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Slack Machine是一个功能丰富的Slack bot开发框架。它基于Slack Events API和Socket Mode,提供直观的插件系统,支持快速构建和代码模块化。框架具备多种交互功能,如响应正则表达式、处理斜杠命令和发送线程消息。此外,它还提供持久化存储和事件调度等高级特性,有助于将Slack工作区打造成高效的ChatOps平台。

Slack Machine

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Slack Machine is a simple, yet powerful and extendable Slack bot framework. More than just a bot, Slack Machine is a framework that helps you develop your Slack workspace into a ChatOps powerhouse. Slack Machine is built with an intuitive plugin system that lets you build bots quickly, but also allows for easy code organization. A plugin can look as simple as this:

from machine.plugins.base import MachineBasePlugin
from machine.plugins.message import Message
from machine.plugins.decorators import respond_to

class DeploymentPlugin(MachineBasePlugin):

    @respond_to(r"deploy (?P<application>\w+) to (?P<environment>\w+)")
    async def deploy(self, msg: Message, application, environment):
        """deploy <application> <environment>: deploy application to target environment"""
        await msg.say(f"Deploying {application} to {environment}")

Breaking Changes

Plugin initialization is now async (v0.35.0)

The optional initialization method plugins can implement, which is run once when the plugin is loaded, should be an async method starting the upcoming v0.35.0. The reason for this is that this allows plugins to interact with Slack through the Slack Machine's plugin API - most of which methods are async.

Simply prefix your init() methods with async.

Dropped support for Python 3.7 (v0.34.0)

As of v0.34.0, support for Python 3.7 has been dropped. Python 3.7 has reached end-of-life on 2023-06-27.

AsyncIO (v0.30.0)

As of v0.30.0 Slack Machine dropped support for the old backend based on the RTM API. As such, Slack Machine is now fully based on AsyncIO. This means plugins written before the rewrite to asyncio aren't supported anymore. See here for a migration guide to get your old plugins working with the new version of Slack Machine.

It's really easy!


  • Get started with mininal configuration
  • Built on top of the Slack Events API for smoothly responding to events in semi real-time. Uses Socket Mode so your bot doesn't need to be exposed to the internet!
  • Support for rich interactions using the Slack Web API
  • High-level API for maximum convenience when building plugins
  • Low-level API for maximum flexibility
  • Built on top of AsyncIO to ensure good performance by handling communication with Slack concurrently

Plugin API features:

  • Listen and respond to any regular expression
  • Respond to Slash Commands
  • Capture parts of messages to use as variables in your functions
  • Respond to messages in channels, groups and direct message conversations
  • Respond with reactions
  • Respond in threads
  • Respond with ephemeral messages
  • Send DMs to any user
  • Support for blocks
  • Support for message attachments [Legacy 🏚]
  • Support for interactive elements
  • Listen and respond to any Slack event supported by the Events API
  • Store and retrieve any kind of data in persistent storage (currently Redis, DynamoDB, SQLite and in-memory storage are supported)
  • Schedule actions and messages
  • Emit and listen for events
  • Help texts for Plugins

Coming Soon

  • Support for modals
  • Support for shortcuts
  • ... and much more


You can install Slack Machine using pip:

$ pip install slack-machine

or add it to your Poetry project:

poetry add slack-machine

It is strongly recommended that you install slack-machine inside a virtual environment!


  1. Create a directory for your Slack Machine bot: mkdir my-slack-bot && cd my-slack-bot

  2. Add a file to your bot directory: touch

  3. Create a new app in Slack:

  4. Choose to create an app from an App manifest

  5. Copy/paste the following manifest: manifest.yaml

  6. Add the Slack App and Bot tokens to your like this:

    SLACK_APP_TOKEN = "xapp-my-app-token"
    SLACK_BOT_TOKEN = "xoxb-my-bot-token"
  7. Start the bot with slack-machine

  8. ...

  9. Profit!


You can find the documentation for Slack Machine here:

Go read it to learn how to properly configure Slack Machine, write plugins, and more!

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