A collection of sketch based applications.
Feel free to create a PR or an issue.
- 0. Survey
- 1. Sketch Based Image Synthesis
- 2. Sketch Based Image Editing
- 3. Sketch Based Image Retrieval (SBIR)
- 4. Sketch Based 3D Shape Retrieval
- 5. Sketch Based 3D Shape Modeling
- 6. Sketch Based Garment Design
- 7. Sketch Completion
- 8. Sketch Restoration, Retargeting and Inpainting
- 9. Sketch and Shading
- 10. Sketch Enhancement / Beautification
- 11. Sketch-Guided Object Localization
- 12. Sketch-Guided Video Synthesis
- 13. Sketch Recognition
- 14. Sketch Segmentation and Perceptual Grouping
- 15. Sketch Representation Learning
- 16. Sketch and Visual Correspondence
- 17. Sketch Animation/Inbetweening
- 18. Sketch and AR/VR
- 19. Sketch Based Incremental Learning
- 20. Sketch Quality Measurement
- 21. Cloud Augmentation with Sketches
- 22. Sketch and Re-identification
- 23. Sketch-based Salient Object Detection
- 24. Study on Strokes
0. Survey
Paper | Source | Code/Project Link |
Deep Learning for Free-Hand Sketch: A Survey | TPAMI 2022 | [code] |
1. Sketch Based Image Synthesis
1.1 Automatic Synthesis
- Natural Image or Object
- Human Face / Portrait / Body
- 3D image
Paper | Source | Code/Project Link |
3D-aware Conditional Image Synthesis | CVPR 2023 | [project] [code] |
1.2 Style-conditioned
1.3 Text-conditioned
2. Sketch Based Image Editing
- Arbitrary Image
- Human Face / Portrait / Hair