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开源内网穿透工具 支持多协议反向代理



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What is frp?

frp is a fast reverse proxy that allows you to expose a local server located behind a NAT or firewall to the Internet. It currently supports TCP and UDP, as well as HTTP and HTTPS protocols, enabling requests to be forwarded to internal services via domain name.

frp also offers a P2P connect mode.

Table of Contents

Development Status

frp is currently under development. You can try the latest release version in the master branch, or use the dev branch to access the version currently in development.

We are currently working on version 2 and attempting to perform some code refactoring and improvements. However, please note that it will not be compatible with version 1.

We will transition from version 0 to version 1 at the appropriate time and will only accept bug fixes and improvements, rather than big feature requests.

About V2

The complexity and difficulty of the v2 version are much higher than anticipated. I can only work on its development during fragmented time periods, and the constant interruptions disrupt productivity significantly. Given this situation, we will continue to optimize and iterate on the current version until we have more free time to proceed with the major version overhaul.

The concept behind v2 is based on my years of experience and reflection in the cloud-native domain, particularly in K8s and ServiceMesh. Its core is a modernized four-layer and seven-layer proxy, similar to envoy. This proxy itself is highly scalable, not only capable of implementing the functionality of intranet penetration but also applicable to various other domains. Building upon this highly scalable core, we aim to implement all the capabilities of frp v1 while also addressing the functionalities that were previously unachievable or difficult to implement in an elegant manner. Furthermore, we will maintain efficient development and iteration capabilities.

In addition, I envision frp itself becoming a highly extensible system and platform, similar to how we can provide a range of extension capabilities based on K8s. In K8s, we can customize development according to enterprise needs, utilizing features such as CRD, controller mode, webhook, CSI, and CNI. In frp v1, we introduced the concept of server plugins, which implemented some basic extensibility. However, it relies on a simple HTTP protocol and requires users to start independent processes and manage them on their own. This approach is far from flexible and convenient, and real-world demands vary greatly. It is unrealistic to expect a non-profit open-source project maintained by a few individuals to meet everyone's needs.

Finally, we acknowledge that the current design of modules such as configuration management, permission verification, certificate management, and API management is not modern enough. While we may carry out some optimizations in the v1 version, ensuring compatibility remains a challenging issue that requires a considerable amount of effort to address.

We sincerely appreciate your support for frp.



Example Usage

To begin, download the latest program for your operating system and architecture from the Release page.

Next, place the frps binary and server configuration file on Server A, which has a public IP address.

Finally, place the frpc binary and client configuration file on Server B, which is located on a LAN that cannot be directly accessed from the public internet.

Some antiviruses improperly mark frpc as malware and delete it. This is due to frp being a networking tool capable of creating reverse proxies. Antiviruses sometimes flag reverse proxies due to their ability to bypass firewall port restrictions. If you are using antivirus, then you may need to whitelist/exclude frpc in your antivirus settings to avoid accidental quarantine/deletion. See issue 3637 for more details.

Access your computer in a LAN network via SSH

  1. Modify frps.toml on server A by setting the bindPort for frp clients to connect to:
# frps.toml
bindPort = 7000
  1. Start frps on server A:

./frps -c ./frps.toml

  1. Modify frpc.toml on server B and set the serverAddr field to the public IP address of your frps server:
# frpc.toml
serverAddr = "x.x.x.x"
serverPort = 7000

name = "ssh"
type = "tcp"
localIP = ""
localPort = 22
remotePort = 6000

Note that the localPort (listened on the client) and remotePort (exposed on the server) are used for traffic going in and out of the frp system, while the serverPort is used for communication between frps and frpc.

  1. Start frpc on server B:

./frpc -c ./frpc.toml

  1. To access server B from another machine through server A via SSH (assuming the username is test), use the following command:

ssh -oPort=6000 test@x.x.x.x

Multiple SSH services sharing the same port

This example implements multiple SSH services exposed through the same port using a proxy of type tcpmux. Similarly, as long as the client supports the HTTP Connect proxy connection method, port reuse can be achieved in this way.

