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CSS Protips Awesome

A collection of tips to help take your CSS skills pro.

For other great lists check out @sindresorhus's curated list of awesome lists.

Table of Contents


  1. Use a CSS Reset
  2. Inherit box-sizing
  3. Use unset Instead of Resetting All Properties
  4. Use :not() to Apply/Unapply Borders on Navigation
  5. Check if Font Is Installed Locally
  6. Add line-height to body
  7. Set :focus for Form Elements
  8. Vertically-Center Anything
  9. Use aspect-ratio Instead of Height/Width
  10. Comma-Separated Lists
  11. Select Items Using Negative nth-child
  12. Use SVG for Icons
  13. Use the "Lobotomized Owl" Selector
  14. Use max-height for Pure CSS Sliders
  15. Equal-Width Table Cells
  16. Get Rid of Margin Hacks With Flexbox
  17. Use Attribute Selectors with Empty Links
  18. Control Specificity Better With :is()
  19. Style "Default" Links
  20. Intrinsic Ratio Boxes
  21. Style Broken Images
  22. Use rem for Global Sizing; Use em for Local Sizing
  23. Hide Autoplay Videos That Aren't Muted
  24. Use :root for Flexible Type
  25. Set font-size on Form Elements for a Better Mobile Experience
  26. Use Pointer Events to Control Mouse Events
  27. Set display: none on Line Breaks Used as Spacing
  28. Use :empty to Hide Empty HTML Elements

Use a CSS Reset

CSS resets help enforce style consistency across different browsers with a clean slate for styling elements. There are plenty of reset patterns to find, or you can use a more simplified reset approach:

*::after {
  box-sizing: border-box;
  margin: 0;
  padding: 0;

Now elements will be stripped of margins and padding, and box-sizing lets you manage layouts with the CSS box model.


[!TIP] If you follow the Inherit box-sizing tip below you might opt to not include the box-sizing property in your CSS reset.

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Inherit box-sizing

Let box-sizing be inherited from html:

html {
  box-sizing: border-box;

*::after {
  box-sizing: inherit;

This makes it easier to change box-sizing in plugins or other components that leverage other behavior.


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Use unset Instead of Resetting All Properties

When resetting an element's properties, it's not necessary to reset each individual property:

button {
  background: none;
  border: none;
  color: inherit;
  font: inherit;
  outline: none;
  padding: 0;

You can specify all of an element's properties using the all shorthand. Setting the value to unset changes an element's properties to their initial values:

button {
  all: unset;

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Use :not() to Apply/Unapply Borders on Navigation

Instead of putting on the border...

/* add border */
.nav li {
  border-right: 1px solid #666;

...and then taking it off the last element...

/* remove border */
.nav li:last-child {
  border-right: none;

...use the :not() pseudo-class to only apply to the elements you want:

.nav li:not(:last-child) {
  border-right: 1px solid #666;

Here, the CSS selector is read as a human would describe it.


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Check if Font Is Installed Locally

You can check if a font is installed locally before fetching it remotely, which is a good performance tip, too.

@font-face {
  font-family: "Dank Mono";
    /* Full name */
    local("Dank Mono"),
    /* Postscript name */
    local("Dank Mono"),
    /* Otherwise, download it! */

code {
  font-family: "Dank Mono", system-ui-monospace;

H/T to Adam Argyle for sharing this protip and demo.

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Add line-height to body

You don't need to add line-height to each <p>, <h*>, et al. separately. Instead, add it to body:

body {
  line-height: 1.5;

This way textual elements can inherit from body easily.


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Set :focus for Form Elements

Sighted keyboard users rely on focus to determine where keyboard events go in the page. Make focus for form elements stand out and consistent than a browser's default implementation:

textarea:focus {
  box-shadow: none;
  outline: #000 dotted 2px;
  outline-offset: .05em;


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Vertically-Center Anything

No, it's not black magic, you really can center elements vertically. You can do this with flexbox...

body {
  height: 100%;

body {
  align-items: center;
  display: flex;
  justify-content: center;

...and also with CSS Grid:

body {
  display: grid;
  height: 100vh;
  place-items: center;

[!TIP] Want to center something else? Vertically, horizontally...anything, anytime, anywhere? CSS-Tricks has a nice write-up on doing all of that.


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Use aspect-ratio Instead of Height/Width

The aspect-ratio property allows you to easily size elements and maintain consistent width-to-height ratio. This is incredibly useful in responsive web design to prevent layout shift. Use object-fit with it to prevent disrupting the layout if the height/width values of images changes.

img {
  aspect-ratio: 16 / 9; /* width / height */
  object-fit: cover;

Learn more about the aspect-ratio property in this post.


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Comma-Separated Lists

Make list items look like a real, comma-separated list:

ul > li:not(:last-child)::after {
  content: ",";

Use the :not() pseudo-class and no comma will be added to the last item.

[!NOTE] This tip may not be ideal for accessibility, specifically screen readers. And copy/paste from the browser doesn't work with CSS-generated content. Proceed with caution.

