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Luigi是开源微前端框架,用于构建分布式管理界面。该框架通过postMessage API实现核心应用与微前端间的安全通信,提供路由、导航、授权等配置。Luigi包含Core和Client库,跨平台兼容,无特殊要求。丰富的示例和文档便于开发者使用。

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Luigi is a micro frontend JavaScript framework that enables you to create an administrative user interface driven by local and distributed views. Luigi allows a web application to communicate with the micro frontends which the application contains. To make sure the communication runs smoothly, you can easily configure the settings such as routing, navigation, authorization, and user experience elements.

Luigi consists of Luigi Core application and Luigi Client libraries. They establish secure communication between the core application and the micro frontend using postMessage API.

Read the Getting started guide to learn more about micro frontends and the structure of Luigi.


Luigi can run on any operating system and there are no specific requirements for installing it.

Download and installation

Follow the instructions in this document to install Luigi Core. Read this document to install the Luigi Client.



View the application examples to explore Luigi's features.

Go to the Luigi Fiddle site to see Luigi in action and configure a sample application.


For details, see Luigi documentation.


Development guidelines for micro frontend developers

For security reasons, follow these guidelines when developing a micro frontend:

  • Make the micro frontend accessible only through HTTPS.
  • Add Content Security Policies (CSPs).
  • Make the Access-Control-Allow-Origin HTTP header as restrictive as possible.
  • Maintain an allowlist with trusted domains and compare it with the origin of the Luigi Core application. The origin will be passed when you call the init listener in your micro frontend. Stop further processing if the origin does not match.

NOTE: Luigi follows these sandbox rules for iframes.

Code formatting for contributors

All projects in the repository use Prettier to format source code. Run the npm install command in the root folder to install it along with husky, the Git hooks manager. Both tools ensure proper codebase formatting before committing it.

Unit tests

To ensure that existing features still work as expected after your changes, run unit tests using the npm run test command in the core folder.

E2E tests

To ensure that existing features still work as expected after your changes, you need to run UI tests from the Angular example application. Before running the tests, you need to start our two test applications:

Once the applications are ready:

  • Run npm run e2e:open in the test/e2e-test-application folder to start tests in the interactive mode.
  • Run npm run e2e:run in the test/e2e-test-application folder to start tests in the headless browser.

Backward compatibility tests

Use these tests to ensure that applications written for previous versions of Luigi still work after Luigi gets updated with npm. Before running the tests, bundle Luigi by running npm run bundle in the main repository folder.

Install jq using the brew install jq command. It is required for the script to work, however, you can omit it if the command you are using to run your tests is tagged latest.

  • Run npm run test:compatibility in the main repository folder to start regression testing. The system will prompt you to select the previous version.
  • Run npm run test:compatibility -- --tag latest in the main repository folder to start regression testing with the last version preselected.
  • On the CI, run npm run test:compatibility -- --install --tag latest in the main repository folder to install dependencies, bundle Luigi and run the tests with the last version preselected.

How to obtain support

If you have further questions about Luigi, you can check the GitHub Discussions page or contact us on our Slack channel. If you find a specific problem or bug, you can also open a GitHub issue on our repository. Please describe the problem and the steps to reproduce it in your issue.


Please refer to the file in this repository for instructions on how to contribute to Luigi.


Please see our LICENSE for copyright and license information. Detailed information including third-party components and their licensing/copyright information is available via the REUSE tool.

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