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Android GIF动画渲染和控制库

android-gif-drawable是一个用于Android应用中渲染和控制GIF动画的开源库。它通过JNI调用GIFLib实现高效渲染,提供自定义View和Drawable组件,支持多种GIF加载方式。库功能包括动画控制、元数据获取等,适用于API 17+设备。该项目为开发者提供了灵活高效的GIF动画处理方案。


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Views and Drawable for animated GIFs in Android.


Bundled GIFLib via JNI is used to render frames. This way should be more efficient than WebView or Movie classes.



Gradle (Android Studio)

Insert the following dependency to build.gradle file of your project.

dependencies {
    implementation 'pl.droidsonroids.gif:android-gif-drawable:1.2.29'

Note that Maven central repository should be defined eg. in top-level build.gradle like this:

buildscript {
    repositories {
allprojects {
    repositories {

Gradle, snapshot repository

Current development builds (build from dev branch) are published to OSS snapshot repository. To use them, specify repository URL in repositories block:

repositories {
    maven { url "" }
dependencies {
    implementation 'pl.droidsonroids.gif:android-gif-drawable:1.2.+'

Maven dependency

    <version>insert latest version here</version>


See Sample eclipse project with setup instructions.


Latest release downloads


  • Android 4.2+ (API level 17+)
  • for GifTextureView hardware-accelerated rendering
  • for GifTexImage2D OpenGL ES 2.0+

Building from source


Sample project

See sample directory. Sample project is under construction. Not all features are covered yet.

From XML

The simplest way is to use GifImageView (or GifImageButton) like a normal ImageView:


If drawables declared by android:src and/or android:background are GIF files then they will be automatically recognized as GifDrawables and animated. If given drawable is not a GIF then mentioned Views work like plain ImageView and ImageButton.

GifTextView allows you to use GIFs as compound drawables and background.


From Java code

GifImageView, GifImageButton and GifTextView have also hooks for setters implemented. So animated GIFs can be set by calling setImageResource(int resId) and setBackgroundResource(int resId)

GifDrawable can be constructed directly from various sources:

//asset file
GifDrawable gifFromAssets = new GifDrawable( getAssets(), "anim.gif" );
//resource (drawable or raw)
GifDrawable gifFromResource = new GifDrawable( getResources(), R.drawable.anim );
ContentResolver contentResolver = ... //can be null for file:// Uris
GifDrawable gifFromUri = new GifDrawable( contentResolver, gifUri );

//byte array
byte[] rawGifBytes = ...
GifDrawable gifFromBytes = new GifDrawable( rawGifBytes );
FileDescriptor fd = new RandomAccessFile( "/path/anim.gif", "r" ).getFD();
GifDrawable gifFromFd = new GifDrawable( fd );
//file path
GifDrawable gifFromPath = new GifDrawable( "/path/anim.gif" );
File gifFile = new File(getFilesDir(),"anim.gif");
GifDrawable gifFromFile = new GifDrawable(gifFile);
AssetFileDescriptor afd = getAssets().openFd( "anim.gif" );
GifDrawable gifFromAfd = new GifDrawable( afd );
//InputStream (it must support marking)
InputStream sourceIs = ...
BufferedInputStream bis = new BufferedInputStream( sourceIs, GIF_LENGTH );
GifDrawable gifFromStream = new GifDrawable( bis );
//direct ByteBuffer
ByteBuffer rawGifBytes = ...
GifDrawable gifFromBytes = new GifDrawable( rawGifBytes );	

InputStreams are closed automatically in finalizer if GifDrawable is no longer needed so you don't need to explicitly close them. Calling recycle() will also close underlying input source.

Note that all input sources need to have ability to rewind to the beginning. It is required to correctly play animated GIFs (where animation is repeatable) since subsequent frames are decoded on demand from source.

Animation control

GifDrawable implements an Animatable and MediaPlayerControl so you can use its methods and more:

  • stop() - stops the animation, can be called from any thread
  • start() - starts the animation, can be called from any thread
  • isRunning() - returns whether animation is currently running or not
  • reset() - rewinds the animation, does not restart stopped one
  • setSpeed(float factor) - sets new animation speed factor, eg. passing 2.0f will double the animation speed
  • seekTo(int position) - seeks animation (within current loop) to given position (in milliseconds)
  • getDuration() - returns duration of one loop of the animation
  • getCurrentPosition() - returns elapsed time from the beginning of a current loop of animation
Using MediaPlayerControl

Standard controls for a MediaPlayer (like in VideoView) can be used to control GIF animation and show its current progress.

