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基于OpenAI API蒸馏的开源中文文本嵌入模型

Luotuo-Text-Embedding是一个从OpenAI API蒸馏的开源中文文本嵌入模型。它基于BERT和GLM架构,将文本转化为1536维向量。该模型在文本可视化、相关性测试、模糊搜索和聚类等场景中表现优异。项目提供详细教程和可视化工具。

English | 快速上手 | Embedding应用 | 数据 | 赞助 | 人员 | 引用 | 鲁叔的讨论

Luotuo Embedding 骆驼嵌入:从OpenAI API蒸馏的生成式文本嵌入模型

骆驼嵌入是一个文本嵌入(text embedding)模型,由冷子昂、刘思诣、黄泓森、陈舒年、胡婧、孙骜、陈启源、李鲁鲁等开发


李鲁鲁发起了项目,并完成了初步的验证,提出了KL散度Loss和Hard Negative挖掘。

刘思诣完成了初步训练框架的编写,以及支持了后续模型上传到hugging face的流程。



黄泓森负责爬取了OpenAI Embedding的数据。






  • 如果您觉得这个项目有帮助,请为我们的主要仓库Luotuo(骆驼)点星,非常感谢!

  • 如果您觉得这个页面对您有帮助,恳请您也去我们骆驼的主页点个star,非常感谢!



小型模型Open In ColabBERT 110M带可视化验证
中等模型Open In ColabBERT 352M带可视化验证
小型模型简化版Open In ColabBERT 110M最简代码
中等模型简化版Open In ColabBERT 352M最简代码


所有应用示例都可以在以下Colab链接中体验 Open In Colab






  • 网文新闻数据:我们选取了15篇网文,并且加上了15篇数据集中不覆盖的新闻数据。并且寻找语料中的大段落,进行前后的切分。在网文数据中,为了增加挑战性,我们避免切分前后的数据出现过多重复的词汇。

  • 周杰伦挑战:由于新闻数据前后文中会有一定数量重复的词汇,而网文叙述的连贯性也很强。所以我们想做一个更难的挑战,我们选取了3篇中学课文,2篇网文,5首王菲的歌,以及8首不同内容的周杰伦的歌。并且在这个挑战中,切分后的前文和后文中,我们人工去除了重复的短句(如副歌),并避免重复的词汇。


前半句:沙漠之中怎么会有泥鳅 话说完飞过一只海鸥 大峡谷的风呼啸而过 是谁说没有 有一条热昏头的响尾蛇 无力的躺在干枯的河 在等待雨季来临变沼泽 灰狼啃食着水鹿的骨头 秃鹰盘旋死盯着腐肉 草原上两只敌对野牛 在远方决斗

后半句:在一处被废弃的白蚁丘 站着一只饿昏的老斑鸠 印地安老斑鸠腿短毛不多 几天都没有喝水也能活 脑袋瓜有一点秀逗 猎物死了它比谁都难过 印地安斑鸠 会学人开口 仙人掌怕羞 蜥蝪横着走 这里什么奇怪的事都有 包括像猫的狗



  1. OpenAI论文的假设被基本验证。即一个文本的前段和后段呈现很强的相关性。

  2. 由于我们的模型是在新闻上训练的,当前在新闻的表现上更好。

  3. 对于不同领域的文本,相关性矩阵会呈现分块对角的形式,甚至在不同类型的新闻,不同类型的网文之间,也有这样的特点。

  4. 根据我们的测试,当前的模型在其他领域的文本上,也能体现出良好的相关性。如果进一步补充其他领域的训练文本,可以使得这个特征有更好的不同领域的适应能力。


在周杰伦挑战中,我们对比了我们训练之前的基础模型,沈向洋老师IDEA团队的Tai-102M的BERT,以及我们训练后的Luotuo-BERT的结果,同时我们还展示了Hugging Face默认的BERT-base-Chinese模型的结果。(更大BERT的结果将在周一放出)



  1. Compared to online news tests, lyric tests are much more challenging. Even for humans observing the context, it's difficult to see obvious correlations.

