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3DStreet creates 3D visualizations of your 2D streets using A-Frame and WebXR. Developers can use the same core street A-Frame component of 3DStreet for their own projects.

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Quick Start - How to make your own 3DStreet scene from Streetmix. See documentation here.

The rest of this README is for developers. User-facing docs are here.

This repo is the 3DStreet Core Viewer. It provides parsing of JSON in Streetmix format into a 3DStreet scene. It also provides all of the core components needed for viewers. It is also a core dependency of the 3DStreet Editor hosted in a separate repository.

Project Hosting Path

This repo's main branch is hosted via github pages at The 3DStreet Editor uses this path to fetch 3DStreet dependencies. A-Frame developers leveraging 3DStreet Core will also use this path.

A-Frame component

3DStreet is built upon a custom A-Frame street component which is also available for you to customize for your own custom A-Frame street scenes. The street component takes a string of JSON and renders one or more "segments" (also known as lanes or slices) of a street and optionally buildings and ground to the left and right.

Usage Example


    <title>Street Component!</title>
    <script src=""></script>
    <script src=""></script>
      <a-entity id="mySimpleStreet" street streetmix-loader="streetmixStreetURL:" ></a-entity>

A-Frame street Component API

The street component creates a street made up of one or more segments as children of the entity it's attached to. It may also create buildings, ground, and place models in the scene using mixins. Creating the JSON array of segments by hand is cumbersome and typically the streetmix-loader component (below) is also used on the same entity to populate the street JSON from a street.

PropertyDescriptionDefault Value
JSONA string of JSON containing an array one or more segments (also known as slices) representing cross-section parts of a street. See basic-json.html for an example of proper usage''
typeA string representing the formatting of the JSON passed in the JSON property'streetmixSegmentsFeet'
leftA string to determine which building variant to create for the left side of the street (heading outbound)''
rightA string to determine which building variant to create for the right side of the street (heading outbound).''
showGroundA boolean to determine if the ground associated with the specified building variant(s) in left and right should be created or not.true
showStripingA boolean to determine if the lane stripings should be created or not.true
lengthA number that sets the street's length in meters150

A-Frame intersection Component API

The intersection component creates an intersection surface with options for adding curbs, sidewalks, crosswalks, stop signs, and traffic signals.

PropertyDescriptionDefault Value
dimensionsSpecifies the width and depth of the intersection. First value represents width, second value represents depth.'20 20'
sidewalkSets the width of the sidewalk at each side of the intersection. Values are set in the order of west, east, north, south.'0 0 0 0'
northeastcurbSets the curb dimensions for the north east curb. Values are updated as width, then depth.'4 4'
southwestcurbSets the curb dimensions for the south west curb. Values are updated as width, then depth.'4 4'
southeastcurbSets the curb dimensions for the south east curb. Values are updated as width, then depth.'4 4'
northwestcurbSets the curb dimensions for the north west curb. Values are updated as width, then depth.'4 4'
stopsignSets if each side of the intersection has a stop sign. Values are set in the order of east, west, north, south. 0 is false, 1 is true.'0 0 0 0'
trafficsignalSets if each side of the intersection has a traffic signal. Values are set in the order of east, west, north, south. 0 is false, 1 is true.'1 1 1 1'
crosswalk​​Sets if each side of the intersection has a crosswalk. Values are set in the order of east, west, north, south. 0 is false, 1 is true.'1 1 1 1'

A-Frame streetmix-loader Component API

The streetmix-loader component requests a Streetmix API response when given a unique street URL and then passes the segments array JSON as a string to the street component (which is a dependency -- you must have the street component on the same entity as that of the streetmix-loader component).

PropertyDescriptionDefault Value
streetmixStreetURLA string representing a "user facing" Streetmix street URL such as''
streetmixAPIURLA string representing the Streetmix API street URL such as''
showBuildingsA Boolean that determines whether or not buildings are renderedtrue

Either 1 of the 2 properties are required. If both are provided the component will use streetmixAPIURL value and ignore streetmixStreetURL.

Orientation and Scale

A default cross-section view is oriented to show vehicles heading away from you as "outbound". The street component follows this convention and when placed in a new A-Frame scene the default camera is looking toward the outbound direction of the generated street. The default rendering is 1:1 scale.

