🐘🎯 Hexagonal Architecture, DDD & CQRS in PHP
Example of a PHP application using Domain-Driven Design (DDD) and Command Query Responsibility Segregation
(CQRS) principles keeping the code as simple as possible.
Take a look, play and have fun with this.
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🚀 Environment Setup
🐳 Needed tools
- Install Docker
- Clone this project:
git clone https://github.com/CodelyTV/php-ddd-example php-ddd-example
- Move to the project folder:
cd php-ddd-example
🛠️ Environment configuration
- Create a local environment file (
cp .env .env.local
) if you want to modify any parameter
🔥 Application execution
- Install all the dependencies and bring up the project with Docker executing:
make build
- Then you'll have 3 apps available (2 APIs and 1 Frontend):
✅ Tests execution
- Install the dependencies if you haven't done it previously:
make deps
- Execute PHPUnit and Behat tests:
make test
👩💻 Project explanation
This project tries to be a MOOC (Massive Open Online Course) platform. It's decoupled from any framework, but it has some Symfony and Laravel implementations.
⛱️ Bounded Contexts
- Mooc: Place to look in if you wanna see some code 🙂. Massive Open Online Courses public platform with users, videos, notifications, and so on.
- Backoffice: Here you'll find the use cases needed by the Customer Support department in order to manage users, courses, videos, and so on.
🎯 Hexagonal Architecture
This repository follows the Hexagonal Architecture pattern. Also, it's structured using modules
With this, we can see that the current structure of a Bounded Context is:
$ tree -L 4 src
|-- Mooc // Company subdomain / Bounded Context: Features related to one of the company business lines / products
| `-- Videos // Some Module inside the Mooc context
| |-- Application
| | |-- Create // Inside the application layer all is structured by actions
| | | |-- CreateVideoCommand.php
| | | |-- CreateVideoCommandHandler.php
| | | `-- VideoCreator.php
| | |-- Find
| | |-- Trim
| | `-- Update
| |-- Domain
| | |-- Video.php // The Aggregate of the Module
| | |-- VideoCreatedDomainEvent.php // A Domain Event
| | |-- VideoFinder.php
| | |-- VideoId.php
| | |-- VideoNotFound.php
| | |-- VideoRepository.php // The `Interface` of the repository is inside Domain
| | |-- VideoTitle.php
| | |-- VideoType.php
| | |-- VideoUrl.php
| | `-- Videos.php // A collection of our Aggregate
| `-- Infrastructure // The infrastructure of our module
| |-- DependencyInjection
| `-- Persistence
| `--MySqlVideoRepository.php // An implementation of the repository
`-- Shared // Shared Kernel: Common infrastructure and domain shared between the different Bounded Contexts
|-- Domain
`-- Infrastructure
Repository pattern
Our repositories try to be as simple as possible usually only containing 2 methods search
and save
If we need some query with more filters we use the Specification
pattern also known as Criteria
pattern. So we add a
You can see an example here and its implementation here.
You can see an example of an aggregate here. All aggregates should extend the AggregateRoot.
Command Bus
There is 1 implementations of the command bus.
- Sync using the Symfony Message Bus.
Query Bus
The Query Bus uses the Symfony Message Bus.
Event Bus
The Event Bus uses the Symfony Message Bus. The MySql Bus uses a MySql+Pulling as a bus. The RabbitMQ Bus uses RabbitMQ C extension.
📱 Monitoring
Every time a domain event is published it's exported to Prometheus. You can access to the Prometheus panel here.
🤔 Contributing
There are some things missing (add swagger, improve documentation...), feel free to add this if you want! If you want some guidelines feel free to contact us :)
🤩 Extra
This code was shown in the From framework coupled code to #microservices through #DDD talk and doubts where answered in the DDD y CQRS: Preguntas Frecuentes video.
🎥 Used in the CodelyTV Pro courses:
- 🇪🇸 DDD in PHP
- 🇪🇸 Arquitectura Hexagonal
- 🇪🇸 CQRS: Command Query Responsibility Segregation
- 🇪🇸 Comunicación entre microservicios: Event-Driven Architecture