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Stream Chat的官方JavaScript SDK为实时聊天应用开发提供了全面支持。该SDK适用于前端和后端开发,兼容Flutter、React和Angular等框架。它具备灵活的类型定制功能,支持频道创建、消息发送和反应等聊天特性。通过简化开发流程,开发者可以高效地构建功能完善的聊天应用。

Official JavaScript SDK for Stream Chat


Official JavaScript API client for Stream Chat, a service for building chat applications.
Explore the docs »

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📝 About Stream

You can sign up for a Stream account at our Get Started page.

This library can be used by both frontend and backend applications. For frontend, we have frameworks that are based on this library such as the Flutter, React and Angular SDKs. For more information, check out our docs.

⚙️ Installation


npm install stream-chat


yarn add stream-chat

JS deliver

<script src=""></script>

✨ Getting started

The StreamChat client is setup to allow extension of the base types through use of generics when instantiated. The default instantiation has all generics set to Record<string, unknown>.

import { StreamChat } from 'stream-chat';
// Or if you are on commonjs
const StreamChat = require('stream-chat').StreamChat;

const client = StreamChat.getInstance('YOUR_API_KEY', 'API_KEY_SECRET');

const channel ='messaging', 'TestChannel');
await channel.create();

Or you can customize the generics:

type ChatChannel = { image: string; category?: string };
type ChatUser1 = { nickname: string; age: number; admin?: boolean };
type ChatUser2 = { nickname: string; avatar?: string };
type UserMessage = { country?: string };
type AdminMessage = { priorityLevel: number };
type ChatAttachment = { originalURL?: string };
type CustomReaction = { size?: number };
type ChatEvent = { quitChannel?: boolean };
type CustomCommands = 'giphy';

type StreamType = {
  attachmentType: ChatAttachment;
  channelType: ChatChannel;
  commandType: CustomCommands;
  eventType: ChatEvent;
  messageType: UserMessage | AdminMessage;
  reactionType: CustomReaction;
  userType: ChatUser1 | ChatUser2;

const client = StreamChat.getInstance<StreamType>('YOUR_API_KEY', 'API_KEY_SECRET');

// Create channel
const channel ='messaging', 'TestChannel');
await channel.create();

// Create user
await client.upsertUser({
  id: 'vishal-1',
  name: 'Vishal',

// Send message
const { message } = await channel.sendMessage({ text: `Test message` });

// Send reaction
await channel.sendReaction(, { type: 'love', user: { id: 'vishal-1' } });

Custom types provided when initializing the client will carry through to all client returns and provide intellisense to queries.

🔗 (Optional) Development Setup in Combination with our SDKs

Connect to Stream Chat React Native SDK

Run in the root of this repo

yarn link

Run in the root of one of the example apps (SampleApp/TypeScriptMessaging) in the stream-chat-react-native repo

yarn link stream-chat
yarn start

Open metro.config.js file and set value for watchFolders as

module.exports = {
  watchFolders: [projectRoot].concat(alternateRoots).concat(['{{CHANGE_TO_THE_PATH_TO_YOUR_PROJECT}}/stream-chat-js'])

Make sure to replace {{CHANGE_TO_THE_PATH_TO_YOUR_PROJECT}} with the correct path for stream-chat-js folder as per your directory structure Run in the root of this repo

yarn start

📚 More code examples

Head over to docs/ for more examples.

✍️ Contributing

We welcome code changes that improve this library or fix a problem, please make sure to follow all best practices and add tests if applicable before submitting a Pull Request on Github. We are very happy to merge your code in the official repository. Make sure to sign our Contributor License Agreement (CLA) first. See our license file for more details.

Head over to for some development tips.

🧑‍💻 We are hiring!

We've recently closed a $38 million Series B funding round and we keep actively growing. Our APIs are used by more than a billion end-users, and you'll have a chance to make a huge impact on the product within a team of the strongest engineers all over the world.

Check out our current openings and apply via Stream's website.

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