Awesome Swift
In parternship with:
- Guides
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- Version Manager
- Video
- Serverless
An awesome list of Swift related guides.
- Open Source Updates for Swift Projects - A bi-weekly newsletter to give you the latest updates on popular and unknown open source projects written or related to Swift.
Official Guides
- API Design Guidelines - Official Swift API design guidelines.
- Apple eBook - Official Apple eBook for Swift beginners.
- Getting Started - Find information about the how to use the Swift programming language.
- Introducing SwiftUI - Official SwiftUI tutorial with 4+ hours of content and interactive tutorials.
Style Guides
- Airbnb - Airbnb's Official Style Guide.
- Google - This style guide is based on Apple’s excellent Swift standard library style and also incorporates feedback from usage across multiple Swift projects within Google.
- LinkedIn - LinkedIn's Official Style Guide.
- Raywenderlich - Raywenderlich guide, a must read.
Third party Guides
- 30 Days of Swift - A cool 30 days tutorial.
- About Swift - A playground about the Swift language.
- Awesome Swift Education - An organized list of essential Swift Language Topics.
- - Watch conference videos in a native macOS app.
- Developing iOS Apps with Swift - Stanford course by Paul Hegarty.
- [Hacking With