Awesome Rails
Table of Contents
Official Resources
- Rails Official Website
- Rails Official Guide
- Rails Official Guide (Edge Guide)
- Rails API Documentation
- [Rails Source Code][link_rails_source]
- Rails Official Blog
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External Resources
- Ruby on Rails Tutorial Book
- Agile Web Development with Rails 6
- Docker for Rails Developers
- Rails 5 Test Prescriptions
- Rails, Angular, Postgres, and Bootstrap, Second Edition
- Growing Rails Applications in Practice
- Crafting Rails 4 Applications
- The Rails 7 Way
Video courses
Video tutorials
- RailsCasts *(inactive since 2013)
- GoRails *(freemium)
- Drifting Ruby *(freemium)
- A curated list of Ruby on Rails courses
Youtube channels
- DriftingRuby
- Gorails
- TechmakerTV
- Deanin
- Webcrunch
- CJ Avilla
- SupeRails
- TypeFast
- Mix & Go
- Phil Smy
- David Battersby
Other external resources
- Learn Ruby on Rails (thoughtbot)
- Ruby on Windows Guides
- Explore Ruby - Discover & find a curated list of popular & new Ruby libraries across all languages, top authors, trending project kits, discussions, tutorials & learning resources.
- RailsNotes Blog — The Ruby on Rails guides you wished you had!
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Tip: You can find list of remote job boards including Rails jobs on awesome-remote-job
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- rails on Twitter
- rails on Reddit
- Ruby on Rails Discussions
- Gorails forum
- WIP Ruby (Telegram group)
- Ruby on Rails Link (Slack)
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- More than "Hello World" in Docker: Build Rails + Sidekiq web apps in Docker
- Design Patterns with Ruby on Rails part 1: Introduction and Policy Object - Part 2
- The Progressive Rails App
- Modern Rails flash messages (part 1): ViewComponent, Stimulus & Tailwind CSS - Part 2
- Building a Rails App With Multiple Subdomains
- Reactive Rails applications with StimulusReflex
- 1 Backend, 5 Frontends - Todo List with Rails, React, Angular, Vue, Svelte, and jQuery
- Create a Video Party App With Rails Part 1: Building the Backend - Part 2
- The Rails Model Introduction I Wish I Had
- How to create a gem in Ruby on Rails? -From Scratch-
- Multiple Foreign Keys for the Same Relationship in Rails 6
- QR Code Reader on Rails
- Magic Links with Ruby On Rails and Devise
- I created the same application with Rails and no JavaScript
- Instantly speed up your Rails application by self-hosting your fonts
- Reactive Map with Rails, Stimulus Reflex and Mapbox
- A Future for Rails: StimulusReflex
- Introduction to Ruby on Rails Patterns and Anti-patterns Part 1 - Part 2
- Rails Concerns: To Concern Or Not To Concern
- Building an Event Sourcing System in Rails, Part 1: What is Event Sourcing? - Part 2
- Real Time Notification System with Sidekiq, Redis and Devise in Rails 6
- Deploying Your Rails 6 App
- What's Cooking in Rails 7?
- Using Hotwire Turbo in Rails with legacy JavaScript
- From Rails scaffold listing to Hotwire infinite scroll
- Building a Component Library in Rails With Storybook
- How to Speed Up Load Times In A Rails App - What I Wish I Knew Four Months Ago
- Endless Scroll / Infinite Loading with Turbo Streams & Stimulus
- Ruby/Rails Machine Setup Guide -How many Heroku dynos do you need, and which size—An opinionated guide -Rails Environment Variables Using Credentials -Email Subscription Workflow - Ruby on Rails -Mastering Low Level Caching in Rails
- How to Write Fast Code in Ruby on Rails
- How to Introduce Composite Primary Keys in Rails
- Enforcing Modularity in Rails Apps with Packwerk
- 8 Useful Ruby on Rails Gems We Couldn't Live Without
- Ruby on Rails Code Audits: 8 Steps to Review Your App
- Rails 6.1 is Out! How to Prepare Your App Now
- When Should You Upgrade Your Rails Application?
- Helpful Resources for Upgrading Your Rails App Version
- Upgrading Rails: Interview with Eileen Uchitelle
- nil?, empty?, blank? in Ruby on Rails - what's the difference actually?
- How well Rails developers actually test their apps
- Rails multitenancy story in 11 snippets of code
- Painless Rails upgrades
- Comparison of approaches to multitenancy in Rails apps
- Managing Rails Event Store Subscriptions — How To
- Rails connections, pools and handlers
- How to balance the public APIs of an open-source library — practical examples from RailsEventStore
- Rack apps mounted in Rails — how to protect access to them?
- 10 Ruby on Rails Best Practices
- Building APIs with Ruby on Rails and GraphQL
- Understanding the Model-View-Controller (MVC) Architecture in Rails
- Beyond Rails Abstractions: A Dive into Database Internals
- Search and Autocomplete in Rails Apps
- Start Your SEO Right with Sitemaps on Rails
- Handle Password and Email Changes in Your Rails API
- Master Many-to-Many Associations with ActiveRecord
- Common Rails Security Pitfalls and Their Solutions
- Efficient GraphQL queries in Ruby on Rails & Postgres
- Similarity in Postgres and Rails using Trigrams
- [Effectively Using Materialized Views in Ruby on