  1. Deploy frps on a machine with a public IP and modify the frps.toml file. Here is a simplified configuration:
bindPort = 7000
tcpmuxHTTPConnectPort = 5002
  1. Deploy frpc on the internal machine A with the following configuration:
serverAddr = "x.x.x.x"
serverPort = 7000

name = "ssh1"
type = "tcpmux"
multiplexer = "httpconnect"
customDomains = [""]
localIP = ""
localPort = 22
  1. Deploy another frpc on the internal machine B with the following configuration:
serverAddr = "x.x.x.x"
serverPort = 7000

name = "ssh2"
type = "tcpmux"
multiplexer = "httpconnect"
customDomains = [""]
localIP = ""
localPort = 22
  1. To access internal machine A using SSH ProxyCommand, assuming the username is "test":

ssh -o 'proxycommand socat - PROXY:x.x.x.x:%h:%p,proxyport=5002'

  1. To access internal machine B, the only difference is the domain name, assuming the username is "test":

ssh -o 'proxycommand socat - PROXY:x.x.x.x:%h:%p,proxyport=5002'

Accessing Internal Web Services with Custom Domains in LAN

Sometimes we need to expose a local web service behind a NAT network to others for testing purposes with our own domain name.

Unfortunately, we cannot resolve a domain name to a local IP. However, we can use frp to expose an HTTP(S) service.

  1. Modify frps.toml and set the HTTP port for vhost to 8080:
# frps.toml
bindPort = 7000
vhostHTTPPort = 8080

If you want to configure an https proxy, you need to set up the vhostHTTPSPort.

  1. Start frps:

./frps -c ./frps.toml

  1. Modify frpc.toml and set serverAddr to the IP address of the remote frps server. Specify the localPort of your web service:
# frpc.toml
serverAddr = "x.x.x.x"
serverPort = 7000

name = "web"
type = "http"
localPort = 80
customDomains = [""]
  1. Start frpc:

./frpc -c ./frpc.toml

  1. Map the A record of to either the public IP of the remote frps server or a CNAME record pointing to your original domain.

  2. Visit your local web service using url

Forward DNS query requests

  1. Modify frps.toml:
# frps.toml
bindPort = 7000
  1. Start frps:

./frps -c ./frps.toml

  1. Modify frpc.toml and set serverAddr to the IP address of the remote frps server. Forward DNS query requests to the Google Public DNS server
# frpc.toml
serverAddr = "x.x.x.x"
serverPort = 7000

name = "dns"
type = "udp"
localIP = ""
localPort = 53
remotePort = 6000
  1. Start frpc:

./frpc -c ./frpc.toml

  1. Test DNS resolution using the dig command:

dig @x.x.x.x -p 6000

Forward Unix Domain Socket

Expose a Unix domain socket (e.g. the Docker daemon socket) as TCP.

Configure frps as above.

  1. Start frpc with the following configuration:
# frpc.toml
serverAddr = "x.x.x.x"
serverPort = 7000

name = "unix_domain_socket"
type = "tcp"
remotePort = 6000
type = "unix_domain_socket"
unixPath = "/var/run/docker.sock"
  1. Test the configuration by getting the docker version using curl:

curl http://x.x.x.x:6000/version

Expose a simple HTTP file server

Expose a simple HTTP file server to access files stored in the LAN from the public Internet.

Configure frps as described above, then:

  1. Start frpc with the following configuration:
# frpc.toml
serverAddr = "x.x.x.x"
serverPort = 7000

name = "test_static_file"
type = "tcp"
remotePort = 6000
type = "static_file"
localPath = "/tmp/files"
stripPrefix = "static"
httpUser = "abc"
httpPassword = "abc"
  1. Visit http://x.x.x.x:6000/static/ from your browser and specify correct username and password to view files in /tmp/files on the frpc machine.

Enable HTTPS for a local HTTP(S) service

You may substitute https2https for the plugin, and point the localAddr to a HTTPS endpoint.

  1. Start frpc with the following configuration:
# frpc.toml
serverAddr = "x.x.x.x"
serverPort = 7000

name = "test_https2http"
type = "https"
customDomains = [""]

type = "https2http"
localAddr = ""
crtPath = "./server.crt"
keyPath = "./server.key"
hostHeaderRewrite = ""
requestHeaders.set.x-from-where = "frp"
  1. Visit

Expose your service privately

To mitigate risks associated with exposing certain services directly to the public network, STCP (Secret TCP) mode requires a preshared key to be used for access to the service from other clients.

Configure frps same as above.

  1. Start frpc on machine B with the following config. This example is for exposing the SSH service (port 22), and note the secretKey field for the preshared key, and that the
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Suno AI是一个革命性的AI音乐创作平台,能在短短30秒内帮助用户创作出一首完整的歌曲。无论是寻找创作灵感还是需要快速制作音乐,Suno AI都是音乐爱好者和专业人士的理想选择。

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