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Yomitan Dictionaries

A comprehensive collection of Japanese and Chinese dictionaries for Yomitan (formerly Yomichan), including terms, kanji/hanzi info, frequency, and variants with both monolingual and bilingual dictionaries available.

This repository contains dictionaries for Yomitan, a Japanese dictionary browser extension for Chrome, Firefox, and Edge. The repository was originally created to host the dictionaries I created, but I have since adapted this repository to serve as a hub for other dictionaries as well. If you have a dictionary you would like to share, please open an issue or pull request.

Please check here for information on what dictionaries to install.

My related dictionary resources:

Table of Contents

Dictionary Collection

Dictionaries Folder Download


Here is a folder containing all the Japanese, Mandarin, and Cantonese dictionaries that I personally use and would recommend. I usually keep up to date with the latest versions of the dictionaries, and the folder is configured to automatically download and import the regularly updating dictionaries such as Jitendex, JMnedict, and KANJIDIC. If there is a dictionary in the folder that is outdated, please let me know!


  • But scrolling to the next entry takes too long!
  • Here are some shortcuts that may or may not help you with this:
    • alt + scroll down
    • alt + pagedown
    • alt + down arrow

[!IMPORTANT] The collection is not complete as there are some dictionaries I feel are outdated or unnecessary or have simply chosen not to install. For these as well as older and alternate versions of dictionaries, I recommend checking out Shoui's Dictionary Collection.

What Dictionaries Should I Install?

If you're a beginner, I would say the bare minimum to install from the dictionary collection is:

  • Bilingual:
    • [JA-EN] jitendex-yomichan
    • [JA-EN] NEW 斎藤和英大辞典
    • [JA-EN] 新和英
  • Grammar:
    • [JA Grammar] dojg-consolidated-v1_01
  • Frequency:
    • [JA Freq] JPDB_2022-05-10T03_27_02.930Z
    • [JA Freq] Freq_CC100
    • [JA Freq] BCCWJ-LUW
  • Monolingual but still useful for coverage to a beginner! If a word shows up in one of these dictionaries but not an English one, you can just web search/translate to find out more information.
    • [JA-JA] 実用日本語表現辞典
    • [JA-JA] デジタル大辞泉
    • [JA-JA Encyclopedia] Pixiv
  • Kanji information
    • [Kanji] KANJIDIC_english
    • [Kanji] JPDB Kanji
  • Pitch accent
    • [Pitch] 大辞泉

If you're a bit more familiar with the language, I highly recommend following Kuri's Yomichan Setup which goes in depth with the technical setup process and recommends you install around thirty dictionaries, with a lot of thought having been put into the selections.

My personal recommendation is to install everything. With every dictionary installed, you know that any (actual) word you come across will almost certainly be in your Yomitan installation, and that you will have a good selection of definitions for almost any word. Most dictionaries on their own do not that high of a breadth of coverage so having less dictionaries installed means you may run into confusion when you fail to look up a word. Some of the dictionaries cover quite different subject areas as well - hover a cultural reference and you will be more likely to find it in the Pixiv dictionary than any other.

Dictionaries Sort Script

If you install a lot of dictionaries and/or sync your dictionary collection across multiple devices, it can be quite the ordeal to change the sort order with the way Yomitan's UI is set up. I have written a script that will automatically sort your dictionaries for you. You can find it here: Yomitan Dictionaries Sort Script for Yomitan.

To use it, simply copy the script, open the Yomitan options page, open the console, paste the script, and press enter. It will automatically sort your dictionaries for you.

By default, the sort order used is the one that I use and it supports all the dictionaries in the folder. If you want to use a different sort order, you can edit the script to change the order variable at the top.


For an easy download of the dictionaries I use, check out this folder.

Do check out yomichan-dict-css for CSS that colors some term dictionaries to make them more immediately distinguishable.



JP-EN Term Dictionaries



Jitendex is a free and openly licensed Japanese-to-English dictionary built upon data from JMdict and other projects. It is the successor to JMdict for Yomichan.



