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React Native多媒体文件压缩库

react-native-compressor是一个轻量级React Native库,可高效压缩图片、视频和音频文件。支持自动和手动压缩,提供后台上传、文件下载和视频缩略图生成功能。该库仅增加50KB APK大小,远小于FFmpeg,无需了解复杂压缩算法即可轻松使用。

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REACT-NATIVE-COMPRESSOR is a react-native package, which helps us to Compress Image, Video, and Audio before uploading, same like Whatsapp without knowing the compression algorithm

Auto/Manual Compression | Background Upload | Download File | Create Video Thumbnail


🗜️Compress Image, Video, and Audio same like Whatsapp

Why should we use react-native-compress over FFmpeg?

We should use react-native-compressor instead of FFmpeg because react-native-compressor gives you same compression of Whatsapp (Image, Video, and Audio) without knowing the algorithm of compression + it is lightweight only increase 50 KB Size Size in APK while FFmpeg increase ~> 9 MB Size in APK, and we have to give manual image/video/Audo size and quality as well as

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yarn add react-native-compressor

New Architecture (Turbo Module) Supported

you can give feedback on Discord channel

Managed Expo

expo install react-native-compressor

Add the Compressor plugin to your Expo config (app.json, app.config.json or app.config.js):

  "name": "my app",
  "plugins": ["react-native-compressor"]

Finally, compile the mods:

expo prebuild

To apply the changes, build a new binary with EAS:

eas build

Automatic linking (for React Native >= 0.60 only)

Automatic linking is supported for both Android and IOS

Linking (for React Native <= 0.59 only)

Note: If you are using react-native version 0.60 or higher you don't need to link this package.

react-native link react-native-compressor

Manual installation


  1. In XCode, open Podfile
  2. paste this line pod 'react-native-compressor', :path => '../node_modules/react-native-compressor' into Podfile
  3. run this command inside ios folder pod install
  4. Run your project (Cmd+R)<


  1. Open up android/app/src/main/java/[...]/
  • Add import com.reactnativecompressor.CompressorPackage; to the imports at the top of the file
  • Add new CompressorPackage() to the list returned by the getPackages() method
  1. Append the following lines to android/settings.gradle:
    include ':react-native-compressor'
    project(':react-native-compressor').projectDir = new File(rootProject.projectDir,'../node_modules/react-native-compressor/android')
  2. Insert the following lines inside the dependencies block in android/app/build.gradle:
      compile project(':react-native-compressor')



Automatic Image Compression Like Whatsapp
import { Image } from 'react-native-compressor';

const result = await Image.compress('file://path_of_file/image.jpg');
// OR
const result = await Image.compress('https://path_of_file/image.jpg', {
  progressDivider: 10,
  downloadProgress: (progress) => {
    console.log('downloadProgress: ', progress);

Here is this package comparison of images compression with WhatsApp

Manual Image Compression
import { Image } from 'react-native-compressor';

const result = await Image.compress('file://path_of_file/image.jpg', {
  compressionMethod: 'manual',
  maxWidth: 1000,
  quality: 0.8,


Automatic Video Compression Like Whatsapp
import { Video } from 'react-native-compressor';

const result = await Video.compress(
  (progress) => {
    console.log('Compression Progress: ', progress);


const result = await Video.compress(
    progressDivider: 10,
    downloadProgress: (progress) => {
      console.log('downloadProgress: ', progress);
  (progress) => {
    console.log('Compression Progress: ', progress);

Here is this package comparison of video compression with WhatsApp

Manual Video Compression
import { Video } from 'react-native-compressor';

const result = await Video.compress(
    compressionMethod: 'manual',
  (progress) => {
    console.log('Compression Progress: ', progress);
Cancel Video Compression
import { Video } from 'react-native-compressor';

let cancellationVideoId = '';

const result = await Video.compress(
    compressionMethod: 'auto',
    // getCancellationId for get video id which we can use for cancel compression
    getCancellationId: (cancellationId) =>
      (cancellationVideoId = cancellationId),
  (progress) => {
    if (backgroundMode) {
      console.log('Compression Progress: ', progress);
    } else {

// we can cancel video compression by calling cancelCompression with cancel video id which we can get from getCancellationId function while compression


import { Audio } from 'react-native-compressor';

const result = await Audio.compress(
  'file://path_of_file/file_example_MP3_2MG.wav', // recommended wav file but can be use mp3 file
  { quality: 'medium' }

