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Node.js proxying made simple. Configure proxy middleware with ease for connect, express, next.js and many more.

Powered by the popular Nodejitsu http-proxy. GitHub stars

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This page is showing documentation for version v3.x.x (release notes)

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Proxy /api requests to

:bulb: Tip: Set the option changeOrigin to true for name-based virtual hosted sites.

// typescript

import * as express from 'express';
import type { Request, Response, NextFunction } from 'express';

import { createProxyMiddleware } from 'http-proxy-middleware';
import type { Filter, Options, RequestHandler } from 'http-proxy-middleware';

const app = express();

const proxyMiddleware = createProxyMiddleware<Request, Response>({
    target: '',
    changeOrigin: true,

app.use('/api', proxyMiddleware);


// proxy and keep the same base path "/api"
// ->

All http-proxy options can be used, along with some extra http-proxy-middleware options.

Table of Contents


npm install --save-dev http-proxy-middleware

Basic usage

Create and configure a proxy middleware with: createProxyMiddleware(config).

const { createProxyMiddleware } = require('http-proxy-middleware');

const apiProxy = createProxyMiddleware({
  target: '',
  changeOrigin: true,

// 'apiProxy' is now ready to be used as middleware in a server.

Express Server Example

An example with express server.

// include dependencies
const express = require('express');
const { createProxyMiddleware } = require('http-proxy-middleware');

const app = express();

// create the proxy
/** @type {import('http-proxy-middleware/dist/types').RequestHandler<express.Request, express.Response>} */
const exampleProxy = createProxyMiddleware({
  target: '', // target host with the same base path
  changeOrigin: true, // needed for virtual hosted sites

// mount `exampleProxy` in web server
app.use('/api', exampleProxy);

app.use(path, proxy)

If you want to use the server's app.use path parameter to match requests. Use pathFilter option to further include/exclude requests which you want to proxy.

    target: '',
    changeOrigin: true,
    pathFilter: '/api/proxy-only-this-path',

app.use documentation:


http-proxy-middleware options:

pathFilter (string, []string, glob, []glob, function)

Narrow down which requests should be proxied. The path used for filtering is the request.url pathname. In Express, this is the path relative to the mount-point of the proxy.

  • path matching

    • createProxyMiddleware({...}) - matches any path, all requests will be proxied when pathFilter is not configured.
    • createProxyMiddleware({ pathFilter: '/api', ...}) - matches paths starting with /api
  • multiple path matching

    • createProxyMiddleware({ pathFilter: ['/api', '/ajax', '/someotherpath'], ...})
  • wildcard path matching

    For fine-grained control you can use wildcard matching. Glob pattern matching is done by micromatch. Visit micromatch or glob for more globbing examples.

    • createProxyMiddleware({ pathFilter: '**', ...}) matches any path, all requests will be proxied.
    • createProxyMiddleware({ pathFilter: '**/*.html', ...}) matches any path which ends with .html
    • createProxyMiddleware({ pathFilter: '/*.html', ...}) matches paths directly under path-absolute
    • createProxyMiddleware({ pathFilter: '/api/**/*.html', ...}) matches requests ending with .html in the path of /api
    • createProxyMiddleware({ pathFilter: ['/api/**', '/ajax/**'], ...}) combine multiple patterns
    • createProxyMiddleware({ pathFilter: ['/api/**', '!**/bad.json'], ...}) exclusion

    Note: In multiple path matching, you cannot use string paths and wildcard paths together.

  • custom matching

    For full control you can provide a custom function to determine which requests should be proxied or not.

     * @return {Boolean}
    const pathFilter = function (path, req) {
      return path.match('^/api') && req.method === 'GET';
    const apiProxy = createProxyMiddleware({
      target: '',
      pathFilter: pathFilter,

pathRewrite (object/function)

Rewrite target's url path. Object-keys will be used as RegExp to match paths.

// rewrite path
pathRewrite: {'^/old/api' : '/new/api'}

// remove path
pathRewrite: {'^/remove/api' : ''}

// add base path
pathRewrite: {'^/' : '/basepath/'}

// custom rewriting
pathRewrite: function (path, req) { return path.replace('/api', '/base/api') }

// custom rewriting, returning Promise
pathRewrite: async function (path, req) {
  const should_add_something = await httpRequestToDecideSomething(path);
  if (should_add_something) path += "something";
  return path;

router (object/function)

Re-target for specific requests.

// Use `host` and/or `path` to match requests. First match will be used.
// The order of the configuration matters.
router: {
    'integration.localhost:3000' : '',  // host only
    'staging.localhost:3000'     : '',  // host only
    'localhost:3000/api'         : '',  // host + path
    '/rest'                      : ''   // path only

// Custom router function (string target)
router: function(req) {
    return '';

// Custom router function (target object)
router: function(req) {
    return {
        protocol: 'https:', // The : is required
        host: '',
        port: 8004

// Asynchronous router function which returns promise
router: async function(req) {
    const url = await doSomeIO();
    return url;

plugins (Array)

const simpleRequestLogger = (proxyServer, options) => {
  proxyServer.on('proxyReq', (proxyReq, req, res) => {
    console.log(`[HPM] [${req.method}] ${req.url}`); // outputs: [HPM] GET /users

const config = {
  target: ``,
  changeOrigin: true,
  plugins: [simpleRequestLogger],

ejectPlugins (boolean) default: false

If you're not satisfied with the pre-configured plugins, you can eject them by configuring ejectPlugins: true.

