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Discord Player是一个基于JavaScript和TypeScript的Discord音乐机器人开发框架。它提供可定制工具集、可扩展API和丰富的播放器管理功能。框架特点包括64种内置音频滤镜、自动队列管理、查询缓存支持、音频播放器共享和IP轮换支持。Discord Player适合初学者使用,同时满足高级开发者的需求。

Discord Player

Discord Player is a robust framework for developing Discord Music bots using JavaScript and TypeScript. It is built on top of the discord-voip library and offers a comprehensive set of customizable tools, making it one of the most feature enrich framework in town.

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Why Choose Discord Player?

  • Beginner-friendly with easy-to-understand features
  • TypeScript support
  • Offers hackable APIs.
  • Supports audio player sharing
  • Quick and easy setup process
  • Wide range of player management features
  • Offers 64+ built-in audio filter presets
  • Highly customizable according to your needs
  • Automatic queue management
  • Query caching support
  • Extensible sources through the Extractors API
  • Object-oriented design
  • Built-in stats tracker
  • Offers easy debugging methods
  • Out-of-the-box voice states handling
  • IP Rotation support
  • Easy serialization and deserialization


Before you start

Discord Player requires Discord.js 14.0 or higher. Please ensure that you have a compatible version by running npm list discord.js in your terminal. If you're using an earlier version, please update it. The discord.js Guide provides resources to assist you with the update process.

Main Library

$ npm install --save discord-player # main library
$ npm install --save @discord-player/extractor # extractors provider

Discord Player recognizes @discord-player/extractor and loads it automatically by default. Just invoke await player.extractors.loadDefault().

Opus Library

Since Discord only accepts opus packets, you need to install the opus library. Discord Player supports multiple opus libraries, such as:

Among these, mediaplex is the recommended library as it adds more functionalities to discord-player than just libopus interface. You can install opus libraries by running:

$ npm install --save mediaplex
# or
$ npm install --save @discordjs/opus
# or
$ npm install --save opusscript
# or
$ npm install --save @evan/opus
# or
$ npm install --save node-opus

FFmpeg or Avconv

FFmpeg or Avconv is required for media transcoding. You can obtain it from or via npm.

We do not recommend installing ffmpeg via npm because binaries pulled from npm is known to be unstable. It is recommended to install it from the official source.

$ npm install --save ffmpeg-static
# or
$ npm install --save @ffmpeg-installer/ffmpeg
# or
$ npm install --save @node-ffmpeg/node-ffmpeg-installer
# or
$ npm install --save ffmpeg-binaries

Use FFMPEG_PATH environment variable to load ffmpeg from custom path.

Streaming Library

The following method is deprecated and will be removed in the future. Please switch to discord-player-youtubei.

Not recommended:

YouTube streaming is not supported without installing one of the following package. If you want to add support for YouTube playback, you need to install a streaming library. This step is not needed if you do not plan on using youtube source.

$ npm install --save youtube-ext
# or
$ npm install --save play-dl
# or
$ npm install --save @distube/ytdl-core
# or
$ npm install --save yt-stream
# or
$ npm install --save ytdl-core

Once you have completed these installations, let's proceed with writing a simple music bot.


Let's create a main player instance. This instance handles and keeps track of all the queues and its components.

const { Player } = require('discord-player');

const client = new Discord.Client({
    // Make sure you have 'GuildVoiceStates' intent enabled
    intents: ['GuildVoiceStates' /* Other intents */]

// this is the entrypoint for discord-player based application
const player = new Player(client);

// Now, lets load all the default extractors, except 'YouTubeExtractor'. You can remove the filter if you want to include youtube.
await player.extractors.loadDefault((ext) => ext !== 'YouTubeExtractor');

Discord Player is mostly events based. It emits different events based on the context and actions. Let's add a basic event listener to notify the user when a track starts to play:

// this event is emitted whenever discord-player starts to play a track'playerStart', (queue, track) => {
    // we will later define queue.metadata object while creating the queue`Started playing **${track.cleanTitle}**!`);

Let's move on to the command part. You can define the command as per your requirements. We will only focus on the command part:

const { useMainPlayer } = require('discord-player');

export async function execute(interaction) {
    const player = useMainPlayer();
    const channel =;
    if (!channel) return interaction.reply('You are not connected to a voice channel!'); // make sure we have a voice channel
    const query = interaction.options.getString('query', true); // we need input/query to play

    // let's defer the interaction as things can take time to process
    await interaction.deferReply();

    try {
        const { track } = await, query, {
            nodeOptions: {
                // nodeOptions are the options for guild node (aka your queue in simple word)
                metadata: interaction // we can access this metadata object using queue.metadata later on

        return interaction.followUp(`**${track.cleanTitle}** enqueued!`);
    } catch (e) {
        // let's return error if something failed
        return interaction.followUp(`Something went wrong: ${e}`);

That's all it takes to build your own music bot. Please check out the Documentation for more features/functionalities.

Community Resources

Explore a curated list of resources built by the Discord Player community, including open-source music bots and extractors. Visit for more information.

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