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现代化开源电商平台 响应式设计提升购物体验

C-Shopping是基于Next.js、Tailwind CSS和Headless UI等前沿技术开发的开源电商平台。该平台提供快速加载、美观的响应式界面,适配多种设备,并使用JWT保障安全。功能涵盖用户购物和后台管理,包括个性化推荐、订单处理和商品评价等。整合了用户端和管理端功能,提供从商品浏览到订单管理的全流程支持。C-Shopping支持Docker部署,简化了系统的安装和维护过程,为开发者和商家提供了一个现代化、高效的电商解决方案,同时也是学习和定制的优秀范例。


C-Shopping v1.0.0

Hello, everyone! Welcome to C-Shopping, a journey into the world of e-commerce unveiling the technological wonders. I am "Ji Xiaopeng," the open-source author of C-Shopping, and today, I will introduce you to an open-source e-commerce platform based on the latest technologies. Let's explore together!

Project Live Demo Links:

Project gateway:

React Native mobile app application:

Project gateway:

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Project Background

Project Background


  • Traditional front-end UI frameworks have long been constrained by fixed forms (limited by traditional UI frameworks), leading to visual fatigue. When developing highly customized projects, there is often a sense of powerlessness.
  • Excellent web projects with multi-device adaptation are rare, with high learning and maintenance costs.
  • As projects become complex, dealing with multiple API calls in components can become complicated. For example, managing multiple loading and error states can lead to a declaration of numerous states. Issues like request cancellation and request race conditions are also prone to being overlooked.
  • As the project complexity grows, the development and maintenance of styles become extensive and cumbersome.


Address the issues mentioned in the background.


Build a complete, well-designed ecosystem suitable for the web.

Firstly, let's delve into the technology behind C-Shopping. I have adopted a series of cutting-edge technologies, including Next.js, Tailwind CSS, Headless UI, Redux-Toolkit-RTK Query, JWT, and Docker, among others. This ensures that this project is not only efficient but also highly scalable. We are committed to addressing some pain points of traditional e-commerce platforms: lack of aesthetics, inadequate adaptation to different devices, and a monotonous interface, among others. By adopting the latest technologies and design principles, C-Shopping creates a fully responsive technical development experience for users.

C-Shopping prioritizes user experience. Our interface is not only beautiful but also responsive, allowing users to enjoy shopping easily on any device. The personal center and order management functions also make your shopping experience more personalized and convenient.

Project Highlights

One of the highlights of C-Shopping is the adoption of a series of advanced technologies, including Next.js, Tailwind CSS, Headless UI, Redux-Toolkit-RTK Query, etc., providing users with an ultimate performance and experience. We not only focus on aesthetics but also strive for excellence in technology.

Next.js Driven Lightning-Fast Experience

C-Shopping uses Next.js, meaning not only is the webpage loading speed incredibly fast, but it also supports server-side rendering, providing an unprecedented level of smoothness.

🎨 Tailwind CSS Stylish Design

By using Tailwind CSS, C-Shopping injects a sense of style. Each interface is exquisite, making shopping a visual feast.

🔧 Headless UI Freedom and Flexibility

C-Shopping opts for the Headless UI style, giving users more freedom during the shopping process. No longer confined to traditional UI frameworks, it opens more doors for customization.

🔐 JWT Security Without Worries

Security is paramount! JWT is used for user authentication, providing the strongest guarantee for your shopping behavior, allowing you to shop with confidence.

🐳 Docker Perfect Deployment

C-Shopping embraces Docker, making project deployment incredibly simple. Containerization allows the entire project to run seamlessly in different environments.

🔄 Redux Toolkit and RTK Query State Management Art

C-Shopping uses Redux Toolkit and RTK Query, making state management more relaxed and enjoyable. You can better track data flow in the application, ensuring the stability of the shopping experience.

Feature Demo

Now, let's take a look at some basic features of C-Shopping. From clear navigation and product displays to convenient search and shopping cart features, every detail has been carefully designed to provide users with a pleasant shopping experience.


ModuleDesktop devicesMobile devices
Secondary Category
Third-level Category
Product Details
Shopping Cart
User Profile
My Orders
My Reviews
Address Management
Recent Visits


ModuleDesktop devicesMobile devices
Admin Center
User Management
Category Management
Category Management Tree
Specification Management
Product Management
Order Management
Review Management
Slider Management
Banner Management

Project Structure

🏗️ C-Shopping Project Structure:

Key structure explanation:

  • 📁 app: Main code of the application

    • 📁 main: Main application components
      • 📁 client-layout: Common layout pages for the user side
      • 📁 empty-layout: Common blank layout pages
      • 📁 admin: Admin pages
      • 📄 layout.js: Main layout configuration
      • 📁 profile: User profile page
    • 📄 StoreProvider.js: Global state management provider
    • 📁 api: API request-related routes
      • 📁 auth: User authentication API
      • 📁 banner: Advertisement banner API
      • 📁 category: Product category API
      • ...
  • 📁 components: Reusable React components

  • 📁 helpers: Helper functions and tools

    • 📁 api: API request-related helper functions
    • 📄 auth.js: Helper functions related to user authentication
    • ...
  • 📁 hooks: Custom React hooks

  • 📁 models: Data model definitions

  • 📁 public: Static resources, such as images, fonts, etc.

  • 📁 store: Configuration related to Redux state management

    • 📁 services: RTK Query
    • 📁 slices: Redux Toolkit
  • 📁 styles: Style files

  • 📁 utils: General utilities

  • ...

This structure is designed to make the project organized, easy to maintain, and scalable. Each section is divided based on

functionality and responsibilities, making it easier for team members to understand and collaborate.

Deployment and Usage

Development Environment

  1. Clone or download the repository by running the following command in the terminal:

    git clone
  2. Install project dependencies using npm or yarn:

    npm install


  3. Please create a new .env file from .env.example file in the project root directory to define the required environment variables. This step is crucial (for image upload to OSS):

    NEXT_PUBLIC_ACCESS_TOKEN_SECRET=<your token secret>
    NEXT_PUBLIC_ALI_REGION=<your ali endpoint>
    NEXT_PUBLIC_ALI_BUCKET_NAME=<your ali bucket name>
    NEXT_PUBLIC_ALI_ACCESS_KEY=<your ali access key>
    NEXT_PUBLIC_ALI_SECRET_KEY=<your ali secret key>
    NEXT_PUBLIC_ALI_ACS_RAM_NAME=<your ali acs:ram name>
    NEXT_PUBLIC_ALI_FILES_PATH=<your ali files pathname>
  4. Install MongoDB on your local machine.

  5. Run the project:

    npm run dev 
  6. Register an account:

  7. After creating an account, find your account in the database and modify the root field to true and the role field to admin. This

Project Cover


豆包 MarsCode 是一款革命性的编程助手,通过AI技术提供代码补全、单测生成、代码解释和智能问答等功能,支持100+编程语言,与主流编辑器无缝集成,显著提升开发效率和代码质量。

Project Cover


Suno AI是一个革命性的AI音乐创作平台,能在短短30秒内帮助用户创作出一首完整的歌曲。无论是寻找创作灵感还是需要快速制作音乐,Suno AI都是音乐爱好者和专业人士的理想选择。

Project Cover



Project Cover



Project Cover


Kimi AI助手提供多语言对话支持,能够阅读和理解用户上传的文件内容,解析网页信息,并结合搜索结果为用户提供详尽的答案。无论是日常咨询还是专业问题,Kimi都能以友好、专业的方式提供帮助。

Project Cover



Project Cover



Project Cover



Project Cover



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