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Docker 容器化 Valheim 专用服务器部署方案

该项目提供了一个基于 Docker 的 Valheim 专用服务器部署方案。支持 BepInEx 和 ValheimPlus 模组,通过环境变量实现灵活配置,包括服务器设置、备份、更新和日志过滤等功能。项目集成了事件钩子机制,可在特定事件触发时执行自定义命令。适用于 Docker、Kubernetes、AWS ECS 和 Nomad 等多种环境,简化了 Valheim 服务器的部署和管理流程。

lloesche/valheim-server Docker image


Valheim Server in a Docker Container (with BepInEx and ValheimPlus support)
This project is hosted at

Table of contents

Basic Docker Usage

The name of the Docker image is

Volume mount the server config directory to /config within the Docker container.

If you have an existing world on a Windows system you can copy it from e.g.
C:\Users\Lukas\AppData\LocalLow\IronGate\Valheim\worlds_local to e.g.
$HOME/valheim-server/config/worlds_local and run the image with $HOME/valheim-server/config volume mounted to /config inside the container. The container directory /opt/valheim contains the downloaded server. It can optionally be volume mounted to avoid having to download the server on each fresh start.

$ mkdir -p $HOME/valheim-server/config/worlds_local $HOME/valheim-server/data
# copy existing world
$ docker run -d \
    --name valheim-server \
    --cap-add=sys_nice \
    --stop-timeout 120 \
    -p 2456-2457:2456-2457/udp \
    -v $HOME/valheim-server/config:/config \
    -v $HOME/valheim-server/data:/opt/valheim \
    -e SERVER_NAME="My Server" \
    -e WORLD_NAME="Neotopia" \
    -e SERVER_PASS="secret" \

Warning: SERVER_PASS must be at least 5 characters long. Otherwise valheim_server.x86_64 will refuse to start!

A fresh start will take several minutes depending on your Internet connection speed as the container will download the Valheim dedicated server from Steam (~1 GB).

Do not forget to modify WORLD_NAME to reflect the name of your world! For existing worlds that is the filename in the worlds_local/ folder without the .db/.fwl extension.

If you want to play with friends over the Internet and are behind NAT make sure that UDP ports 2456-2457 are forwarded to the container host. (Remark: If you use crossplay, you don't need port forwarding! See official Valheim Dedicated Server Manual.pdf in the data/server folder.) Also ensure they are publicly accessible in any firewall.

Crossplay: To enable crossplay between different platforms add -crossplay to SERVER_ARGS:

    -e SERVER_ARGS="-crossplay"

There is more info in section Finding Your Server.

For LAN-only play see section Steam Server Favorites & LAN Play

For more deployment options see the Deployment section.

Granting CAP_SYS_NICE to the container is optional. It allows the Steam library that Valheim uses to give itself more CPU cycles. Without it you will see a message Warning: failed to set thread priority in the startup log.

Environment Variables

All variable names and values are case-sensitive!

SERVER_NAMEMy ServerName that will be shown in the server browser
SERVER_PORT2456UDP start port that the server will listen on
WORLD_NAMEDedicatedName of the world without .db/.fwl file extension
SERVER_PASSsecretPassword for logging into the server - min. 5 characters!
SERVER_PUBLICtrueWhether the server should be listed in the server browser (true) or not (false)
SERVER_ARGSAdditional Valheim server CLI arguments
ADMINLIST_IDSSpace separated list of admin SteamIDs in SteamID64 format. Overrides any existing adminlist.txt entries!
BANNEDLIST_IDSSpace separated list of banned SteamIDs in SteamID64 format. Overrides any existing bannedlist.txt entries!
PERMITTEDLIST_IDSSpace separated list of whitelisted SteamIDs in SteamID64 format. Overrides any existing permittedlist.txt entries!
UPDATE_CRON*/15 * * * *Cron schedule for update checks (disabled if set to an empty string or if the legacy UPDATE_INTERVAL is set)
IDLE_DATAGRAM_WINDOW3The time window, in seconds, to wait for incoming UDP datagrams on non-public servers before determining if the server is idle
IDLE_DATAGRAM_MAX_COUNT30The number of incoming UDP datagrams the container should tolerate (including useless datagrams such as mDNS, as well as useful datagrams like queries against the UDP query port and active connections by players) on non-public servers before deciding that the server is not idle
UPDATE_IF_IDLEtrueOnly run update check if no players are connected to the server (true or false)
RESTART_CRON0 5 * * *Cron schedule for server restarts (disabled if set to an empty string)
RESTART_IF_IDLEtrueOnly run daily restart if no players are connected to the server (true or false)
TZEtc/UTCContainer time zone
BACKUPStrueWhether the server should create periodic backups (true or false)
BACKUPS_CRON0 * * * *Cron schedule for world backups (disabled if set to an empty string or if the legacy BACKUPS_INTERVAL is set)
BACKUPS_DIRECTORY/config/backupsPath to the backups directory
BACKUPS_MAX_AGE3Age in days after which old backups are flushed
BACKUPS_MAX_COUNT0Maximum number of backups kept, 0 means infinity
BACKUPS_IF_IDLEtrueBackup even when no players have been connected for a while
BACKUPS_IDLE_GRACE_PERIOD3600Grace period in seconds after the last player has disconnected in which we will still create backups when BACKUPS_IF_IDLE=false
BACKUPS_ZIPtrueCompress Backups with zip. If set to false Backups will be stored uncompressed.
PERMISSIONS_UMASK022Umask to use for backups, config files and directories
STEAMCMD_ARGSvalidateAdditional steamcmd CLI arguments
PUBLIC_TESTfalseRun the Public Test Beta version of Valheim server. Note that this simply extends existing STEAMCMD_ARGS by adding the appropriate beta flags to it.
VALHEIM_PLUSfalseWhether ValheimPlus mod should be loaded (config in /config/valheimplus, additional plugins in /config/valheimplus/plugins). Can not be used together with BEPINEX.
VALHEIM_PLUS_REPOGrantapher/ValheimPlusWhich ValheimPlus Github repo to use. Useful for switching to forks.
VALHEIM_PLUS_RELEASElatestWhich version of ValheimPlus to download. Will default to latest available. To specify a specific tag set to tags/
BEPINEXfalseWhether BepInExPack Valheim mod should be loaded (config in /config/bepinex, plugins in /config/bepinex/plugins). Can not be used together with VALHEIM_PLUS.
SUPERVISOR_HTTPfalseTurn on supervisor's http server
SUPERVISOR_HTTP_PORT9001Set supervisor's http server port
SUPERVISOR_HTTP_USERadminSupervisor http server username
SUPERVISOR_HTTP_PASSSupervisor http server password
STATUS_HTTPfalseTurn on the status http server. Only useful on public servers (SERVER_PUBLIC=true).
STATUS_HTTP_PORT80Status http server tcp port
STATUS_HTTP_CONF/config/httpd.confPath to the busybox httpd config
STATUS_HTTP_HTDOCS/opt/valheim/htdocsPath to the status httpd htdocs where status.json is written
SYSLOG_REMOTE_HOSTRemote syslog host or IP to send logs to
SYSLOG_REMOTE_PORT514Remote syslog UDP port to send logs to
SYSLOG_REMOTE_AND_LOCALtrueWhen sending logs to a remote syslog server also log local
PUID0UID to run valheim-server as
PGID0GID to run valheim-server as