Just set GifDrawable as MediaPlayer on your MediaController like this:

protected void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {
    GifImageButton gib = new GifImageButton(this);
    final MediaController mc = new MediaController(this);
    mc.setMediaPlayer((GifDrawable) gib.getDrawable());
    gib.setOnClickListener(new OnClickListener() {
        public void onClick(View v) {

Retrieving GIF metadata

  • getLoopCount() - returns a loop count as defined in NETSCAPE 2.0 extension
  • getNumberOfFrames() - returns number of frames (at least 1)
  • getComment() - returns comment text (null if GIF has no comment)
  • getFrameByteCount() - returns minimum number of bytes that can be used to store pixels of the single frame
  • getAllocationByteCount() - returns size (in bytes) of the allocated memory used to store pixels of given GifDrawable
  • getInputSourceByteCount() - returns length (in bytes) of the backing input data
  • toString() - returns human readable information about image size and number of frames (intended for debugging purpose)

Associating single GifDrawable instance with multiple Views

Normally single GifDrawable instance associated with multiple Views will animate only on the last one. To solve that create MultiCallback instance, add Views to it and set callback for given drawable, e.g.:

MultiCallback multiCallback = new MultiCallback();




Note that if you change a drawable of e.g. ImageView, the callback will be removed from the previous drawable. Thereafter, you have to reassign callback or the same GifDrawable instance will stop animating. See #480 for more information.


  • recycle() - provided to speed up freeing memory (like in
  • isRecycled() - checks whether drawable is recycled
  • getError() - returns last error details

Upgrading from 1.2.15

Minimum SDK version changed

Minimum API level is now 17 (Android 4.2). armeabi (arm v5 and v6) is no longer supported.

Upgrading from 1.2.8

Minimum SDK version changed

Minimum API level is now 14 (Android 4.0).

Upgrading from 1.2.3

Meaningful only if consumer proguard rules (bundled with library) are not used (they are used by default by Gradle).

  • Proguard rule has changed to -keep public class pl.droidsonroids.gif.GifIOException{<init>(int, java.lang.String);}

Upgrading from 1.1.17

1.1.17 is the last version supporting API level 8 (Froyo). Starting from 1.2.0 minimum API level is 9 (Gingerbread).

Upgrading from 1.1.13

Handling of several edge cases has been changed:

  • GifDrawable#getNumberOfFrames() now returns 0 when GifDrawable is recycled
  • Information included in result of GifDrawable#toString() when GifDrawable is recycled now contains zeroes only

Upgrading from 1.1.10

It is recommended (but not required) to call LibraryLoader.initialize() before using GifDrawable. Context is needed in some cases when native libraries cannot be extracted normally. See ReLinker for more details. If LibraryLoader.initialize() was not called and normal library loading fails, Context will be tried to be retrieved in fall back way which may not always work.

Upgrading from 1.1.9

int parameter loopNumber has been added to AnimationListener#onAnimationCompleted().

Upgrading from 1.1.8

Proguard configuration not needed

Proguard configuration is now bundled with the library, you don't need to specify it yourself.

Upgrading from 1.1.3

src XML attribute in GifTextureView has been renamed to gifSource to avoid possible conflicts with other libraries.

Upgrading from 1.0.x

Proguard configuration update

Proguard configuration has changed to:

-keep public class pl.droidsonroids.gif.GifIOException{<init>(int);}
-keep class pl.droidsonroids.gif.GifInfoHandle{<init>(long,int,int,int);}

Drawable recycling behavior change

GifDrawable now uses as frame buffer. Trying to access pixels (including drawing) of recycled GifDrawable will cause IllegalStateException like in Bitmap.

Minimum SDK version changed

Minimum API level is now 8 (Android 2.2).

Rendering moved to background thread

Rendering is performed in background thread running independently from main thread so animation is running even if drawable is not drawn. However rendering is not running if drawable is not visible, see [#setVisible()](, boolean)). That method can be used to control drawable visibility in cases when it is not already handled by Android framework.


This library uses code from GIFLib 5.1.3 and SKIA.

Projects using android-gif-drawable


NativeScript Plugin by Brad Martin available on NPM

Sketch Powerful and comprehensive image loader on Android, with support for GIF, gesture zooming, block display super large image.

Want to include your project here? Fill an issue


MIT License

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