  2. Some songs by the same artist or with similar themes may show segmented correlations.

  3. We also compared our results with OpenAI's. Through distillation learning, our LuotuoBERT can now achieve competitive results with OpenAI's API. Therefore, we are considering further strengthening the diagonal prior in the KL divergence loss, rather than simply targeting OpenAI's structure as the target probability.

More comparative results will be published in our upcoming report.

Fuzzy Question Search

In our preliminary tests, LuotuoBERT has already demonstrated strong capabilities in fuzzy text search.

Of course, a more serious fuzzy search should further establish the correlation mapping from query features to answer text, and appropriately consider traditional keyword techniques.

Text Clustering

When category labels are not provided, our visualization tool automatically clusters the text.

This is a demonstration of clustering on news data.

Few-shot Classification Learning

  • TODO

Example Code

Training Methods

During training, we used three loss components. The first is the MSE loss on OpenAI's features (I actually think L1 might be better); the second is the CSE loss, which calculates the similarity matrix for text pairs, then computes cross-entropy horizontally and vertically with the diagonal as ground truth labels; the third is the KL divergence loss, which calculates the KL divergence row-wise and column-wise between the correlation matrix P obtained from OpenAI and the current correlation matrix Q from the model.

For specific details, please refer to our report that we are currently writing. Once some quantitative experiments are completed, we will first post a Chinese version on arXiv for easier citation of our work. After adding more quantitative experiments, I will translate it into English.

BERT Model

For the BERT model, we added a fully connected layer to increase BERT's features to 1536 dimensions. We started with the Chinese CLIP model released by Dr. Shen Xiangyang's IDEA and trained for a total of 5 epochs on all data. We released the 102M small model over the weekend, and the 352M model should be released on Monday or Tuesday.

GLM Model

For the GLM model, for a sentence input, we obtain the hidden vector of each input token in GLM's last layer after tokenization, then pass this vector through a fully connected layer and input it into a BERT.

These details can be found in our report that we are currently writing.


In training the Luotuo embeddings, we used 234.5K CNewSum data. After cleaning the news data, splitting it, and calling OpenAI's text-embedding-ada-002 model, we obtained 1536-dimensional data for all text pairs.

We plan to release this dataset and are currently studying the data protocols of CNewSum and OpenAI. We are preparing to apply for sharing the spreadsheets and websites for this dataset, and will release it afterward.

Additionally, applying models trained on news data to other domains (such as Xianxia web novels) may have some limitations. It's best to further incorporate corresponding domain data for additional distillation training. If you have specific needs in this area and are willing to cover the costs of data and computing power, you can contact our team. (It would be even better if you're willing to make the training results with partial additional domain data public to the community)

Sponsorship of the Luotuo Project

In addition to using remote servers purchased with community-donated funds for training Luotuo embeddings,

We also used two weeks of A100 computing power donated by Soochow Securities. We express our gratitude for this!

If you are interested in sponsoring the Luotuo project, please click on the main project or view the sponsorship form

If you are interested in sponsoring the Luotuo Project, please click on the major project or view the sponsorship form.

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For more detailed information about the personnel involved in the entire Luotuo project, please check the Luotuo project homepage

Each author is a first author, and the order is random. Li Lulu initiated the project, completed initial validation, and proposed KL divergence Loss and Hard Negative mining.

Liu Siyi completed the initial training framework and supported the subsequent model upload to the Hugging Face pipeline.

Leng Ziang completed the full training of large and small models, including data loading and loss function implementation.

Chen Qiyuan prepared the CNewSum data and performed sentence segmentation.

Huang Hongsen was responsible for crawling OpenAI Embedding data.

Chen Shunian completed several important visualizations.

Sun Ao (will) use our obtained Embeddings to complete CoT enhancement experiments.

Hu Jing collected Jay Chou's lyrics and (will) complete more quantitative experiments.

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If you use our model, code, or data in your project, please cite the first article below.

