A collection of awesome API Security tools and resources.
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The awesome-api-security (aka awesome-apisec) repository is collection of awesome API Security tools and resources.
The focus goes to open-source tools and resources that benefit all the community.
Please read the contributions section before opening a pull request.
API Keys: Find and validate
Name | Description |
API Guesser | Simple website to guess API Key / OAuth Token by Muhammad Daffa |
API Key Leaks: Tools and exploits | An API key is a unique identifier that is used to authenticate requests associated with your project. Some developers might hardcode them or leave it on public shares. |
Key-Checker | Go scripts for checking API key / access token validity. |
Keyhacks | Keyhacks is a repository which shows quick ways in which API keys leaked by a bug bounty program can be checked to see if they're valid. |
Private key usage verification | Driftwood is a tool that can enable you to lookup whether a private key is used for things like TLS or as a GitHub SSH key for a user. |
Mantra | A tool used to hunt down API key leaks in JS files and pages |
Author | Publisher | Name | Description |
Colin Domoney | Packt Publishing | Defending APIs | Focused on helping developers produce secure APIs |
Confidence Staveley | Packt Publishing | API Security for White Hat Hackers | Uncover offensive defense strategies and get up to speed with secure API implementation |
Corey Ball | No Starch Press | Hacking APIs | Breaking Web Application Programming Interfaces. |
Dolev Farhi and Nick Aleks | No Starch Press | Black Hat GraphQL | Black Hat GraphQL. |
Emily Freeman | Data Theorem Special Edition | API Security for dummies | This book is a high-level introduction to the key concepts of API security and DevSecOps. |
Justing Richer and Antonio Sanso | Manning | Understanding API Security | Several chapters from several Manning books that give you some context for how API security works in the real world. |
Neil Madden | Manning | API Security in Action | API Security in Action teaches you how to create secure APIs for any situation. |
Name | Description |
GraphQL Cheat Sheet | GraphQL - OWASP Cheat Sheet Series |
JSON Web Token Security Cheat Sheet | PentesterLab - JSON Web Token Security Cheat Sheet |
Injection Prevention Cheat Sheet | Injection - OWASP Cheat Sheet Series |
Microservices Security Cheat Sheet | Microservices - OWASP Security Cheat Sheet |
OWASP API Security Top 10 | 42Crunch - OWASP API Security Top 10 |
REST Assessment Cheat Sheet | REST Assessment - OWASP Cheat Sheet Series |
REST Security Cheat Sheet | REST Security - OWASP Cheat Sheet Series |
Author | Name | Description |
HolyBugx | another API Security checklist | HolyTips: API security checklist |
APIOps Cycles | API audit checklist | API Audit checklist. |
Shieldfy | API-Security-Checklist | Checklist of the most important security countermeasures when designing, testing, and releasing your API. |
API Mike, @api_sec | API penetration testing checklist | Common steps to include in any API penetration testing process. |
Latish Danawale | API Testing Checklist | API Testing Checklist. |
Inon Shkedy | 31 days of API Security Tips | This challenge is Inon Shkedy's 31 days API Security Tips. |
Binary Brotherhood | OAuth2: Security checklist | OAuth 2.0 Threat Model Pentesting Checklist |
Apollo | GraphQL API — GraphQL Security Checklist | 9 Ways To Secure your GraphQL API — GraphQL Security Checklist |
LeapGraph | GraphQL API - The Complete Vulnerability Checklist | How to Secure a GraphQL API - The Complete Vulnerability Checklist |
Lokesh Gupta | REST API Security Essentials | REST API Tutorial blog entry. |
Name | Description |
APIsecure | The world's first conference dedicated to API threat management; bringing together breakers, defenders, and solutions in API security. |
Deliberately vulnerable APIs
Name | Author | Description |
APISandbox | APISecurity Community | Pre-Built Vulnerable Multiple API Scenarios Environments Based on Docker-Compose. |
Bookstore | sidchn | TryHackMe room - A Beginner level box with basic web enumeration and REST API Fuzzing. |
crAPI | OWASP | completely ridiculous API (crAPI) |
