A to Z Resources for Students
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Are you a college student or a working professional looking for resources to learn a new coding language? Are you looking to meet new people in your community or searching for global conferences, hackathons and competitions to attend? If so, you should definitely check this out.
When I was in college, I missed a lot of opportunities like hackathons, conferences, internships, workshops and many global events due to lack of awareness. I don't want the emerging developers to suffer the same as me. Hence, I and a bunch of other developers around have collected a list of resources for students. If you are in college, a college graduate, or just starting out as a developer, you should definitely check it out!
Image credits: Google
Table of Contents :clipboard:
Coding Resources - How to learn xyz
- Python
- Machine Learning
- Deep Learning
- Android Development
- Backend Development
- Frontend Web Development
- Full-stack Web Development
- Data Structures
- Alexa Tutorials
- C Language
- C++ Language
- Git and Github
- R Language
- Haskell
- MongoDB
- Prolog
- C# Language
- DevDocs
- Docker
- Microsoft Technologies
- Scala
- Programming Notes for Professionals
- MATLAB/Octave
- Go Language
- Are you just getting started? Look for the :baby: emoji. It highlights resources for absolute beginners.
- Some resources are recommended for everyone, so they have a :star: emoji.
- Willing to spend some money to improve your skills? :heavy_dollar_sign: indicates paid content.
1. Coding Resources
1.1 Python
- Learn Python | CodeAcademy
- Progate Python Classes :baby:
- Video Tutorial for absolute beginners | YouTube :baby:
- Intro to Python | Udacity :free:
- Python For Everybody
- Write Better Python Functions
- Learning Python: From Zero to Hero
- Automate the Boring Stuff with Python - Recommended
- The New Boston Python | Youtube :baby:
- Think Python 2e - Green Tea Press
- A Byte of Python
- Project Euler - Great for practicing writing Python codes
- A Whirlwind Tour of Python
- Python Data Science Handbook
- Python Class By Google - Recommended
- Intro to Python for Data Science
- Python 3 for humans that want practical project exposure
- Learn Python the Hard Way
- Learn Python Programming
- Complete Python tutorials
- Python Tutorial | Tutlane
- Python Course by IIT M | You Tube
- Real Python
- Finxter Learn, Train and get feedback
- Python Tutor | For Visualization
- Code Combat (Python and JavaScript options)
- Python Interview Questions
- Python interview questions for data analyst
- Python Cheat Sheet
- Python Language and Syntax Cheat Sheet
- Python Tutorial: A Comprehensive Guide for Beginners
Best GitHub Repositories to follow
1.2 Machine Learning
Browse this link for detailed information on Machine Learning and Deep Learning
Best Online Courses
- CSE-229 - Stanford University
- AndrewNg | Coursera - Select individual course if it consists of multiple then click on audit below the trial/payment options
- Machine Learning - Nanodegree | Udacity :heavy_dollar_sign:
- Reinforcement Learning - Nanodegree | Udacity :heavy_dollar_sign:
- Move 37 - :free:
- ML with Python | YouTube
- Data Science Machine Learning Bootcamp - :heavy_dollar_sign:
- Machine Learning Crash Course | Google Developers
- Applied Data Science with Python Specialization | Coursera -Select individual course if it consists of multiple then click on audit below the trial/payment options
- Machine Learning | Kaggle
- Machine Learning Interview Questions
- Machine Learning Tutorial | Scaler Topics
Best GitHub Repositories to follow
Research Papers
Test ML Models on Datasets
Book for Machine Learning
- Introduction to Statistical Learning - :free:
1.3 Deep Learning
Browse this link for detailed information on Machine Learning and Deep Learning
Best Online Courses
- Deep Learning Specialization | Coursera - Select individual course if it consists of multiple then click on audit below the trial/payment options
- Deep Learning | Fast.AI
- Deep Learning | Kaggle
- Deep Learning Interview Questions and Answers (2023)
Best Online Books
Best GitHub Repositories to follow
1.4 Android Development
- Free courses & Nanodegree | Udacity
- PluralSight - Android Developer Track :heavy_dollar_sign:
- Path to Associate Android Developer
- Google Android Codelabs
- Flutter Widget Tour
- Android examples
- Flutter Examples
- Pathway to Follow
- Learn Android Programming | Tutlane
1.5 Backend Development
Django - Python
Flask - Python
- The Flask Mega Tutorial :baby: + Intermediate
- NodeSchool | Workshops Open Source :heart:
- The Complete Node.js Developer Course | Udemy :heavy_dollar_sign:
- Express web framework (Node.js/JavaScript)
- Learn and Understand NodeJS :heavy_dollar_sign: - Intermediate
- Node JS Tutorial for Beginners | YouTube :baby:
- Node.js Documentation :star:
- [Node.js Design Patterns by Mario