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智能化Plex TV剧集语言管理工具

Plex-Auto-Languages是一款智能化Plex TV剧集语言管理工具。它可自动根据用户当前语言更新剧集音频和字幕,无需逐集手动调整。支持多用户独立设置、按季或单集更新、定时任务和通知功能。兼容Docker和Python环境,安装简便,为用户提供流畅的多语言观影体验。

Plex Auto Languages

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This application lets you have a Netflix-like experience by auto-updating the language of your Plex TV Show episodes based on the current language you are using without messing with your existing language preferences.

You want to watch Squid Game in korean with english subtitles ?
Set the language for the first episode and don't think about it for the rest of the show. :heavy_check_mark:

You want to watch The Mandalorian in english but still want to watch Game of Thrones in french ?
Don't worry, the language is set per TV Show and it won't interfere. :heavy_check_mark:

You have multiple managed and shared users with various preferences ?
The proper tracks will be selected automatically and independently for all your users. :heavy_check_mark:

Getting Started

The application requires a Plex Token, if you don't know how to find yours, please see the official guide.

The recommended way of running this application is by using Docker. A Docker image is available on Docker Hub and installation instructions are detailed below.

PlexAutoLanguages can also be run natively with Python, see the detailed instructions.

Docker installation

Docker compose minimal configuration

Here is a minimal example of a docker-compose configuration:

version: "3"
    image: remirigal/plex-auto-languages:latest
      - PLEX_URL=http://plex:32400
      - TZ=Europe/Paris
      - ./config:/config

Docker compose advanced configuration

Here is an example of a docker-compose configuration that uses a YAML configuration file config.yaml inside a config directory, see Configuration for more information:

version: "3"
    image: remirigal/plex-auto-languages:latest
    container_name: PlexAutoLanguages
      - TZ=Europe/Paris
      # make sure you have a file named 'config.yaml' in the 'config' dir
      - ./config:/config
    restart: unless-stopped

Python installation

This application requires Python 3 and has only been tested with Python 3.8 and higher.

Start by cloning the repository:

git clone

Install the required dependencies:

cd Plex-Auto-Languages
python3 -m pip install -r requirements.txt

Create a YAML configuration file (config.yaml for example) based on the template showed in the configuration section below. Note that only the parameters plex.url and plex.token are required.

You can now start PlexAutoLanguages (don't forget to change the name of the configuration file if yours is different):

python3 -c ./config.yaml


The application can be configured either with environment variables or with a YAML file mounted at /config/config.yaml. Every parameter listed in this section can be overriden with the corresponding environment variables (eg. the environment variable PLEX_URL will override the parameter plex.url, NOTIFICATIONS_ENABLE will override the parameter notifications.enable etc...).

The Plex Token can also be provided as a Docker secret, the filepath of the secret must then be specified in the environment variable PLEX_TOKEN_FILE which defaults to /run/secrets/plex_token.

Here is an example of a complete configuration file:

  # Update language for the entire show or only for the current season
  # Accepted values:
  #   - show (default)
  #   - season
  update_level: "show"

  # Update all episodes of the show/season or only the next ones
  # Accepted values:
  #   - all (default)
  #   - next
  update_strategy: "all"

  # Whether or not playing a file should trigger a language update, defaults to 'true'
  trigger_on_play: true

  # Whether or not scanning the library for new files should trigger a language update, defaults to 'true'
  # A newly added episode will be updated based on the most recently watched episode, or the first episode of the show if it has never been watched
  trigger_on_scan: true

  # Whether or not navigating the Plex library should trigger a language update, defaults to 'false'
  # Only the Plex web client and the Plex for Windows app support this feature
  # Set this to 'true' only if you want to perform changes whenever the default track of an episode is updated, even when the episode is not played.
  # Setting this parameter to 'true' can result in higher resource usage.
  trigger_on_activity: false

  # Whether or not to refresh the cached library whenever the Plex server scans its own library, defaults to 'true'
  # Disabling this parameter will prevent PlexAutoLanguages from detecting updated files for an already existing episode
  # It is recommended to disable this parameter if you have a large TV Show library (10k+ episodes)
  refresh_library_on_scan: true

  # PlexAutoLanguages will ignore shows with any of the following Plex labels

  # Plex configuration
    # A valid Plex URL (required)
    url: "http://plex:32400"
    # A valid Plex Token (required)
    token: "MY_PLEX_TOKEN"

    # Whether of not to enable the scheduler, defaults to 'true'
    # The scheduler will perform a deeper analysis of all recently played TV Shows
    enable: true
    # The time at which the scheduler start its task with the format 'HH:MM', defaults to '02:00'
    schedule_time: "04:30"

    # Whether or not to enable the notifications through Apprise, defaults to 'false'
    # A notification is sent whenever a language change is performed
    enable: true
    # An array of Apprise configurations, see Apprise docs for more information:
    # The array 'users' can be specified in order to link notification URLs with specific users
    #   Defaults to all users if not present
    # The array 'events' can be specified in order to get notifications only for specific events
    #   Valid event values: "play_or_activity" "new_episode" "updated_episode" "scheduler"
    #   Defaults to all events if not present
      # This URL will be notified of all changes during all events
      - "discord://webhook_id/webhook_token"
      # These URLs will only be notified of language change for users "MyUser1" and "MyUser2"
      - urls:
          - "gotify://hostname/token"
          - "pover://user@token"
          - "MyUser1"
          - "MyUser2"
      # This URL will only be notified of language change for user "MyUser3" during play or activity events
      - urls:
          - "tgram://bottoken/ChatID"
          - "MyUser3"
          - "play_or_activity"
      # This URL will be notified of language change during scheduler tasks only
      - urls:
          - "gotify://hostname/token"
          - "scheduler"
      - "..."

  # Whether or not to enable the debug mode, defaults to 'false'
  # Enabling debug mode will significantly increase the number of output logs
  debug: false


This application is licensed under the MIT License.

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