Automatic Asset Loading

When aframe-street-component.js is included on a page it automatically loads 3D models and other assets using the A-Frame asset loader by adding them to the scene's a-assets block and defining mixins pointing to these assets. The street component itself simply places entities with appropriate mixin names. For more information on the asset loader see this docs link.

Additional variant strings

  • The word animated can be added to the variantString of the type sidewalk to make the pedestrians animated. Here is an example of how this can be implemented:
  "width": 9,
  "variantString": "normal|animated",
  "type": "sidewalk"

Please see animated.html for a demo.

List of Supported Segment Types

3DStreet does not yet support all of the street segments found in Streetmix. You may find some segments don't display at all or are missing 3D elements. Here is a complete list:

Streetmix Segment Type3DStreet Support?VariantsNotes and Model Source
sidewalkYes - PartialemptyAll variants show empty sidewalk, no pedestrian 3d models or density variants.
sidewalk-lampYes - AllVariants: right, left, both Subvariants: modern, traditional, prideModern Lamp Post, License Google Poly CC Attrib; Traditional Lamp Post, License Google Poly CC Attrib
bike-laneYes - AllVariants: regular, red, greenNo bikes shown
drive-laneYes - Partialcar-type: "car" and "sharrow"Not supported: car-type truck and autonomous vehicle
turn-laneYes - Allleft right left-right-straight shared both left-straight right-straight straightNote: there appears to be a bug with rendering of turn-lane-orientation variant in street cross section for inbound - it appears to be inverted from the street's json database value. Note: Shared turn lane does not exhibit proper segment lane markings.
bus-laneYes - Partialshared (sharrow) variant not supportedModel Credits: New Flyer XD40 Bus
dividerYes - Partialstriped-buffer, bollardstriped-buffer is rendered for all variants. Original model credit: Flexi Guide 300 Safe Hit Post
parking-laneYes - Partialparking-lane-direction and parking-lane-orientation unsupported, parking delimiter markings unsupported
sidewalk-treeYes - Allpalm-tree, bigSupports palm tree and normal ("big") street tree. Palm Tree: License Google Poly CC Attrib, Model Source, Street Tree: License Sketchfab "Standard", Polygon City Pack
sidewalk-benchYes - Partialleft, right"center" bench not supported.
sidewalk-bike-rackYes - PartialDoesn't support height -- always at sidewalk level. No bike model yet, just the rack. Model credits: Bike Rack by illustrationlogic, License CC BY NC SA 4.0
sidewalk-wayfindingYes - Partialsmall, medium, large variants all render same objectAll size variants render the same simple wayfinding obelisk shape with texture based on original NYC design from Pentagram..
light-railYes - Allgrass variant displays as green color asphaltModel credits: Siemens Avenio, License CC BY NC SA 4.0; Train track 2 black, License Google Poly CC BY
streetcarYes - Allgrass variant displays as green color asphaltModel credit: Godarville Tram, License Turbo Squid Royalty Free
transit-shelterYes - PartialDoesn't support height -- always at sidewalk level.
trainNoNo support planned, not a public Streetmix segment type.
scooterYes - AllVariants: regular, red, greenNo scooters shown. (Treated identically to a bike lane.)
bikeshareYesleft rightRendered every 100 meters. Original model credit

List of Building Variants

"Buildings" are lots and/or objects rendered on either side of the street to add to the setting.

Streetmix Building Variants3DStreet Support?Notes
fenceYesFence Model: Paid Royalty Free License T&Cs Paragraph 21 for construction fence Low-poly 3D model
waterfrontYesCredit to @Lady_Ada_King for a-ocean-plane; @threejs for water normal jpeg; cgskies for sky image (paid license). Seawall Models: License Sketchfab "Standard" from Polygon City Pack
residentialYesBuildings: License Synty Store EULA from Polygon Town Pack. Does not support varying floors as specified by Streetmix JSON.
narrowYes - partial
wideYes - partial


The 3DStreet codebase is offered under the GNU Affero General Public License v3, as specified in the LICENSE file.

Assets such as 3D models, textures, and audio are offered under the Creative Commons By Attribution Non-Commercial License, unless a more specific license is specified for each asset in the documentation on this page.

Contact for commercial licensing.

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