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OWASP Juice Shop是一个开源的不安全Web应用程序,用于安全培训、CTF比赛和安全工具测试。它涵盖OWASP Top Ten漏洞和真实应用中常见的安全缺陷。项目提供多种安装方式,支持多个Node.js版本,并配有详细文档和官方指南。作为Web应用安全学习平台,Juice Shop模拟了现实环境中的各种漏洞,为安全专业人员提供实践机会。通过模拟真实电商网站,它展示了常见的Web安全漏洞,不仅适用于安全培训和CTF比赛,还可作为测试安全工具的靶机。丰富的文档和指南资料有助于用户深入理解Web应用安全,为安全研究和学习提供了一个全面的实践环境。

Juice Shop Logo OWASP Juice Shop

OWASP Flagship GitHub release Twitter Follow Subreddit subscribers

CI/CD Pipeline Test Coverage Maintainability Code Climate technical debt Cypress tests OpenSSF Best Practices GitHub stars Contributor Covenant

The most trustworthy online shop out there. (@dschadow) — The best juice shop on the whole internet! (@shehackspurple) — Actually the most bug-free vulnerable application in existence! (@vanderaj) — First you 😂😂then you 😢 (@kramse) — But this doesn't have anything to do with juice. (@coderPatros' wife)

OWASP Juice Shop is probably the most modern and sophisticated insecure web application! It can be used in security trainings, awareness demos, CTFs and as a guinea pig for security tools! Juice Shop encompasses vulnerabilities from the entire OWASP Top Ten along with many other security flaws found in real-world applications!

Juice Shop Screenshot Slideshow

For a detailed introduction, full list of features and architecture overview please visit the official project page:

Table of contents


You can find some less common installation variations as well as instructions to run Juice Shop on a variety of cloud computing providers in the Running OWASP Juice Shop documentation.

From Sources

GitHub repo size

  1. Install node.js
  2. Run git clone --depth 1 (or clone your own fork of the repository)
  3. Go into the cloned folder with cd juice-shop
  4. Run npm install (only has to be done before first start or when you change the source code)
  5. Run npm start
  6. Browse to http://localhost:3000

Packaged Distributions

GitHub release SourceForge SourceForge

  1. Install a 64bit node.js on your Windows, MacOS or Linux machine
  2. Download juice-shop-<version>_<node-version>_<os> (or .tgz) attached to latest release
  3. Unpack and cd into the unpacked folder
  4. Run npm start
  5. Browse to http://localhost:3000

Each packaged distribution includes some binaries for sqlite3 and libxmljs bound to the OS and node.js version which npm install was executed on.

Docker Container

Docker Pulls Docker Stars

  1. Install Docker
  2. Run docker pull bkimminich/juice-shop
  3. Run docker run --rm -p bkimminich/juice-shop
  4. Browse to http://localhost:3000 (on macOS and Windows browse to if you are using docker-machine instead of the native docker installation)


  1. Install Vagrant and Virtualbox
  2. Run git clone (or clone your own fork of the repository)
  3. Run cd vagrant && vagrant up
  4. Browse to


Feel free to have a look at the latest version of OWASP Juice Shop:

This is a deployment-test and sneak-peek instance only! You are not supposed to use this instance for your own hacking endeavours! No guaranteed uptime! Guaranteed stern looks if you break it!


Node.js version compatibility

GitHub package.json dynamic GitHub package.json dynamic

OWASP Juice Shop officially supports the following versions of node.js in line with the official node.js LTS schedule as close as possible. Docker images and packaged distributions are offered accordingly.

node.jsSupportedTestedPackaged DistributionsDocker images from masterDocker images from develop
22.x:heavy_check_mark::heavy_check_mark:Windows (x64), MacOS (x64), Linux (x64)
21.x( :heavy_check_mark: ):heavy_check_mark:Windows (x64), MacOS (x64), Linux (x64)
20.x:heavy_check_mark::heavy_check_mark:Windows (x64), MacOS (x64), Linux (x64)latest (linux/amd64, linux/arm64)snapshot (linux/amd64, linux/arm64)
19.x( :heavy_check_mark: ):x:
18.x:heavy_check_mark::heavy_check_mark:Windows (x64), MacOS (x64), Linux (x64)

Juice Shop is automatically tested only on the latest .x minor version of each node.js version mentioned above! There is no guarantee that older minor node.js releases will always work with Juice Shop! Please make sure you stay up to date with your chosen version.



If you need help with the application setup please check our our existing Troubleshooting guide. If this does not solve your issue please post your specific problem or question in the Gitter Chat where community members can best try to help you.

:stop_sign: Please avoid opening GitHub issues for support requests or questions!

Official companion guide

Write Goodreads Review

OWASP Juice Shop comes with an official companion guide eBook. It will give you a complete overview of all vulnerabilities found in the application including hints how to spot and exploit them. In the appendix you will even find complete step-by-step solutions to every challenge. Extensive documentation of custom re-branding, CTF-support, trainer's guide and much more is also included.

Pwning OWASP Juice Shop is published under CC BY-NC-ND 4.0 and is available for free in PDF, Kindle and ePub format on LeanPub. You can also browse the full content online!

Pwning OWASP Juice Shop cover Pwning OWASP Juice Shop back cover


GitHub contributors JavaScript Style Guide Crowdin GitHub issues by-label GitHub issues by-label

We are always happy to get new contributors on board! Please check to learn how to contribute to our codebase or the translation into different languages!


Did you write a blog post, magazine article or do a podcast about or mentioning OWASP Juice Shop? Or maybe you held or joined a conference talk or meetup session, a hacking workshop or public training where this project was mentioned?

Add it to our ever-growing list of by forking and opening a Pull Request!


  • On and you can get some swag (Shirts, Hoodies, Mugs) with the official OWASP Juice Shop logo
  • On you can get variants of the OWASP Juice Shop logo as single stickers to decorate your laptop with. They can also print magnets, iron-ons, sticker sheets and temporary tattoos.

The most honorable way to get some stickers is to contribute to the project by fixing an issue, finding a serious bug or submitting a good idea for a new challenge!

We're also happy to supply you with stickers if you organize a meetup or conference talk where you use or talk about or hack the OWASP Juice Shop! Just contact the mailing list or the project leader to discuss your plans!


The OWASP Foundation gratefully accepts donations via Stripe. Projects such as Juice Shop can then request reimbursement for expenses from the Foundation. If you'd like to express your support of the Juice Shop project, please make sure to tick the "Publicly list me as a supporter of OWASP Juice Shop" checkbox on the donation form. You can find our more about donations and how they are used here:


The OWASP Juice Shop core project team are:

Project Cover


豆包 MarsCode 是一款革命性的编程助手,通过AI技术提供代码补全、单测生成、代码解释和智能问答等功能,支持100+编程语言,与主流编辑器无缝集成,显著提升开发效率和代码质量。

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Suno AI是一个革命性的AI音乐创作平台,能在短短30秒内帮助用户创作出一首完整的歌曲。无论是寻找创作灵感还是需要快速制作音乐,Suno AI都是音乐爱好者和专业人士的理想选择。

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Kimi AI助手提供多语言对话支持,能够阅读和理解用户上传的文件内容,解析网页信息,并结合搜索结果为用户提供详尽的答案。无论是日常咨询还是专业问题,Kimi都能以友好、专业的方式提供帮助。

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Project Cover


探索Tensor.Art平台的独特AI模型,免费访问各种图像生成与AI训练工具,从Stable Diffusion等基础模型开始,轻松实现创新图像生成。体验前沿的AI技术,推动个人和企业的创新发展。

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Project Cover



Project Cover



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