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基于 aiogram 的 Telegram 机器人交互式界面开发框架

aiogram_dialog 是一个专为 Telegram 机器人设计的交互式界面开发框架。它支持富文本渲染、自动消息更新、多对话栈和内联键盘小部件等功能。该框架采用类似 GUI 应用程序的设计理念,实现了数据检索、渲染和操作处理的分离,并提供可重用的小部件和独立的上下文管理。适用于 aiogram v3.x 版本,aiogram_dialog 为开发者提供了一种以用户体验为中心的机器人开发方法。

Aiogram Dialog

PyPI version Doc downloads license license

Version status:

  • v2.x - actual release, supports aiogram v3.x
  • v1.x - old release, supports aiogram v2.x, critical fix only


aiogram-dialog is a framework for developing interactive messages and menus in your telegram bot like a normal GUI application.

It is inspired by ideas of Android SDK and other tools.

Main ideas are:

  • split data retrieving, rendering and action processing - you need nothing to do for showing same content after some actions, also you can show same data in multiple ways.
  • reusable widgets - you can create calendar or multiselect at any point of your application without copy-pasting its internal logic
  • limited scope of context - any dialog keeps some data until closed, multiple opened dialogs process their data separately

Designing you bot with aiogram-dialog you think about user, what he sees and what he does. Then you split this vision into reusable parts and design your bot combining dialogs, widows and widgets. By this moment you can review interface and add your core logic.

Many components are ready for use, but you can extend and add your own widgets and even core features.

For more details see documentation and examples

Supported features:

  • Rich text rendering using format function or Jinja2 template engine.
  • Automatic message updating after user actions
  • Multiple independent dialog stacks with own data storage and transitions
  • Inline keyboard widgets like SwitchTo, Start, Cancel for state switching, Calendar for date selection and others.
  • Stateful widgets: Checkbox, Multiselect, Counter, TextInput. They record user actions and allow you to retrieve this data later.
  • Multiple buttons layouts including simple grouping (Group, Column), page scrolling (ScrollingGroup), repeating of same buttons for list of data (ListGroup).
  • Sending media (like photo or video) with fileid caching and handling switching to/from message with no media.
  • Different rules of transitions between windows/dialogs like keeping only one dialog on top of stack or force sending enw message instead of updating one.
  • Offline HTML-preview for messages and transitions diagram. They can be used to check all states without emulating real use cases or exported for demonstration purposes.


Example below is suitable for aiogram_dialog v2.x and aiogram v3.x

Declaring Window

Each window consists of:

  • Text widgets. Render text of message.
  • Keyboard widgets. Render inline keyboard
  • Media widget. Renders media if need
  • Message handler. Called when user sends a message when window is shown
  • Data getter functions (getter=). They load data from any source which can be used in text/keyboard
  • State. Used when switching between windows

Info: always create State inside StatesGroup

from aiogram.fsm.state import StatesGroup, State
from aiogram_dialog.widgets.text import Format, Const
from aiogram_dialog.widgets.kbd import Button
from aiogram_dialog import Window

class MySG(StatesGroup):
    main = State()

async def get_data(**kwargs):
    return {"name": "world"}

    Format("Hello, {name}!"),
    Button(Const("Empty button"), id="nothing"),

Declaring dialog

Window itself can do nothing, just prepares message. To use it you need dialog:

from aiogram.fsm.state import StatesGroup, State
from aiogram_dialog import Dialog, Window

class MySG(StatesGroup):
    first = State()
    second = State()

dialog = Dialog(
    Window(..., state=MySG.first),
    Window(..., state=MySG.second),

Info: All windows in a dialog MUST have states from then same StatesGroup

After creating a dialog you need to register it into the Dispatcher and set it up using the setup_dialogs function:

from aiogram import Dispatcher
from aiogram_dialog import setup_dialogs

dp = Dispatcher(storage=storage)  # create as usual

Then start dialog when you are ready to use it. Dialog is started via start method of DialogManager instance. You should provide corresponding state to switch into (usually it is state of first window in dialog).

For example in /start command handler:

async def user_start(message: Message, dialog_manager: DialogManager):
    await dialog_manager.start(MySG.first, mode=StartMode.RESET_STACK)

dp.message.register(user_start, CommandStart())

Info: Always set mode=StartMode.RESET_STACK in your top level start command. Otherwise, dialogs are stacked just as they do on your mobile phone, so you can reach stackoverflow error

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