Please cite the repo if you use the data or code in this repo.

  author={Siyi Liu, Ziang Leng, Hongsen Huang, Shunian Chen, Jing Hu, Ao sun, Qiyuan Chen, Cheng Li},
  title = {Luotuo Embedding: Generative Text Embedding Model distilled from OpenAI API},
  year = {2023},
  publisher = {GitHub},
  journal = {GitHub repository},
  howpublished = {\url{}},
  author={Ziang Leng, Qiyuan Chen and Cheng Li},
  title = {Luotuo: An Instruction-following Chinese Language model, LoRA tuning on LLaMA},
  year = {2023},
  publisher = {GitHub},
  journal = {GitHub repository},
  howpublished = {\url{}},

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Uncle Lu's Discussion

  • Embedding is a more academic approach. The public has discussed a lot about the language generation results of generative models, but there's relatively little discussion about Embedding.

  • However, many applications, such as BingGPT or ChatPDF, actually need Embedding models when constructing. So it's necessary to build one.

  • I estimate that this work might not receive a lot of attention, but it's indeed a very important work for the entire community, so it's worth doing. Therefore, we've invested a lot of manpower and resources into doing this Embedding work, and I'd like to express my gratitude to them here. If you think this project is indeed meaningful or has truly helped you, you can go to our Luotuo main project to give it a star.

  • However, the lyrics visualization is quite interesting. Since many of the team members are born after 1995 and 2000 (should I say everyone except me?), they complained that the songs I chose were too old, older than them. This lyrics visualization is very interesting, and I want to make a gradio later that supports uploading 20 lines of lyrics and automatically calculates and generates a graph.

  • I wasn't very satisfied with the previous NLP work visualization tools, so we rewrote them all here. The visualization was mainly implemented by Chen Shunian.

  • I've said that the Luotuo project is our assignment project, aiming to revisit various NLP tasks using new large language models. So I don't want to struggle too much time on decoder fine-tuning alone, but rather want to do various tasks.

  • If you find that this embedding doesn't work very well in your application area, but the OpenAI API does, it means we need to increase data to cover your domain. Please contact us promptly. We ultimately hope that Luotuo-BERT is a good Text Embedding that everyone can use, without having to spend effort retraining themselves.

  • For QA, theoretically, we should make a conversion function between query and answer, but I estimate a linear function should be enough here.

  • Because the community attention to this work may not be high, we might as well write an arxiv paper after completing the tests later, which would be the first arxiv paper for the entire big project.

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  • Build project page
  • Release small model test code
  • Release small model colab test code
  • Update link on Luotuo main page after colab code release
  • Replace correlation test, change data to web text-news data
  • Fuzzy search
  • Draw a model structure diagram
  • (optional) Prepare an easier-to-use lyrics analysis script
  • (optional) Release medium model

To be completed before Tuesday

  • Release large model test code
  • Downstream application - Search small model
  • Downstream application - Clustering small model
  • Downstream application - Classification small model
  • Downstream application - Search large model
  • Downstream application - Clustering large model
  • Downstream application - Classification large model
  • Translate page to English
  • Release data
  • Expand domain data, train a better small model
  • Expand domain data, train a better large model
  • Write arxiv supplementary experiments
  • Clean and release training code

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See our in-writing report here

Project Cover


豆包 MarsCode 是一款革命性的编程助手,通过AI技术提供代码补全、单测生成、代码解释和智能问答等功能,支持100+编程语言,与主流编辑器无缝集成,显著提升开发效率和代码质量。

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Suno AI是一个革命性的AI音乐创作平台,能在短短30秒内帮助用户创作出一首完整的歌曲。无论是寻找创作灵感还是需要快速制作音乐,Suno AI都是音乐爱好者和专业人士的理想选择。

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Kimi AI助手提供多语言对话支持,能够阅读和理解用户上传的文件内容,解析网页信息,并结合搜索结果为用户提供详尽的答案。无论是日常咨询还是专业问题,Kimi都能以友好、专业的方式提供帮助。

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