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命令行动漫下载工具 为Crunchyroll用户定制


This project has been sunset as Crunchyroll moved to a DRM-only system. See #362.


👇 A Command-line downloader for Crunchyroll.

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Usage 🖥️Disclaimer 📜License ⚖

We are in no way affiliated with, maintained, authorized, sponsored, or officially associated with Crunchyroll LLC or any of its subsidiaries or affiliates. The official Crunchyroll website can be found at

✨ Features

  • Download single videos and entire series from Crunchyroll.
  • Archive episodes or seasons in an .mkv file with multiple subtitles and audios.
  • Specify a range of episodes to download from an anime.
  • Search through the Crunchyroll collection and return metadata (title, duration, direct stream link, ...) of all media types.

💾 Get the executable

📥 Download the latest binaries

Check out the releases tab and get the binary from the latest (pre-)release.

📦 Get it via a package manager

  • AUR

    If you're using Arch or an Arch based Linux distribution you are able to install our AUR package. You need an AUR helper like yay to install it.

    # this package builds crunchy-cli manually (recommended)
    $ yay -S crunchy-cli
    # this package installs the latest pre-compiled release binary
    $ yay -S crunchy-cli-bin
  • Scoop

    For Windows users, we support the scoop command-line installer.

    $ scoop bucket add extras
    $ scoop install extras/crunchy-cli
  • Homebrew

    For macOS/linux users, we support the brew command-line installer. Packages are compiled by the homebrew project, and will also install the openssl@3 and ffmpeg dependencies.

    $ brew install crunchy-cli

    Supported archs: x86_64_linux, arm64_monterey, sonoma, ventura

  • Nix

    This requires nix and you'll probably need --extra-experimental-features "nix-command flakes", depending on your configurations.

    $ nix <run|shell|develop> github:crunchy-labs/crunchy-cli

🛠 Build it yourself

Since we do not support every platform and architecture you may have to build the project yourself. This requires git and Cargo.

$ git clone
$ cd crunchy-cli
# either just build it (will be available in ./target/release/crunchy-cli)...
$ cargo build --release
# ... or install it globally
$ cargo install --force --path .

🖥️ Usage

All shown commands are examples 🧑🏼‍🍳

Global Flags

crunchy-cli requires you to log in. Though you can use a non-premium account, you will not have access to premium content without a subscription. You can authenticate with your credentials (email:password) or by using a refresh token.

  • Credentials

    $ crunchy-cli --credentials "email:password" <command>
  • Stay Anonymous

    Login without an account (you won't be able to access premium content):

    $ crunchy-cli --anonymous <command>

Global settings

You can set specific settings which will be

  • Verbose output

    If you want to include debug information in the output, use the -v / --verbose flag to show it.

    $ crunchy-cli -v <command>

    This flag can't be used in combination with -q / --quiet.

  • Quiet output

    If you want to hide all output, use the -q / --quiet flag to do so. This is especially useful if you want to pipe the output video to an external program (like a video player).

    $ crunchy-cli -q <command>

    This flag can't be used in combination with -v / --verbose.

  • Language

    By default, the resulting metadata like title or description are shown in your system language (if Crunchyroll supports it, else in English). If you want to show the results in another language, use the --lang flag to set it.

    $ crunchy-cli --lang de-DE <command>
  • Experimental fixes

    Crunchyroll constantly changes and breaks its services or just delivers incorrect answers. The --experimental-fixes flag tries to fix some of those issues. As the experimental in --experimental-fixes states, these fixes may or may not break other functionality.

    $ crunchy-cli --experimental-fixes <command>

    For an overview which parts this flag affects, see the documentation of the underlying Crunchyroll library, all functions beginning with stabilization_ are applied.

  • Proxy

    The --proxy flag supports https and socks5 proxies to route all your traffic through. This may be helpful to bypass the geo-restrictions Crunchyroll has on certain series. You are also able to set in which part of the cli a proxy should be used. Instead of a normal url you can also use: <url>: (only proxies api requests), :<url> (only proxies download traffic), <url>:<url> (proxies api requests through the first url and download traffic through the second url).

    $ crunchy-cli --proxy socks5:// <command>

    Make sure that proxy can either forward TLS requests, which is needed to bypass the (cloudflare) bot protection, or that it is configured so that the proxy can bypass the protection itself.

  • User Agent

    There might be cases where a custom user agent is necessary, e.g. to bypass the cloudflare bot protection (#104). In such cases, the --user-agent flag can be used to set a custom user agent.

    $ crunchy-cli --user-agent "Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 8.0; Windows NT 5.1; Trident/4.0)" <command>

    Default is the user agent, defined in the underlying library.

  • Speed limit

    If you want to limit how fast requests/downloads should be, you can use the --speed-limit flag. Allowed units are B (bytes), KB (kilobytes) and MB (megabytes).