Damn Vulnerable GraphQL Application | dolevf | Damn Vulnerable GraphQL Application is intentionally vulnerable implementation of Facebook's GraphQL technology to learn and practice GraphQL Security. |
Damn Vulnerable Micro Services | ne0z | This is a vulnerable microservice written in many languages to demonstrating OWASP API Top Security Risk (under development). |
Damn Vulnerable RESTaurant API Game | theowni | Damn Vulnerable Restaurant is an intentionally vulnerable Web API game for learning and training purposes dedicated to developers, ethical hackers and security engineers. |
Damn Vulnerable Web Services | snoopysecurity | Damn Vulnerable Web Services is a vulnerable web service/API/application that we can use to learn webservices/API vulnerabilities. |
Generic-University | InsiderPhD | Vulnerable API with Laravel App |
node-api-goat | layro01 | A simple Express.JS REST API application that exposes endpoints with code that contains vulnerabilities. |
Pixi | DevSlop | The Pixi module is a MEAN Stack web app with wildly insecure APIs! |
poc-graphql | righettod | Research on GraphQL from an AppSec point of view. |
REST API Goat | optiv | This is a "Goat" project so you can get familiar with REST API testing. |
VAmPI | erev0s | Vulnerable REST API with OWASP top 10 vulnerabilities for APIs |
vAPI | roottusk | vAPI is Vulnerable Adversely Programmed Interface which is Self-Hostable API that mimics OWASP API Top 10 scenarios through Exercises. |
vulnapi | tkisason | Intentionaly very vulnerable API with bonus bad coding practices. |
vulnerable-graphql-api | CarveSystems | A very vulnerable implementation of a GraphQL API. |
Websheep | marmicode | Websheep is an app based on a willingly vulnerable ReSTful APIs. |
VulnerableApp4APISecurity | Erdemstar | This repository was developed using .NET 7.0 API technology based on findings listed in the OWASP 2019 API Security Top 10. |
Design, Architecture, Development
Name | Description |
The API Specification Toolbox | This Toolbox goal is to try and map out all of the different API specifications in use, as well as the services, tooling, extensions, and other supporting elements. |
Understanding gRPC, OpenAPI and REST | gRPC vs REST: Understanding gRPC, OpenAPI and REST and when to use them in API design |
API security design best practices | API security design best practices for enterprise and public cloud. |
REST API Design Guide | This design guide or style guide contains best practices suitable for most REST APIs. |
How to design a REST API | How to design a REST API? - Full guide tackling security, pagination, filtering, versioning, partial answers, CORS, etc. |
Awesome REST | A collaborative list of great resources about RESTful API architecture, development, test, and performance. Feel free to contribute to this ongoing list. |
Collect API Requirements | Collecting Requirements for your API with APIOps Cycles. |
API Audit | API Audit is a method to ensure APIs are matching the API Design guidelines. It also helps check for usability, security and API management platform compatibility. |
Encyclopedias, Projects, Wikis and GitBooks
Author | Name | Description |
@six2dez | APIs Pentest Book | APIs Pentest Book |
@csbygb | API Pentest tips | CSbyGB's Pentips |
cyprosecurity | API Security Empire | The API Security Empire Project aims to present unique attack & defense methods in the API Security field | | API Security Encyclopedia | API Security Encyclopedia |
@carlospolop | Web API Pentesting | HackTricks - Web API Pentesting |
@carlospolop | GraphQL | HackTricks - GraphQL |
Enumeration, Scanning and exploration steps
Name | Description |
Burp API enumeration | Using Burp to Enumerate a REST API |
ZAP scanning | Scanning APIs with ZAP |
ZAP exploring | Exploring APIs with ZAP |
w3af scanning | Scan REST APIs with w3af |
Name | Description |
Wallarm Free API Firewall | Fast and light-weight API proxy firewall for request and response validation by OpenAPI specs. |
Fuzzing, SecLists, Wordlists
Name | Description |
API names wordlist | A wordlist of API names for web application assessments |
API HTTP requests methods | HTTP requests methods wordlist by @danielmiessler |
[API Routes |