The most extensive JP-EN dictionary using data from the EDRDG Project created by Jim Breen. It is recommended you use Jitendex unless you need a legacy version of the dictionary for technical reasons.



A dictionary of Japanese proper names. The linked version is advantageous over the one linked on the Yomichan homepage as it clutters the search page much less when searching, so it's highly recommended.

Shoui Bilingual Dictionaries Collection


There are various bilingual dictionaries in Shoui's bilingual folder. Check the readme in the folder for further information.

  • 新和英 (Recommended)
    • Same as the 研究社 新和英大辞典 第5版 with better deconjugation but lacking some additional sentences.
  • 研究社 新和英大辞典 第5版

New Saitou Japanese-English Dictionary

Find [JA-EN] NEW 斎藤和英大辞典 in the dictionary collection.

A bilingual dictionary by an anon, with lots of example sentences. You may want to limit the amount of example sentences to avoid cluttering the search page by using the following CSS, where the number 5 can be changed:

[data-dictionary='NEW斎藤和英大辞典'] ul.gloss-sc-ul > li:nth-child(n + 5) {
  display: none;

Babylon Japanese-English

peldas' Yomitan Dictionaries


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Find [JA-EN Onomatopoeia] Onomatoproject in the dictionary collection.

Onomatopoeia converted by Malte from


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Japanese Monolingual Dictionaries

Shoui Monolingual Dictionaries Collection


There are various monolingual dictionaries in Shoui's monolingual folder, authored by various people. Check the readme in the folder for further information, and check the explanation on on how to use them. Currently contains:

  • 広辞苑 第七版
  • 三省堂国語辞典 第七版 (Recommended)
  • 実用日本語表現辞典 (Recommended)
  • 新明解国語辞典 第七版 (Recommended)
  • 明鏡国語辞典 第二版 (Recommended)
  • 旺文社国語辞典 第十一版 (Recommended)
    • Converted by irhello and shoui.
  • Weblio 古語辞典
    • Scraped/converted by 昔男/mk68.
  • 精選版 日本国語大辞典
  • 明鏡国語辞典
  • 旺文社国語辞典 第十一版 画像無し
  • 新明解国語辞典 第五版
  • 故事ことわざの辞典
    • Converted by Thermosphere with Yomichan Import
  • 広辞苑 第六版
  • 岩波国語辞典 第六版
  • 大辞林 第三版
  • ハイブリッド新辞林 v2
  • デジタル大辞泉
    • Converted by ッツ.
  • 新明解四字熟語辞典
    • Converted by ッツ.
  • 学研 四字熟語辞典
    • Converted by ッツ.
  • 日本語俗語辞書
    • Scraped/converted by Kartoffel.
  • 漢字源

Salwynn's dictionaries

Dictionaries converted by Salwynn.

例解学習国語辞典 第十一版 Reikai Gakushuu Kokugo Jiten

Find [JA-JA] 例解学習国語辞典 第十一版 [2024-04-30] in the dictionary collection.

Converted by @SalwynnJP with data provided by Ludia.

Salwynn's notes/images

Improved entries (around ~30k duplicates) by comparing readings with other dicts (漢字遣い参考 / 明鏡国語辞典 第二版 etc...)

Ex : [売り出し] initial term // [売出し] - [売出] duplicates

Ex : 連らく initial term // [連絡] duplicate

Ex : とうきょうと initial term (only kana) // [東京都] duplicate

56k entries + some 使い分け section (up your Text scan length in yomitan's settings to scan these)

Includes 例文 / 熟語 / 成句 for most defs

Thoughts : For testing it several weeks, I think this dict deserves his first place, above 三省堂 国語辞典 第八版

Notes : This dict needs to get conjugation for yomitan. If there are other issues about this dict, let me know.

From Discord

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きっずジャポニカ 新版

Kids' Japonica converted by Salwynn.




Includes images, data from

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