    $ crunchy-cli --speed-limit 10MB


The login command can store your session, so you don't have to authenticate every time you execute a command.

# save the refresh token which gets generated when login with credentials.
# your email and password won't be stored at any time on disk
$ crunchy-cli login --credentials "email:password"

With the session stored, you do not need to pass --credentials / --anonymous anymore when you want to execute a command.


The download command lets you download episodes with a specific audio language and optional subtitles.

Supported urls

  • Single episode (with episode filtering)
    $ crunchy-cli download
  • Series (with episode filtering)
    $ crunchy-cli download


  • Audio language

    Set the audio language with the -a / --audio flag. This only works if the url points to a series since episode urls are language specific.

    $ crunchy-cli download -a de-DE

    Default is your system locale. If not supported by Crunchyroll, en-US (American English) is the default.

  • Subtitle language

    Besides the audio, you can specify the subtitle language by using the -s / --subtitle flag. In formats that support it (.mp4, .mov and .mkv ), subtitles are stored as soft-subs. All other formats are hardsubbed: the subtitles will be burned into the video track (cf. hardsub) and thus can not be turned off.

    $ crunchy-cli download -s de-DE

    Default is none.

  • Output template

    Define an output template by using the -o / --output flag.

    $ crunchy-cli download -o "ditf.mp4"

    Default is {title}.mp4. See the Template Options section below for more options.

  • Output template for special episodes

    Define an output template which only gets used when the episode is a special (episode number is 0 or has non-zero decimal places) by using the --output-special flag.

    $ crunchy-cli download --output-specials "Special EP - {title}"

    Default is the template, set by the -o / --output flag. See the Template Options section below for more options.

  • Universal output

    The output template options can be forced to get sanitized via the --universal-output flag to be valid across all supported operating systems (Windows has a lot of characters which aren't allowed in filenames...).

    $ crunchy-cli download --universal-output -o
  • Resolution

    The resolution for videos can be set via the -r / --resolution flag.

    $ crunchy-cli download -r worst

    Default is best.

  • Language tagging

    You can force the usage of a specific language tagging in the output file with the --language-tagging flag. This might be useful as some video players doesn't recognize the language tagging Crunchyroll uses internally.

    $ crunchy-cli download --language-tagging ietf
  • FFmpeg Preset

    You can specify specific built-in presets with the --ffmpeg-preset flag to convert videos to a specific coding while downloading. Multiple predefined presets how videos should be encoded (h264, h265, av1, ...) are available, you can see them with crunchy-cli download --help. If you need more specific ffmpeg customizations you could either convert the output file manually or use ffmpeg output arguments as value for this flag.

    $ crunchy-cli download --ffmpeg-preset av1-lossless
  • FFmpeg threads

    If you want to manually set how many threads FFmpeg should use, you can use the --ffmpeg-threads flag. This does not work with every codec/preset and is skipped entirely when specifying custom ffmpeg output arguments instead of a preset for --ffmpeg-preset.

    $ crunchy-cli download --ffmpeg-threads 4
  • Skip existing

    If you re-download a series but want to skip episodes you've already downloaded, the --skip-existing flag skips the already existing/downloaded files.

    $ crunchy-cli download --skip-existing
  • Skip specials

    If you doesn't want to download special episodes, use the --skip-specials flag to skip the download of them.

    $ crunchy-cli download --skip-specials[S2]
  • Include chapters

    Crunchyroll sometimes provide information about skippable events like the intro or credits. These information can be stored as chapters in the resulting video file via the --include-chapters flag.

    $ crunchy-cli download --include-chapters
  • Yes

    Sometimes different seasons have the same season number (e.g. Sword Art Online Alicization and Alicization War of Underworld are both marked as season 3), in such cases an interactive prompt is shown which needs user further user input to decide which season to download. The --yes flag suppresses this interactive prompt and just downloads all seasons.

    $ crunchy-cli download --yes

    If you've passed the -q / --quiet global flag, this flag is automatically set.

  • Force hardsub

    If you want to burn-in the subtitles, even if the output format/container supports soft-subs

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豆包 MarsCode 是一款革命性的编程助手,通过AI技术提供代码补全、单测生成、代码解释和智能问答等功能,支持100+编程语言,与主流编辑器无缝集成,显著提升开发效率和代码质量。

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Suno AI是一个革命性的AI音乐创作平台,能在短短30秒内帮助用户创作出一首完整的歌曲。无论是寻找创作灵感还是需要快速制作音乐,Suno AI都是音乐爱好者和专业人士的理想选择。

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Kimi AI助手提供多语言对话支持,能够阅读和理解用户上传的文件内容,解析网页信息,并结合搜索结果为用户提供详尽的答案。无论是日常咨询还是专业问题,Kimi都能以友好、专业的方式提供帮助。

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