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The Universal Device Detection library that parses User Agents and Browser Client Hints to detect devices (desktop, tablet, mobile, tv, cars, console, etc.), clients (browsers, feed readers, media players, PIMs, ...), operating systems, brands and models.


Using DeviceDetector with composer is quite easy. Just add matomo/device-detector to your projects requirements.

composer require matomo/device-detector

And use some code like this one:

require_once 'vendor/autoload.php';

use DeviceDetector\ClientHints;
use DeviceDetector\DeviceDetector;
use DeviceDetector\Parser\Device\AbstractDeviceParser;

// OPTIONAL: Set version truncation to none, so full versions will be returned
// By default only minor versions will be returned (e.g. X.Y)
// for other options see VERSION_TRUNCATION_* constants in DeviceParserAbstract class

$userAgent = $_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT']; // change this to the useragent you want to parse
$clientHints = ClientHints::factory($_SERVER); // client hints are optional

$dd = new DeviceDetector($userAgent, $clientHints);

// OPTIONAL: Set caching method
// By default static cache is used, which works best within one php process (memory array caching)
// To cache across requests use caching in files or memcache
// $dd->setCache(new Doctrine\Common\Cache\PhpFileCache('./tmp/'));

// OPTIONAL: Set custom yaml parser
// By default Spyc will be used for parsing yaml files. You can also use another yaml parser.
// You may need to implement the Yaml Parser facade if you want to use another parser than Spyc or [Symfony](
// $dd->setYamlParser(new DeviceDetector\Yaml\Symfony());

// OPTIONAL: If called, getBot() will only return true if a bot was detected  (speeds up detection a bit)
// $dd->discardBotInformation();

// OPTIONAL: If called, bot detection will completely be skipped (bots will be detected as regular devices then)
// $dd->skipBotDetection();


if ($dd->isBot()) {
  // handle bots,spiders,crawlers,...
  $botInfo = $dd->getBot();
} else {
  $clientInfo = $dd->getClient(); // holds information about browser, feed reader, media player, ...
  $osInfo = $dd->getOs();
  $device = $dd->getDeviceName();
  $brand = $dd->getBrandName();
  $model = $dd->getModel();

Methods check device type:


Methods check client type:


Get OS family:

use DeviceDetector\Parser\OperatingSystem;

$osFamily = OperatingSystem::getOsFamily($dd->getOs('name'));

Get browser family:

use DeviceDetector\Parser\Client\Browser;

$browserFamily = Browser::getBrowserFamily($dd->getClient('name'));

Instead of using the full power of DeviceDetector it might in some cases be better to use only specific parsers. If you aim to check if a given useragent is a bot and don't require any of the other information, you can directly use the bot parser.

require_once 'vendor/autoload.php';

use DeviceDetector\Parser\Bot AS BotParser;

$botParser = new BotParser();

// OPTIONAL: discard bot information. parse() will then return true instead of information

$result = $botParser->parse();

if (!is_null($result)) {
    // do not do anything if a bot is detected

// handle non-bot requests

Using without composer

Alternatively to using composer you can also use the included autoload.php. This script will register an autoloader to dynamically load all classes in DeviceDetector namespace.

Device Detector requires a YAML parser. By default Spyc parser is used. As this library is not included you need to include it manually or use another YAML parser.


include_once 'path/to/spyc/Spyc.php';
include_once 'path/to/device-detector/autoload.php';

use DeviceDetector\ClientHints;
use DeviceDetector\DeviceDetector;
use DeviceDetector\Parser\Device\AbstractDeviceParser;

// OPTIONAL: Set version truncation to none, so full versions will be returned
// By default only minor versions will be returned (e.g. X.Y)
// for other options see VERSION_TRUNCATION_* constants in DeviceParserAbstract class

$userAgent = $_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT']; // change this to the useragent you want to parse
$clientHints = ClientHints::factory($_SERVER); // client hints are optional

$dd = new DeviceDetector($userAgent, $clientHints);

// ...


