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Danger JS是一款运行于CI之后的自动化工具,旨在规范团队代码审查流程。它通过编码化审查规范,自动处理日常代码审查中的重复任务,使开发人员能够专注于更复杂的问题。Danger JS兼容多种代码托管平台和CI工具,可执行多样化的自定义规则,包括强制更新CHANGELOG、检查PR描述和应用标签等。这个工具为团队提供了灵活的框架,用于定制和共享特定的代码审查规则,从而提高代码质量和团队协作效率。

Formalize your Pull Request etiquette.

What is Danger JS?VisionHelping OutPlugin Development

What is Danger JS?

Danger runs after your CI, automating your team's conventions surrounding code review.

This provides another logical step in your process, through which Danger can help lint your rote tasks in daily code review.

You can use Danger to codify your team's norms, leaving humans to think about harder problems.

Danger JS works with GitHub, BitBucket Server, BitBucket Cloud for code review, then with: Travis CI, GitLab CI, Semaphore, Circle CI, GitHub Actions, Jenkins, Docker Cloud, Bamboo, Bitrise, surf-build, Codeship, Drone, Buildkite, Nevercode, buddybuild,, TeamCity, Visual Studio Team Services, Screwdriver, Concourse, Netlify, CodeBuild, Codefresh, AppCenter, BitBucket Pipelines, Cirrus CI, Codemagic or Xcode Cloud.

npm Build Status Build Status

For example?

You can:

  • Enforce CHANGELOGs
  • Enforce links to Trello/JIRA in PR/MR bodies
  • Enforce using descriptive labels
  • Look out for common anti-patterns
  • Highlight interesting build artifacts
  • Give warnings when specific files change

Danger provides the glue to let you build out the rules specific to your team's culture, offering useful metadata and a comprehensive plugin system to share common issues.

Getting Started

Alright. So, actually, you may be in the wrong place. From here on in, this README is going to be for people who are interested in working on and improving on Danger JS.

We keep all of the end-user documentation at

Some quick links to get you started:

This thing is broken, I should help improve it!

Awesommmmee. Everything you need is down below. You can also refer to CONTRIBUTING file where you'll find the same information listed below.

git clone
cd danger-js

# if you don't have yarn installed
npm install -g yarn

yarn install

You can then verify your install by running the tests, and the linters:

yarn test
yarn lint

The fixers for both tslint and prettier will be applied when you commit, and on a push your code will be verified that it compiles.

You can run your dev copy of danger against a PR by running:

yarn build; node --inspect distribution/commands/danger-pr.js

How does Danger JS work?

Check the architecture doc.

What is the TODO?

Check the issues, I try and keep my short term perspective there. Long term is in the

Releasing a new version of Danger

Following this commit as a model:

  • Checkout the main branch. Ensure your working tree is clean, and make sure you have the latest changes by running git pull; yarn.
  • Publish - npm run release -- patch --ci.
  • This will trigger a CI run which updates homebrew for the native builds


License, Contributor's Guidelines and Code of Conduct

We try to keep as much discussion as possible in GitHub issues, but also have a pretty inactive Slack --- if you'd like an invite, ping @Orta a DM on Twitter with your email. It's mostly interesting if you want to stay on top of Danger without all the emails from GitHub.

This project is open source under the MIT license, which means you have full access to the source code and can modify it to fit your own needs but don't have access to deploy.

This project subscribes to the Moya Contributors Guidelines which TLDR: means we give out push access easily and often.

Contributors subscribe to the Contributor Code of Conduct based on the Contributor Covenant version 1.3.0.

Project Cover


豆包 MarsCode 是一款革命性的编程助手,通过AI技术提供代码补全、单测生成、代码解释和智能问答等功能,支持100+编程语言,与主流编辑器无缝集成,显著提升开发效率和代码质量。

Project Cover


Suno AI是一个革命性的AI音乐创作平台,能在短短30秒内帮助用户创作出一首完整的歌曲。无论是寻找创作灵感还是需要快速制作音乐,Suno AI都是音乐爱好者和专业人士的理想选择。

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Project Cover


Kimi AI助手提供多语言对话支持,能够阅读和理解用户上传的文件内容,解析网页信息,并结合搜索结果为用户提供详尽的答案。无论是日常咨询还是专业问题,Kimi都能以友好、专业的方式提供帮助。

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Project Cover



Project Cover



Project Cover



Project Cover


稿定设计 是一个多功能的在线设计和创意平台,提供广泛的设计工具和资源,以满足不同用户的需求。从专业的图形设计师到普通用户,无论是进行图片处理、智能抠图、H5页面制作还是视频剪辑,稿定设计都能提供简单、高效的解决方案。该平台以其用户友好的界面和强大的功能集合,帮助用户轻松实现创意设计。

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