Awesome Network Automation
Network Automation is a cross between the discipline of Network Infrastructure and the discipline of Programming. This list was created to serve as a one-stop shop for information related to Network Automation.
- Awesome Network Automation
- Community
- Events / Meetup
- Training
- Presentations
- Blogs
- Programming Topics
- Open Source Projects
- Hypervisors and Containers
- Network Emulators
- Network Simulators
- Backups
- Configuration Management
- Books
- Vendor Agnostic Products
- Network Vendor Products
- Podcasts
- Contributing
- License
- Ansible Google Groups - Ansible's mailing list and forum!
- IRC Ansible - Ansible IRC Channels.
- Chef Community - The complete offical list of Chef Community resources.
- Network Automation Forum - A conference focused on Network Automation.
- Network to Code Slack - The NTC Slack is a vendor and product agnostic home/pseudo-home to many popular Network Automation solution repositories, such as Nautobot, NAPALM, Netmiko, Nornir, NSoT, and so on. Over 17,000 members meet here to discuss topics related to Network Automation.
- Puppet Community - The complete offical list of Puppet Community resources.
- Salt Formulas - The SaltStack formulas working group.
- Salt Networks - A centralized group for talking about network device automation with SaltStack.
- Salt Users - The official forum of the Salt community.
- SaltStack Community Slack - The official Slack of Saltstack Project.
Events / Meetup
- AWS Reinvent - AWS re:Invent Central is designed to facilitate connections between sponsors and attendees.
- Ansible Fest - AnsibleFest is a day-long conference bringing together Ansible users, developers and industry partners to share best practices, case studies and Ansible news.
- Ansible NYC Meetup - Local NYC Ansible user meetup.
- Chef Summits - Chef community summit schedule.
- London Network Automation Meetup - A community of network engineers, who have interest in the new buzz of network automation.
- Minnesota Network User Group - Minnesota Network User Group, quarterly meetup of network users.
- NANOG - North American Network Operators' Group with fair share of automation presentations/discussions.
- Network to Coders Meetup - Maybe this can pressure NTC to finally setup an event for the 140+ NTC meetup members.
- Puppetize Live - A 24-hour global event including community discussions, presentations, and training. Formerly PuppetConf.
- SaltStack NYC Meetup - Local NYC SaltStack user meetup.
- Tech Field Day - Field Day events bring together innovative IT product vendors and independent thought leaders to share information and opinions in a presentation and discussion format.
- SaltConf - 4 days event including two days of SaltStack customer case studies and SaltStack technical deep dives.
- CML - Training videos @ - Learning and Certifications at Cisco has created a series of in-depth training videos to assist users with installing and operating Cisco Modeling Labs (CML). This video series also provides a few videos on some of the more advanced features that CML offers.
- DevNet Academy - Self-paced e-learning with theory, exercises and quizzes for the Cisco Certified DevNet Expert exam by Luca Gubler.
- DevNet Expert Training - Training resources targeting the Cisco Certified DevNet Expert exam topics, including bootcamp courses by Andreas Baekdahl.
- GNS3 Academy - Instructor David Bombal - Offers an inexpensive set of introductions to Ansible and Python for Network Engineers, among other courses.
- - Numerous courses, webinars, and videos covering SDN, network automation, cloud computing, virtualization technologies, IPv6, VPNs, and much more.
- Network to Code - Network Automation Training including Python, Ansible, DevOps, and much more.
- Network Programmability Basics - Cisco - Jumpstart your journey into network programmability with this expert-led video course by Cisco DevNet.
- Nick Russo study resources - Collection of DevNet certification study resources, such as study plans and Postman collections.
- Python for Network Engineers - Learn skills that make you better at network automation and that improve your capability to use programming to scale your work.
- Benoît Claise blog - The Network Automation thoughts of Benoît Claise.
- Coding Packets - The Network Automation thoughts of Brad Searle.
- - The Network Automation thoughts of David Barroso.
- Eric Chou - PythonicNetneg - The Network Automation thoughts of Eric Chou.
- IPEngineer - David Gee - Network automation, software-networking and musings from David Gee.
- - Ivan Pepelnjak - Network automation blog posts by Ivan Pepelnjak.
- Jason Edelman - The Network Automation thoughts of Jason Edelman.
- Josh-V - The Network Automation thoughts of Josh VanDeraa.
- Mircea Ulinic - Random thoughts of Mircea Ulinic. May include event-driven network automation, vendor bashing or machine learning (TBD).
- MTU Ninja - The Network Automation thoughts of Vincent Bernat.
- Napalm-automation - News and updates about the NAPALM project.
- Network to Code - Network to Code's blog sharing thoughts, ideas, and tips all about network automation.
- Networklore - The Network Automation thoughts of Patrick Ogenstad.
- Network OP - The Network Automation thoughts of Michael Kashin.
- NWMichl Blog - The Network Automation thoughts of Michael Schön.
- Open-Source Routing and Network Simulation - Brian Linkletter - Blog about the open-source network emulation and network simulation tools by Brian Linkletter.
- Packet Coders - The Network Automation thoughts of Rick Donato.
- Packet Life - The Network Automation thoughts of Jeremy Stretch.
- Python for Network Engineers - Articles on Netmiko, NAPALM, and Ansible by Kirk Byers.
- Scott Lowe - The Network Automation thoughts of Scott Lowe.
- Wim Wauters - The Network Automation thoughts of Wim Wauters.
Programming Topics
Structured Data
- Getting Started and Basics - Introduction to YAML
- Online Validator - Online YAML Parser.
- Sample YAML documents describing common data structures - YAML examples courtesy of Ivan Pepelnjak.
- YAML Data Validation with JSON Schema - Explains how JSON schema can be used to validate YAML files and how syntax highlighting can be added to the IDE for the YAML files.
- YAML syntax validator - YAML online parser.
- YAML idiosyncrasies -- Document with the most common YAML idiosyncrasies, hosted under the SaltStack docs, but not specific to Salt or any other tool.
- Awesome JSON - A curated list of awesome JSON libraries and resources.
- Getting Started and Basics - JSON Basics.
- JSON diff - An online JSON diff tool.
- JSON 2 YAML - An online JSON to YAML conversion