By default, DeviceDetector uses a built-in array cache. To get better performance, you can use your own caching solution:

// Example with PSR-6 and Symfony
$cache = new \Symfony\Component\Cache\Adapter\ApcuAdapter();
    new \DeviceDetector\Cache\PSR6Bridge($cache)

// Example with PSR-16 and ScrapBook
$cache = new \MatthiasMullie\Scrapbook\Psr16\SimpleCache(
    new \MatthiasMullie\Scrapbook\Adapters\Apc()
    new \DeviceDetector\Cache\PSR16Bridge($cache)

// Example with Doctrine
$cache = new \Doctrine\Common\Cache\ApcuCache();
    new \DeviceDetector\Cache\DoctrineBridge($cache)

// Example with Laravel
    new \DeviceDetector\Cache\LaravelCache()


Hacking the library

This is a free/libre library under license LGPL v3 or later.

Your pull requests and/or feedback is very welcome!

Listing all user agents from your logs

Sometimes it may be useful to generate the list of most used user agents on your website, extracting this list from your access logs using the following command:

zcat ~/path/to/access/logs* | awk -F'"' '{print $6}' | sort | uniq -c | sort -rn | head -n20000 > /home/matomo/top-user-agents.txt


Created by the Matomo team, Stefan Giehl, Matthieu Aubry, Michał Gaździk, Tomasz Majczak, Grzegorz Kaszuba, Piotr Banaszczyk and contributors.

Together we can build the best Device Detection library.

We are looking forward to your contributions and pull requests!


See also: QA at Matomo

Running tests

cd /path/to/device-detector
curl -sS | php
php composer.phar install

Device Detector for other languages

There are already a few ports of this tool to other languages:

Icon packs

If you are looking for icons to use alongside Device Detector, these repositories can be of use:

What Device Detector is able to detect

The lists below are auto generated and updated from time to time. Some of them might not be complete.

Last update: 2024/07/28

List of detected operating systems:

AIX, Android, Android TV, Alpine Linux, Amazon Linux, AmigaOS, Armadillo OS, AROS, tvOS, Arch Linux, AOSC OS, ASPLinux, BackTrack, Bada, Baidu Yi, BeOS, BlackBerry OS, BlackBerry Tablet OS, Bliss OS, Brew, BrightSignOS, Caixa Mágica, CentOS, CentOS Stream, Clear Linux OS, ClearOS Mobile, Chrome OS, Chromium OS, China OS, CyanogenMod, Debian, Deepin, DragonFly, DVKBuntu, ElectroBSD, EulerOS, Fedora, Fenix, Firefox OS, Fire OS, Foresight Linux, Freebox, FreeBSD, FRITZ!OS, FydeOS, Fuchsia, Gentoo, GENIX, GEOS, gNewSense, GridOS, Google TV, HP-UX, Haiku OS, iPadOS, HarmonyOS, HasCodingOS, HELIX OS, IRIX, Inferno, Java ME, Joli OS, KaiOS, Kali, Kanotix, KIN OS, Knoppix, KreaTV, Kubuntu, GNU/Linux, LindowsOS, Linspire, Lineage OS, Liri OS, Loongnix, Lubuntu, Lumin OS, LuneOS, VectorLinux, Mac, Maemo, Mageia, Mandriva, MeeGo, MocorDroid, moonOS, Motorola EZX, Mint, MildWild, MorphOS, NetBSD, MTK / Nucleus, MRE, NeXTSTEP, NEWS-OS, Nintendo, Nintendo Mobile, Nova, OS/2, OSF1, OpenBSD, OpenVMS, OpenVZ, OpenWrt, Opera TV, Oracle Linux, Ordissimo, Pardus, PCLinuxOS, PICO OS, Plasma Mobile, PlayStation Portable, PlayStation, Proxmox VE, PureOS, Qtopia, Raspberry Pi OS, Raspbian, Red Hat, Red Star, RedOS, Revenge OS, RISC OS, Rocky Linux, Roku OS, Rosa, RouterOS, Remix OS, Resurrection Remix OS, REX, RazoDroiD, Sabayon, SUSE, Sailfish OS, Scientific Linux, SeewoOS, SerenityOS, Sirin OS, Slackware, Solaris, Star-Blade OS, Syllable, Symbian, Symbian OS, Symbian OS Series 40, Symbian OS Series 60, Symbian^3, TencentOS, ThreadX, Tizen, TiVo OS, TmaxOS, Turbolinux, Ubuntu, ULTRIX, UOS, VIDAA, watchOS, Wear OS, WebTV, Whale OS, Windows, Windows CE, Windows IoT, Windows Mobile, Windows Phone, Windows RT, WoPhone, Xbox, Xubuntu, YunOS, Zenwalk, ZorinOS, iOS, palmOS, Webian, webOS