NOTE: register your own error handlers to prevent server from crashing.

// eject default plugins and manually add them back

const {
  debugProxyErrorsPlugin, // subscribe to proxy errors to prevent server from crashing
  loggerPlugin, // log proxy events to a logger (ie. console)
  errorResponsePlugin, // return 5xx response on proxy error
  proxyEventsPlugin, // implements the "on:" option
} = require('http-proxy-middleware');

  target: ``,
  changeOrigin: true,
  ejectPlugins: true,
  plugins: [debugProxyErrorsPlugin, loggerPlugin, errorResponsePlugin, proxyEventsPlugin],

logger (Object)

Configure a logger to output information from http-proxy-middleware: ie. console, winston, pino, bunyan, log4js, etc...

Only info, warn, error are used internally for compatibility across different loggers.

If you use winston, make sure to enable interpolation:

See also logger recipes (recipes/ for more details.

  logger: console,

http-proxy events

Subscribe to http-proxy events with the on option:

  target: '',
  on: {
    proxyReq: (proxyReq, req, res) => {
      /* handle proxyReq */
    proxyRes: (proxyRes, req, res) => {
      /* handle proxyRes */
    error: (err, req, res) => {
      /* handle error */
  • option.on.error: function, subscribe to http-proxy's error event for custom error handling.

    function onError(err, req, res, target) {
      res.writeHead(500, {
        'Content-Type': 'text/plain',
      res.end('Something went wrong. And we are reporting a custom error message.');
  • option.on.proxyRes: function, subscribe to http-proxy's proxyRes event.

    function onProxyRes(proxyRes, req, res) {
      proxyRes.headers['x-added'] = 'foobar'; // add new header to response
      delete proxyRes.headers['x-removed']; // remove header from response
  • option.on.proxyReq: function, subscribe to http-proxy's proxyReq event.

    function onProxyReq(proxyReq, req, res) {
      // add custom header to request
      proxyReq.setHeader('x-added', 'foobar');
      // or log the req
  • option.on.proxyReqWs: function, subscribe to http-proxy's proxyReqWs event.

    function onProxyReqWs(proxyReq, req, socket, options, head) {
      // add custom header
      proxyReq.setHeader('X-Special-Proxy-Header', 'foobar');
  • function, subscribe to http-proxy's open event.

    function onOpen(proxySocket) {
      // listen for messages coming FROM the target here
      proxySocket.on('data', hybridParseAndLogMessage);
  • option.on.close: function, subscribe to http-proxy's close event.

    function onClose(res, socket, head) {
      // view disconnected websocket connections
      console.log('Client disconnected');

http-proxy options

The following options are provided by the underlying http-proxy library.

  • url string to be parsed with the url module

  • option.forward: url string to be parsed with the url module

  • option.agent: object to be passed to http(s).request (see Node's https agent and http agent objects)

  • option.ssl: object to be passed to https.createServer()

  • true/false: if you want to proxy websockets

  • option.xfwd: true/false, adds x-forward headers

  • true/false, if you want to verify the SSL Certs

  • option.toProxy: true/false, passes the absolute URL as the path (useful for proxying to proxies)

  • option.prependPath: true/false, Default: true - specify whether you want to prepend the target's path to the proxy path

  • option.ignorePath: true/false, Default: false - specify whether you want to ignore the proxy path of the incoming request (note: you will have to append / manually if required).

  • option.localAddress : Local interface string to bind for outgoing connections

  • option.changeOrigin: true/false, Default: false - changes the origin of the host header to the target URL

  • option.preserveHeaderKeyCase: true/false, Default: false - specify whether you want to keep letter case of response header key

  • option.auth : Basic authentication i.e. 'user:password' to compute an Authorization header.

  • option.hostRewrite: rewrites the location hostname on (301/302/307/308) redirects.

  • option.autoRewrite: rewrites the location host/port on (301/302/307/308) redirects based on requested host/port. Default: false.

  • option.protocolRewrite: rewrites the location protocol on (301/302/307/308) redirects to 'http' or 'https'. Default: null.

  • option.cookieDomainRewrite: rewrites domain of set-cookie headers. Possible values:

    • false (default): disable cookie rewriting
    • String: new domain, for example cookieDomainRewrite: "new.domain". To remove the domain, use cookieDomainRewrite: "".
    • Object: mapping of domains to new domains,
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豆包 MarsCode 是一款革命性的编程助手,通过AI技术提供代码补全、单测生成、代码解释和智能问答等功能,支持100+编程语言,与主流编辑器无缝集成,显著提升开发效率和代码质量。

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Suno AI是一个革命性的AI音乐创作平台,能在短短30秒内帮助用户创作出一首完整的歌曲。无论是寻找创作灵感还是需要快速制作音乐,Suno AI都是音乐爱好者和专业人士的理想选择。

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Kimi AI助手提供多语言对话支持,能够阅读和理解用户上传的文件内容,解析网页信息,并结合搜索结果为用户提供详尽的答案。无论是日常咨询还是专业问题,Kimi都能以友好、专业的方式提供帮助。

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