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🔍 Advanced Search on Twitter


These operators work on Web, Mobile, Tweetdeck.

There is some overlap, but largely these will not work for v1.1 Search, Premium Search, or v2 Search APIs.

Adapted from TweetDeck Help, @lucahammer Guide, @eevee Twitter Manual, @pushshift and Twitter / Tweetdeck itself. Contributions / tests, examples welcome!

ClassOperatorFinds Tweets…Eg:
Tweet contentnasa esa
(nasa esa)
Containing both "nasa" and "esa". Spaces are implicit AND. Brackets can be used to group individual words if using other operators.🔗
 nasa OR esaEither "nasa" or "esa". OR must be in uppercase.🔗
 "state of the art"The complete phrase "state of the art". Will also match "state-of-the-art". Also use quotes to prevent spelling correction.🔗
 "this is the * time this week"A complete phrase with a wildcard. * does not work outside of a quoted phrase or without spaces.🔗
 +radioooooForce a term to be included as-is. Useful to prevent spelling correction.🔗
-"live laugh love"
- is used for excluding "love". Also applies to quoted phrases and other operators.🔗
 #tgifA hashtag🔗
 $TWTRA cashtag, like hashtags but for stock symbols🔗
 What ?Question marks are matched🔗
 :) OR :(Some emoticons are matched, positive :) :-) :P :D or negative :-( :(🔗
 👀Emoji searches are also matched. Usually needs another operator to work.🔗
 url:google.comurls are tokenized and matched, works very well for subdomains and domains, not so well for long urls, depends on url. Youtube ids work well. Works for both shortened and canonical urls, eg: shortener for When searching for Domains with hyphens in it, you have to replace the hyphen by an underscore (like but underscores _ are also tokenized out, and may not match🔗
 lang:enSearch for tweets in specified language, not always accurate, see the full list and special lang codes below.🔗
Usersfrom:userSent by a particular @username e.g. "dogs from:NASA"🔗
 to:userReplying to a particular @username🔗
 @userMentioning a particular @username. Combine with -from:username to get only mentions🔗
Tweets from members of this public list. Use the list ID from the API or with urls like List slug is for old list urls like Cannot be negated, so you can't search for "not on list".🔗
 filter:verifiedFrom verified users🔗
 filter:blue_verifiedFrom "verified" users that paid $8 for Twitter Blue🔗
 filter:followsOnly from accounts you follow. Cannot be negated.🔗
Only from algorithmically expanded network of accounts based your own follows and activities. Works on "Top" results not "Latest"🔗
Geonear:cityGeotagged in this place. Also supports Phrases, eg: near:"The Hague"🔗
 near:meNear where twitter thinks you are🔗
 within:radiusWithin specific radius of the "near" operator, to apply a limit. Can use km or mi. e.g. fire near:san-francisco within:10km🔗
 geocode:lat,long,radiusE.g., to get tweets 10km around twitters hq, use geocode:37.7764685,-122.4172004,10km🔗
 place:96683cc9126741d1Search tweets by Place Object ID eg: USA Place ID is 96683cc9126741d1🔗
Timesince:2021-12-31On or after (inclusive) a specified date. 4 digit year, 2 digit month, 2 digit day separated by - a dash.🔗
 until:2021-12-31Before (NOT inclusive) a specified date. Combine with a "since" operator for dates between.🔗
 since:2021-12-31_23:59:59_UTCOn or after (inclusive) a specified date and time in the specified timezone. 4 digit year, 2 digit month, 2 digit day separated by - dashes, an _ underscore separating the 24 hour clock format hours:minutes:seconds and timezone abbreviation.🔗
 until:2021-12-31_23:59:59_UTCBefore (NOT inclusive) a specified date and time in the specified timezone. Combine with a "since" operator for dates between.🔗
 since_time:1142974200On or after a specified unix timestamp in seconds. Combine with the "until" operator for dates between. Maybe easier to use than since_id below.🔗
 until_time:1142974215Before a specified unix timestamp in seconds. Combine with a "since" operator for dates between. Maybe easier to use than max_id below.🔗
 since_id:tweet_idAfter (NOT inclusive) a specified Snowflake ID (See Note) below)🔗
 max_id:tweet_idAt or before (inclusive) a specified Snowflake ID (see Note below)🔗
Search within the last number of days, hours, minutes, or seconds🔗
Tweet Typefilter:nativeretweetsOnly retweets created using the retweet button. Works well combined with from: to show only retweets. Only works within the last 7-10 days or so.🔗
 include:nativeretweetsNative retweets are excluded by default. This shows them. In contrast to filter:, which shows only retweets, this includes retweets in addition to other tweets. Only works within the last 7-10 days or so.🔗
 filter:retweetsOld style retweets ("RT") + quoted tweets.🔗
 filter:repliesTweet is a reply to another Tweet. good for finding conversations, or threads if you add or remove to:user🔗
 filter:self_threadsOnly self-replies. Tweets that are part of a thread, not replies in other conversations.[🔗](
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豆包 MarsCode 是一款革命性的编程助手,通过AI技术提供代码补全、单测生成、代码解释和智能问答等功能,支持100+编程语言,与主流编辑器无缝集成,显著提升开发效率和代码质量。

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Suno AI是一个革命性的AI音乐创作平台,能在短短30秒内帮助用户创作出一首完整的歌曲。无论是寻找创作灵感还是需要快速制作音乐,Suno AI都是音乐爱好者和专业人士的理想选择。

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Kimi AI助手提供多语言对话支持,能够阅读和理解用户上传的文件内容,解析网页信息,并结合搜索结果为用户提供详尽的答案。无论是日常咨询还是专业问题,Kimi都能以友好、专业的方式提供帮助。

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