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Cypress测试环境Docker镜像 多浏览器多平台支持


Cypress Docker Images CircleCI

Cypress Docker images are published to Cypress on Docker Hub.

These images provide all of the required dependencies for running Cypress in Docker.

We build four images: click on the image name to see the available tags and versions. We provide multiple tags for various operating systems and specific browser versions. These allow you to target specific combinations you need.

Image NameDescriptionMonthly pulls
cypress/factoryA base image template which can be used with ARGs to create a custom docker image.Docker Pulls
cypress/baseAll operating system dependencies, no Cypress, and no browsers.Docker Pulls
cypress/browsersAll operating system dependencies, no Cypress, and some browsers.Docker Pulls
cypress/includedAll operating system dependencies, Cypress, and some browsers installed globally.Docker Pulls


Cypress Docker images are Linux based, using the Docker image debian:12-slim as the default base image. Each of the above listed Cypress Docker images is published with multi-architecture support for Linux/amd64 and Linux/arm64 platforms.

Cypress Docker images can be run as containers on Continuous Integration (CI) systems which support Docker. Cypress Docker images can also be run locally under Docker Desktop for Mac, Linux or Windows environments.

In the case of Windows environments, see Docker Desktop for Windows and Cypress documentation Windows Subsystem for Linux for additional information regarding Microsoft's WSL2 and WSLg subsystems. The documentation and scripts in this repository assume that Docker Desktop for Windows runs in a virtual Linux environment.


Cypress Docker images cypress/browsers include browsers for the Linux/amd64 platform. Availability is pending for the Linux/arm64 platform.

Google Chrome:white_check_mark:see #1188
Mozilla Firefox:white_check_mark:see #1190 and examples/firefox-esr
Microsoft Edge:white_check_mark:see #1189

On POSIX-based systems, or with Git for Windows at a Git Bash prompt, execute uname -m to display your system's architecture. (x86_64 is equivalent to amd64.)

cypress/included images, which are built on top of cypress/browsers, contain the same set of browsers.

Tags for cypress/browsers and cypress/included images show which versions of the browsers are loaded into the respective image. (Disregard the browser version tags for current Linux/arm64 images however.)

Building a custom image with cypress/factory allows selection of individual browsers from the above list.

Debian packages

Debian provides two Cypress-compatible browsers as packages covering both amd64 and arm64 architectures. These can be used to complement the browsers that are configurable through the cypress/factory build process:

Tag Selection

If no tag is specified, for example cypress/included, then the tag latest is used by default: cypress/included:latest. It is however recommended to use a specific image tag to avoid breaking changes when new images are released, especially when they include new major versions of Node.js or Cypress.

Some examples with specific tags including an explanation of the tag meanings are:

Once an image with a specific version tag (except latest) has been published to Cypress on Docker Hub it is frozen. This prevents accidental changes.

When a new version is published, an image copy with the latest tag is also published. This means that the Docker image selected using the latest tag (or selected by default if no tag is specified) will also change over time. Specify an explicit version, for example cypress/base:18.16.0, to access instead a frozen version.


📍Cypress Docker images are offered as a convenience measure. The goal is to offer Node.js, Browser and Cypress versions to streamline running tests in CI or other non-public, sandboxed environments.

Some preparations and optimizations are not included. For example, given the near infinite permutations, images are not monitored for security vulnerabilities. Additionally, once images are published they are considered immutable and cannot be patched. That means (hypothetically) older images could become more vulnerable over time.

This means they should not be used for production deployment and security scans should be performed as-needed by users of these images.

Docker Hub

All of the images and tags are published to Cypress on Docker Hub under:


Don't see the exact combination of Cypress, Node.js and browser versions you need for your test environment? Checkout our cypress/factory. You can use it to generate a custom image to fit your needs.



By default, Docker containers run as root user. cypress/base, cypress/browsers and cypress/included images provide the additional non-root user node.

If you run a Cypress Docker image locally as container with a non-root user, refer to the Docker documentation, such as Docker Desktop FAQs, for information on file-sharing between your host system and Docker. File-sharing details differ depending on the host operating system running Docker.

If you specify a Cypress Docker image in a GitHub Actions job container workflow section, add options: --user 1001 to the workflow to avoid permissions issues.

Known problems

Firefox not found


When running in GitHub Actions using a cypress/browsers or cypress/included image and testing against the Mozilla Firefox browser with the default root user, Cypress may fail to detect an installed Firefox browser. Instead Cypress shows the following error message:

Browser: firefox was not found on your system or is not supported by Cypress. Can't run because you've entered an invalid browser name.

The GitHub Actions Runner creates the /github/home directory with non-root ownership 1001 (runner) and sets the environment variable HOME to point to this directory. Firefox will not run with these settings. If the command firefox --version is executed, Firefox explains the restriction:

Running Firefox as root in a regular user's session is not supported. ($HOME is /github/home which is owned by uid 1001.)

See Cypress issue #27121.


To allow Firefox to run in GitHub Actions in a Docker container, add options: --user 1001 to the workflow to match GitHub Actions' runner user.

  image: cypress/browsers
  options: --user 1001

See Tag Selection above for advice on selecting a non-default image tag.





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