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Awesome list of GraphQL

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Table of Contents


  • GraphQL - Working draft of the specification for GraphQL.
  • GraphQL over HTTP - Working draft of "GraphQL over HTTP" specification.
  • GraphQL Relay - Relay-compliant GraphQL server specification.
  • OpenCRUD - OpenCRUD is a GraphQL CRUD API specification for databases.
  • Apollo Federation - Apollo Federation specification
  • GraphQXL - GraphQXL is an extension of the GraphQL language with some additional features that help creating big and scalable server-side schemas.
  • GraphQL Scalars - hosts community defined custom Scalar specifications for use with @specifiedBy.



  • Discord - GraphQL - Official discord channel.
  • GraphQL Weekly - A weekly newsletter highlighting resources and news from the GraphQL community.
  • Apollo GraphQL Community - Connect with other developers and share knowledge about every part of the Apollo GraphQL platform.
  • Discord - Reactiflux - Join #help-graphql on the Reactiflux Discord server.
  • Facebook - Group for discussions, articles and knowledge sharing.
  • X - Use the hashtag #graphql.
  • StackOverflow - Questions and answers. Use the tag graphql.
  • GraphQL APIs - A collective list of public GraphQL APIs.
  • /r/GraphQL - A Subreddit for interesting and informative GraphQL content and discussions.




  • graphql-js - A reference implementation of GraphQL for JavaScript.
  • graphql-jit - GraphQL execution using a JIT compiler.


  • apollo-client - A fully-featured, production ready caching GraphQL client for every UI framework and GraphQL server.
  • graphql-request - A minimal GraphQL client for Node and browsers.
  • typescript-graphql-request - Use GraphQL Request as a fully typed SDK.
  • graphql-zeus - GraphQL Zeus creates autocomplete client library for JavaScript or TypeScript which provides autocompletion for strongly typed queries.
  • graphqurl - curl for GraphQL with autocomplete, subscriptions and GraphiQL. Also a dead-simple universal javascript GraphQL client.
  • aws-amplify - A client library developed by Amazon for caching, analytics and more that includes a way to fetch GraphQL queries.
  • gqty - A No GraphQL client for TypeScript
  • genql - Type safe TypeScript client for any GraphQL API.
Frontend Framework Integrations
  • vue-apollo - Apollo/GraphQL integration for VueJS.
  • apollo-angular - A fully-featured, production ready caching GraphQL client for Angular and every GraphQL server.
  • svelte-apollo - Svelte integration for Apollo GraphQL.
  • ember-apollo-client - An ember-cli addon for Apollo Client and GraphQL.
  • apollo-elements - GraphQL web components that work in any frontend framework.
  • sveltekit-kitql - A set of tools, helping you building efficient apps in a fast way with SvelteKit and GraphQL.
  • react-apollo - The core @apollo/client library provides built-in integration with React.
  • relay - Relay is a JavaScript framework for building data-driven React applications.
  • urql - A simple caching GraphQL client for React.
  • graphql-hooks - Minimal hooks-first GraphQL client with caching and server-side rendering support.
  • mst-gql - Bindings for mobx-state-tree and GraphQL.
  • micro-graphql-react - A lightweight utility for adding GraphQL to React. components. Includes simple caching and uses GET requests that could additionally be cached through a service-worker.
  • @gqty/react - A No GraphQL client for TypeScript


  • apollo-server - Spec-compliant and production ready JavaScript GraphQL server that lets you develop in a schema-first way. Built for Express, Connect, Hapi, Koa, and more.
  • hapi-graphql - Create a GraphQL HTTP server with Hapi.
  • hapi-plugin-graphiql - HAPI plugin for GraphiQL integration.
  • graphql-api-koa - GraphQL Koa middleware that implements GraphQL.js from scratch and supports native ESM.
  • koa-graphql - GraphQL Koa Middleware.
  • graphql-koa-scripts - GraphQL Koa 1 file simplified. usefull for quick test
  • gql - Universal GraphQL HTTP middleware for Deno.
  • mercurius - GraphQL plugin for Fastify.
  • graphql-yoga - Fully-featured GraphQL Server with focus on easy setup, performance and great developer experience.
  • graphitejs - Framework NodeJS for GraphQL.
  • graphql-helix - A highly evolved GraphQL HTTP Server.
  • pylon - Write full-feature APIs with just functions. No more boilerplate code, no more setup. Just write functions and deploy.
Databases & ORMs
  • graphql-ably-pubsub - Ably PubSub implementation for GraphQL to publish mutation updates and subscribe to the result through a subscription query.

Custom Scalars

  • graphql-scalars - A library of custom GraphQL Scalars for creating precise type-safe GraphQL schemas.


  • type-graphql - Create GraphQL schema and resolvers with TypeScript, using classes and decorators!
  • graphql-nexus - Code-First, Type-Safe, GraphQL Schema Construction.
  • graphql-code-generator: GraphQL code generator with flexible support for custom plugins and templates like TypeScript (frontend and backend), React Hooks, resolvers signatures and more.
  • pothos - Pothos is a plugin based GraphQL schema builder for typescript. It makes building graphql schemas in typescript easy, fast and enjoyable.
  • garph - Garph is full-stack framework for building type-safe GraphQL APIs in TypeScript.
  • fast-graphql - Graphql Tools to Structure, Combine Resolvers and Merge Schema Definitions for Node.js, Next.Js and Graphql Apollo server
  • graphql-to-type - GraphQL query parser written entirely in TypeScript's type system for creating interfaces based on provided query
  • gql.tada - GraphQL document authoring library, inferring the result and variables types of GraphQL queries and fragments in the TypeScript type system.


  • graphql-tools - Tool library for building and maintaining GraphQL-JS servers.
  • graphql-tag - A JavaScript template literal tag that parses GraphQL queries.
  • load-gql - A tiny, zero dependency GraphQL schema loader from files and folders.
  • graphql-compose - Tool which allows you to construct flexible graphql schema from different data sources via plugins.
  • graphql-modules - Separate GraphQL server into smaller, reusable parts by modules or features.
  • graphql-shield - A library that helps creating a permission layer for a graphql api.
  • graphql-shield-generator - Emits a GraphQL Shield from your GraphQL schema.
  • graphqlgate - A GraphQL rate-limiting library with query complexity analysis for Node.js
  • graphql-let - A webpack loader to import type-protected codegen results directly from GraphQL documents
  • graphql-config - One configuration for all your GraphQL tools (supported by most tools, editors & IDEs).
  • graphql-cli - A command line tool for common GraphQL development workflows.
  • graphql-toolkit - A set of utils for faster development of GraphQL tools (Schema and documents loading, Schema merging and more).
  • graphql-mesh - use GraphQL query language to access data in remote APIs that don't run GraphQL (and also ones that do run GraphQL).
  • sofa - Generate REST API from your GraphQL API.
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Kimi AI助手提供多语言对话支持,能够阅读和理解用户上传的文件内容,解析网页信息,并结合搜索结果为用户提供详尽的答案。无论是日常咨询还是专业问题,Kimi都能以友好、专业的方式提供帮助。

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