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Select Items Using Negative nth-child

Use negative nth-child in CSS to select items 1 through n.

li {
  display: none;

/* select items 1 through 3 and display them */
li:nth-child(-n+3) {
  display: block;

Or, since you've already learned a little about using :not(), try:

/* select all items except the first 3 and display them */
li:not(:nth-child(-n+3)) {
  display: block;


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Use SVG for Icons

There's no reason not to use SVG for icons:

.logo {
  background: url("logo.svg");

SVG scales well for all resolution types and is supported in all browsers back to IE9. Ditch your .png, .jpg, or .gif-jif-whatev files.

[!NOTE] If you have SVG icon-only buttons for sighted users and the SVG fails to load, this will help maintain accessibility:

.no-svg .icon-only::after {
  content: attr(aria-label);

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Use the "Lobotomized Owl" Selector

It may have a strange name but using the universal selector (*) with the adjacent sibling selector (+) can provide a powerful CSS capability:

* + * {
  margin-top: 1.5em;

In this example, all elements in the flow of the document that follow other elements will receive margin-top: 1.5em.

[!TIP] For more on the "lobotomized owl" selector, read Heydon Pickering's post on A List Apart.


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Use max-height for Pure CSS Sliders

Implement CSS-only sliders using max-height with overflow hidden:

.slider {
  max-height: 200px;
  overflow-y: hidden;
  width: 300px;

.slider:hover {
  max-height: 600px;
  overflow-y: scroll;

The element expands to the max-height value on hover and the slider displays as a result of the overflow.

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Equal-Width Table Cells

Tables can be a pain to work with. Try using table-layout: fixed to keep cells at equal width:

.calendar {
  table-layout: fixed;

Pain-free table layouts.


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Get Rid of Margin Hacks With Flexbox

When working with column gutters you can get rid of nth-, first-, and last-child hacks by using flexbox's space-between property:

.list {
  display: flex;
  justify-content: space-between;

.list .person {
  flex-basis: 23%;

Now column gutters always appear evenly-spaced.

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Use Attribute Selectors with Empty Links

Display links when the <a> element has no text value but the href attribute has a link:

a[href^="http"]:empty::before {
  content: attr(href);

That's really convenient.


[!NOTE] This tip may not be ideal for accessibility, specifically screen readers. And copy/paste from the browser doesn't work with CSS-generated content. Proceed with caution.

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Control Specificity Better with :is()

The :is() pseudo-class is used to target multiple selectors at once, reducing redundancy and enhancing code readability. This is incredibly useful for writing large selectors in a more compact form.

:is(section, article, aside, nav) :is(h1, h2, h3, h4, h5, h6) {
  color: green;

The above ruleset is equivalent to the following number selector rules...

section h1, section h2, section h3, section h4, section h5, section h6,
article h1, article h2, article h3, article h4, article h5, article h6,
aside h1, aside h2, aside h3, aside h4, aside h5, aside h6,
nav h1, nav h2, nav h3, nav h4, nav h5, nav h6 {
  color: green;


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Style "Default" Links

Add a style for "default" links:

a[href]:not([class]) {
  color: #008000;
  text-decoration: underline;

Now links that are inserted via a CMS, which don't usually have a class attribute, will have a distinction without generically affecting the cascade.

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Intrinsic Ratio Boxes

To create a box with an intrinsic ratio, all you need to do is apply top or bottom padding to a div:

.container {
  height: 0;
  padding-bottom: 20%;
  position: relative;

.container div {
  border: 2px dashed #ddd;
  height: 100%;
  left: 0;
  position: absolute;
  top: 0;
  width: 100%;

Using 20% for padding makes the height of the box equal to 20% of its width. No matter the width of the viewport, the child div will keep its aspect ratio (100% / 20% = 5:1).


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Style Broken Images

Make broken images more aesthetically-pleasing with a little bit of CSS:

img {
  display: block;
  font-family: sans-serif;
  font-weight: 300;
  height: auto;
  line-height: 2;
  position: relative;
  text-align: center;
  width: 100%;

Now add pseudo-elements rules to display a user message and URL reference of the broken image:

img::before {
  content: "We're sorry, the image below is broken :(";
  display: block;
  margin-bottom: 10px;

img::after {
  content: "(url: " attr(src) ")";
  display: block;
  font-size: 12px;

[!TIP] Learn more about styling for this pattern in Ire Aderinokun's post.

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Use rem for Global Sizing; Use em for Local Sizing

After setting the base font size

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豆包 MarsCode 是一款革命性的编程助手,通过AI技术提供代码补全、单测生成、代码解释和智能问答等功能,支持100+编程语言,与主流编辑器无缝集成,显著提升开发效率和代码质量。

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Suno AI是一个革命性的AI音乐创作平台,能在短短30秒内帮助用户创作出一首完整的歌曲。无论是寻找创作灵感还是需要快速制作音乐,Suno AI都是音乐爱好者和专业人士的理想选择。

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Kimi AI助手提供多语言对话支持,能够阅读和理解用户上传的文件内容,解析网页信息,并结合搜索结果为用户提供详尽的答案。无论是日常咨询还是专业问题,Kimi都能以友好、专业的方式提供帮助。

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