: "Self-Supervised Learning of Pose-Canonicalized Neural Fields", arXiv. [Paper]
NeRF-Det: "Learning Geometry-Aware Volumetric Representation for Multi-View 3D Object Detection", arXiv. [Paper] [[Page]] [[Code]]
One-step NeRF: "Marrying NeRF with Feature Matching for One-step Pose Estimation", ICRA, 2024. [Paper] [Short Video] [[Website&Code] Coming]
iSDF: "Real-Time Neural Signed Distance Fields for Robot Perception", RSS, 2022. [Paper] [Pytorch Code] [Website]
LENS: "LENS: Localization enhanced by NeRF synthesis", CORL, 2021. [Paper]
NICE-SLAM: "Neural Implicit Scalable Encoding for SLAM", CVPR, 2021. [Paper] Pytorch Code] [Website]
iMAP: "Implicit Mapping and Positioning in Real-Time", ICCV, 2021. [Paper] [Website]
BNV-Fusion: "BNV-Fusion: Dense 3D Reconstruction using Bi-level Neural Volume Fusion", CVPR, 2022. [Paper] Pytorch Code]
NeRF-SLAM: "Real-Time Dense Monocular SLAM with Neural Radiance Fields", arXiv. [Paper]
NICER-SLAM: "Neural Implicit Scene Encoding for RGB SLAM", arXiv. [Paper] [Video]
Nerfels: "Renderable Neural Codes for Improved Camera Pose Estimation", CVPR 2022 Workshop. [Paper]
GO-Surf: "A Real-time Monocular Visual SLAM with ORB Features and NeRF-realized Mapping", 3DV, 2022. [Paper] [[Website(] [Pytorch Code]
Orbeez-SLAM: "Neural Feature Grid Optimization for Fast, High-Fidelity RGB-D Surface Reconstruction", arXiv, 2022. [Paper]
ESLAM: "Efficient Dense SLAM System Based on Hybrid Representation of Signed Distance Fields", arXiv, 2022. [Paper]
Panoptic Multi-TSDFs: "a Flexible Representation for Online Multi-resolution Volumetric Mapping and Long-term Dynamic Scene Consistency", ICRA, 2022. [Paper] [Pytorch Code]
SHINE-Mapping: "Large-Scale 3D Mapping Using Sparse Hierarchical Implicit Neural Representations", ICRA, 2023. [Paper] [Code]
"SDF-based RGB-D Camera Tracking in Neural Scene Representations", ICRA Workshop, 2022. [Paper]
Loc-NeRF: "Monte Carlo Localization using Neural Radiance Fields", ICRA, 2023. [Paper] [Code] [Video]
Vox-Fusion: "Dense Tracking and Mapping with Voxel-based Neural Implicit Representation", ISMAR, 2022. [Paper] [Website] [Pytorch Code] [Video]
NodeSLAM: "Dense Tracking and Mapping with Voxel-based Neural Implicit Representation", 3DV, 2020. [Paper]
iLabel: "Revealing Objects in Neural Fields", RA-L, 2023. [Paper]
Nerf–: "Neural radiance fields without known camera parameters", arXiv. [Paper]
L2G-NeRF: "Local-to-Global Registration for Bundle-Adjusting Neural Radiance Fields", CVPR, 2023. [Paper] [Website] [code]
H2-Mapping: "Real-time Dense Mapping Using Hierarchical Hybrid Representation", RA-L, 2023. [Paper] [code]
Continual Neural Mapping: "Learning An Implicit Scene Representation from Sequential Observations", ICCV, 2021. [Paper]
LATITUDE: Robotic Global Localization with Truncated Dynamic Low-pass Filter in City-scale NeRF, ICRA, 2023. [Paper] [Pytorch Code]
"Dense RGB SLAM with neural implicit maps", ICLR, 2023. [Paper]
NOCaL: Calibration-free semi-supervised learning of odometry and camera intrinsics, ICRA, 2023. [Paper] [Website]
IRMCL: Implicit Representation-based Online Global Localization, arXiv. [Paper] [Code]
Efficient Implicit Neural Reconstruction Using LiDAR, ICRA, 2023. [Paper] [Website] [Pytorch Code] [Video]
vMAP: "Vectorised Object Mapping for Neural Field SLAM", CVPR, 2023. [Paper] [Website]
"An Algorithm for the SE(3)-Transformation on Neural Implicit Maps for Remapping Functions", RA-L, 2022. [Paper]
"Implicit Object Reconstruction With Noisy Data", RSS Workshop, 2021. [Paper]
NeuSE: "Neural SE(3)-Equivariant Embedding for Consistent Spatial Understanding with Objects", arXiv. [Paper] [Website]
ObjectFusion: "Accurate object-level SLAM with neural object priors", Graphical Models, 2022. [Paper]