Awesome UIKit
Collect JS Frameworks, Web components library and Admin Template.
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Most of this comes from: The Ultimate Guide to JavaScript Frameworks
The Big Three
- React - A JavaScript library for building user interfaces. ![Open-Source Software][OSS Icon]
- Angular - One framework. Mobile & desktop. ![Open-Source Software][OSS Icon]
- Vue.js - A progressive, incrementally-adoptable JavaScript framework for building UI on the web. ![Open-Source Software][OSS Icon]
Historically Significant
- AngularJS - AngularJS - HTML enhanced for web apps! ![Open-Source Software][OSS Icon]
- Backbone - Give your JS App some Backbone with Models, Views, Collections, and Events. ![Open-Source Software][OSS Icon]
- Ember - A JavaScript framework for creating ambitious web applications. ![Open-Source Software][OSS Icon]
- Aurelia - Aurelia allows us to focus on business logic, not on the framework. ![Open-Source Software][OSS Icon]
anu- he React16-compat mini library. ![Open-Source Software][OSS Icon]Elm - Server and client code for the Elm website. ![Open-Source Software][OSS Icon]- FicusJS - Lightweight functions for developing applications using web components. ![Open-Source Software][OSS Icon]
- HTM - JSX alternative using standard tagged templates, with compiler support. ![Open-Source Software][OSS Icon]
- htmx - </> htmx - high power tools for HTML ![Open-Source Software][OSS Icon]
- Inferno - An extremely fast, React-like JavaScript library for building modern user interfaces. ![Open-Source Software][OSS Icon] ![hot][hot Icon]
- Nano JSX - Lightweight 1KB JSX library. ![Open-Source Software][OSS Icon]
- Nue - The Content First Web Framework ![Open-Source Software][OSS Icon]
Polymer - Build modern apps using web components. ![Open-Source Software][OSS Icon]- Preact - Fast 3kB React alternative with the same modern API. Components & Virtual DOM. ![Open-Source Software][OSS Icon]
- ReasonML - Simple, fast & type safe code that leverages the JavaScript & OCaml ecosystems. ![Open-Source Software][OSS Icon]
- Svelte - The magical disappearing UI framework. ![Open-Source Software][OSS Icon] ![hot][hot Icon]
- Solid - A declarative, efficient, and flexible JavaScript library for building user interfaces.. ![Open-Source Software][OSS Icon] ![hot][hot Icon]
- VanJS - World's smallest reactive UI framework... ![Open-Source Software][OSS Icon]
- nativescript-vue - NativeScript with the ease of Vue. ![Open-Source Software][OSS Icon]
- react-native - A framework for building native apps with React. ![Open-Source Software][OSS Icon] ![hot][hot Icon]
Weex - A framework for building Mobile cross-platform UI. ![Open-Source Software][OSS Icon]
Mini Program
alita - 把 React Native 代码转换成微信小程序代码的转换引擎工具。 ![Open-Source Software][OSS Icon]Antmove - 编译型跨端解决方案,基于支付宝/微信小程序,轻松地转换成其它平台的小程序。 ![Open-Source Software][OSS Icon]Anna Remax UI - 一款基于 Remax 框架开发的小程序 UI 组件库。 ![Open-Source Software][OSS Icon]Chameleon - 一套代码运行多端,一端所见即多端所见 ![Open-Source Software][OSS Icon]- mpx - 滴滴开源小程序框架。 ![Open-Source Software][OSS Icon]
mpvue - 基于 Vue.js 的小程序开发框架,从底层支持 Vue.js 语法和构建工具体系。 ![Open-Source Software][OSS Icon]- taro - 多端统一开发框架,支持小程序、H5、React Native 等的应用。![Open-Source Software][OSS Icon]
weapp-native - 像 React 组件开发一样来开发微信小程序,开发微信小程序框架。 ![Open-Source Software][OSS Icon]wepy - 小程序组件化开发框架 ![Open-Source Software][OSS Icon]Remax - 将 React 运行在小程序环境中,让你可以使用完整的 React 进行开发 ![Open-Source Software][OSS Icon]