There are a few undocumented environment variables that could break things if configured wrong. They can be found in defaults.

Log filters

Valheim server by default logs a lot of noise. These env variables allow users to remove unwanted lines from the log.

VALHEIM_LOG_FILTER_EMPTYtrueFilter empty log lines
VALHEIM_LOG_FILTER_UTF8trueFilter invalid UTF-8 characters
VALHEIM_LOG_FILTER_MATCH Filter log lines exactly matching
VALHEIM_LOG_FILTER_STARTSWITH(Filename:Filter log lines starting with
VALHEIM_LOG_FILTER_ENDSWITHFilter log lines ending with
VALHEIM_LOG_FILTER_CONTAINSFilter log lines containing
VALHEIM_LOG_FILTER_REGEXPFilter log lines matching regexp

The default filter removes:

  • Empty log lines
  • Log lines consisting of a single space (wtf?)
  • A repeating line saying (Filename: ./Runtime/Export/Debug/Debug.bindings.h Line: 35)
  • Lines flooding the log with Assertion Failed warnings on packet processing timeouts (See #104)
  • If ValheimPlus is turned on lines starting with Fallback handler could not load library

Log filter event hooks

If an environment variable prefixed with ON_ exists for an identically named log filter, instead of removing the log line the contents of the variable will be executed when the filter matches with the log line piped on stdin.

ON_VALHEIM_LOG_FILTER_MATCHRun command hook on log lines exactly matching
ON_VALHEIM_LOG_FILTER_STARTSWITHRun command hook on log lines starting with
ON_VALHEIM_LOG_FILTER_ENDSWITHRun command hook on log lines ending with
ON_VALHEIM_LOG_FILTER_CONTAINSRun command hook on log lines containing
ON_VALHEIM_LOG_FILTER_REGEXPRun command hook on regexp match

All environment variables except for VALHEIM_LOG_FILTER_EMPTY and VALHEIM_LOG_FILTER_UTF8 are prefixes. Meaning you can define multiple matches like so:

-e VALHEIM_LOG_FILTER_CONTAINS_Connected="Got character ZDOID from"
-e ON_VALHEIM_LOG_FILTER_CONTAINS_Connected="cat >> /tmp/character_login"

Discord log filter event hook example

Sends a Discord message whenever a player spawns

-e VALHEIM_LOG_FILTER_CONTAINS_Spawned="Got character ZDOID from" \
-e ON_VALHEIM_LOG_FILTER_CONTAINS_Spawned='{ read l; l=${l//*ZDOID from /}; l=${l// :*/}; msg="Player $l spawned into the world"; curl -sfSL -X POST -H "Content-Type: application/json" -d "{\"username\":\"Valheim\",\"content\":\"$msg\"}" "$DISCORD_WEBHOOK"; }'

See Notify on Discord below for proper quoting in env and compose files.

If you are running ValheimPlus and this filter triggers twice, check this ValheimPlus issue. The cause is a misconfigured BepInEx.cfg that causes all log lines to be duplicated.

Event hooks

The following environment variables can be populated to run commands whenever specific events happen.

PRE_SUPERVISOR_HOOKCommand to be executed before supervisord is run. Startup is blocked until this command returns.
PRE_BOOTSTRAP_HOOKCommand to be executed before bootstrapping is done. Startup is blocked until this command returns.
POST_BOOTSTRAP_HOOKCommand to be executed after bootstrapping is done and before the server or any services are started. Can be used to install additional packages or perform additional system setup. Startup is blocked until this command returns.
PRE_BACKUP_HOOKCommand to be executed before a backup is created. The string @BACKUP_FILE@ will be replaced by the full path of the future backup zip file. Backups are blocked until this command returns.
POST_BACKUP_HOOKCommand to be executed after a backup is created. The string @BACKUP_FILE@ will be replaced by the full path of the backup zip file. Backups are blocked until this command returns. See Copy backups to another location for details.
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