Nginx Resources
A collection of resources covering Nginx, Nginx + Lua, OpenResty and Tengine.
This list is maintained by Frederic Cambus. For updates, follow me on Twitter: @fcambus
Understanding Nginx
- History of Nginx
- Understanding Nginx versioning
- Interview with the creator of Nginx
- Interview with Igor Sysoev, author of Apache's competitor NGINX
- The case for Nginx in front of application servers
- Nginx Optimization: understanding sendfile, tcp_nodelay and tcp_nopush
- The Architecture of Open Source Applications (Volume 2): nginx
- Nginx Guts - Shedding light on Nginx internals
- Nginx discovery journey
- Nginx Internals
- Inside NGINX: How We Designed for Performance & Scale
- Thread Pools in NGINX
- Beginner's Guide
- Alphabetical index of variables
- Nginx Pitfalls
- Useful Rewrites for Nginx
- Nginx Configuration Primer
- Nginx Primer 2: From Apache to Nginx
- Understanding the Nginx Configuration Inheritance Model
- Nginx HTTP server boilerplate configs
- Nginx Boilerplate - Configuration template and a set of handy must-have snippets
- How to Configure OCSP Stapling in Apache and Nginx
- NGINX Config - Online nginx configuration generator
- Nice nginx features for developers
- Nice nginx features for operators
- Avoiding the Top 10 NGINX Configuration Mistakes
- Gixy - Nginx configuration static analyzer
- Nginx common configuration - Universal config and snippets
- NGINX and NGINX Plus Admin Guide
- agentzh's Nginx Tutorials (Source)
- Introduction to nginx.conf scripting
- Load Balancing with NGINX and NGINX Plus (Part 2)
- Optimizing Nginx for High Traffic Loads
- NGINX as a WebSockets Proxy
- HTTP Keepalive Connections and Web Performance
- CORS on Nginx
- Serving precompressed content with Nginx and Zopfli
- Nginx on FreeBSD
- Using New Debugging Features to Probe NGINX Internals
- Performing A/B Testing with NGINX and NGINX Plus
- Improving NGINX Performance with Kernel TLS and SSL_sendfile()
Modules development
- Official Development Guide
- Guide to Nginx Module Development
- Advanced Topics In Nginx Module Development
- Telize - JSON IP and GeoIP REST API (IP Geolocation) built on Nginx and Lua
- GIN - JSON-API framework
- Outbound API rate limits: the nginx way
- Using Nginx to comply with a third-party API's rate limits
- Kong - Management Layer for Microservices and APIs
- Nginx JSON hacks
- Using Environment Variables In Nginx.conf
- Log rotation directly within Nginx configuration file
- Realtime pixel tracking with Nginx, syslog-ng, and Redis
- Dynamic log formats in Nginx
- Capture and delay unwanted requests
- Nginx: a caching, thumbnailing, reverse proxying image server?
- Things you didn't know Nginx could do
- Finding the nginx gzip_comp_level sweet spot
- nginx mirroring tips and tricks
Nginx + Lua
- [Nginx, Lua, and