List of detected browsers:

Via, Pure Mini Browser, Pure Lite Browser, Raise Fast Browser, Rabbit Private Browser, Fast Browser UC Lite, Fast Explorer, Lightning Browser, Cake Browser, IE Browser Fast, Vegas Browser, OH Browser, OH Private Browser, XBrowser Mini, Sharkee Browser, Lark Browser, Pluma, Anka Browser, Azka Browser, Dragon Browser, Easy Browser, Dark Web Browser, Dark Browser, 18+ Privacy Browser, 115 Browser, 1DM Browser, 1DM+ Browser, 2345 Browser, 360 Secure Browser, 360 Phone Browser, 7654 Browser, Avant Browser, ABrowse, Acoo Browser, AdBlock Browser, Adult Browser, Airfind Secure Browser, ANT Fresco, ANTGalio, Aloha Browser, Aloha Browser Lite, ALVA, Amaya, Amaze Browser, Amerigo, Amigo, Android Browser, AOL Explorer, AOL Desktop, AOL Shield, AOL Shield Pro, Aplix, AppBrowzer, APUS Browser, Arora, Arctic Fox, Amiga Voyager, Amiga Aweb, APN Browser, Arachne, Arc, Arvin,, Asus Browser, Atom, Atomic Web Browser, Atlas, Avast Secure Browser, AVG Secure Browser, Avira Secure Browser, AwoX, Awesomium, Basic Web Browser, Beaker Browser, Beamrise, BF Browser, BlackBerry Browser, Bluefy, BrowseHere, Browser Hup Pro, Baidu Browser, Baidu Spark, Bang, Bangla Browser, Basilisk, Belva Browser, Beyond Private Browser, Beonex, Berry Browser, Bitchute Browser, BizBrowser, BlackHawk, Bloket, Bunjalloo, B-Line, Black Lion Browser, Blue Browser, Bonsai, Borealis Navigator, Brave, BriskBard, BroKeep Browser, Browspeed Browser, BrowseX, Browzar, Browlser, BrowsBit, Biyubi, Byffox, BXE Browser, Camino, Catalyst, Catsxp, Cave Browser, CCleaner, CG Browser, ChanjetCloud, Chedot, Cherry Browser, Centaury, Cliqz, Coc Coc, CoolBrowser, Colibri, Columbus Browser, Comodo Dragon, Coast, Charon, CM Browser, CM Mini, Chrome Frame, Headless Chrome, Chrome, Chrome Mobile iOS, Conkeror, Chrome Mobile, Chowbo, Classilla, CoolNovo, Colom Browser, CometBird, Comfort Browser, COS Browser, Cornowser, Chim Lac, ChromePlus, Chromium, Chromium GOST, Cyberfox, Cheshire, Crow Browser, Crusta, Craving Explorer, Crazy Browser, Cunaguaro, Chrome Webview, CyBrowser, dbrowser, Peeps dBrowser, Dark Web, Dark Web Private, Debuggable Browser, Decentr, Deepnet Explorer, deg-degan, Deledao, Delta Browser, Desi Browser, DeskBrowse, Dezor, Diigo Browser, DoCoMo, Dolphin, Dolphin Zero, Dorado, Dot Browser, Dooble, Dillo, DUC Browser, DuckDuckGo Privacy Browser, East Browser, Ecosia, Edge WebView, Every Browser, Epic, Elinks, EinkBro, Element Browser, Elements Browser, Eolie, Explore Browser, eZ Browser, EudoraWeb, EUI Browser, GNOME Web, G Browser, Espial TV Browser, fGet, Falkon, Faux Browser, Fire Browser, Fiery Browser, Firefox Mobile iOS, Firebird, Fluid, Fennec, Firefox, Firefox Focus, Firefox Reality, Firefox Rocket, Firefox Klar, Float Browser, Flock, Floorp, Flow, Flow Browser, Firefox Mobile, Fireweb, Fireweb Navigator, Flash Browser, Flast, Flyperlink, FreeU, Freedom Browser, Frost, Frost+, Fulldive, Galeon, Gener8,

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