// OR

const result = await Audio.compress(
  'file://path_of_file/file_example_MP3_2MG.wav', // recommended wav file but can be use mp3 file
    bitrate: 64000,
    samplerate: 44100,
    channels: 1,

Background Upload

import { backgroundUpload } from 'react-native-compressor';

const headers = {};

const uploadResult = await backgroundUpload(
  { httpMethod: 'PUT', headers },
  (written, total) => {
    console.log(written, total);


const uploadResult = await backgroundUpload(
  { uploadType: UploadType.MULTIPART, httpMethod: 'POST', headers },
  (written, total) => {
    console.log(written, total);

Cancel Background Upload

for cancellation Upload, there is two ways

  1. by calling, cancelUpload function
  2. by calling abort function
cancelUpload (support single and all)
import { cancelUpload, backgroundUpload } from 'react-native-compressor';

// if we will call without passing any param then it will remove last pushed uploading

// if you pass true as second param then it will cancel all the uploading

// if there is multiple files are uploading, and you wanna cancel specific uploading then you pass specific video id like this
let videoId=''
const uploadResult = await backgroundUpload(
  { httpMethod: 'PUT',  getCancellationId: (cancellationId) =>(videoId = cancellationId), },
  (written, total) => {
    console.log(written, total);
cancel by calling abort
import { backgroundUpload } from 'react-native-compressor';

const abortSignalRef = useRef(new AbortController());

const uploadResult = await backgroundUpload(
  { httpMethod: 'PUT' },
  (written, total) => {
    console.log(written, total);

abortSignalRef.current?.abort(); // this will cancel uploading

Download File

import { download } from 'react-native-compressor';

const downloadFileUrl = await download(url, (progress) => {
  console.log('downloadProgress: ', progress);

Video Thumbnail

import { createVideoThumbnail, clearCache } from 'react-native-compressor';

const thumbnail = await createVideoThumbnail(videoUri);

await clearCache(); // this will clear cache of thumbnails cache directory




  • compress(value: string, options?: CompressorOptions): Promise<string>

    Compresses the input file URI or base-64 string with the specified options. Promise returns a string after compression has completed. Resizing will always keep the original aspect ratio of the image, the maxWidth and maxHeight are used as a boundary.


  • compressionMethod: compressionMethod (default: "auto")

    if you want to compress images like whatsapp then make this prop auto. Can be either manual or auto, defines the Compression Method.

  • downloadProgress?: (progress: number) => void;

    it is callback, only trigger when we pass image url from server

  • progressDivider?: number (default: 0)

    we uses it when we use downloadProgress

  • maxWidth: number (default: 1280)

    The maximum width boundary used as the main boundary in resizing a landscape image.

  • maxHeight: number (default: 1280)

    The maximum height boundary used as the main boundary in resizing a portrait image.

  • quality: number (default: 0.8)

    The quality modifier for the JPEG and PNG file format, if your input file is JPEG and output file is PNG then compressed size can be increase

  • input: InputType (default: uri)

    Can be either uri or base64, defines the contentents of the value parameter.

  • output: OutputType (default: jpg)

    The quality modifier for the JPEG file format, can be specified when output is PNG but will be ignored. if you wanna apply quality modifier then you can enable disablePngTransparency:true, Note: if you png image have no transparent background then enable disablePngTransparency:true modifier is recommended

  • disablePngTransparency: boolean (default: false)

    when user add output:'png' then by default compressed image will have transparent background, and quality will be ignored, if you wanna apply quality then you have to disablePngTransparency like disablePngTransparency:true, it will convert transparent background to white

  • returnableOutputType: ReturnableOutputType (default: uri)

    Can be either uri or base64, defines the Returnable output image format.

if you wanna get image metadata (exif) then read this


  • compress(url: string, options?: videoCompresssionType , onProgress?: (progress: number)): Promise<string>
  • cancelCompression(cancellationId: string): void

    we can get cancellationId from getCancellationId which is the callback method of compress method options

  • activateBackgroundTask(onExpired?: (data: any) => void): Promise<any>

    if you wanna compress video while app is in backgroup then you should call this method before compression

  • deactivateBackgroundTask(): Promise<any>

    if you call activateBackgroundTask method, then after video compression, you should call deactivateBackgroundTask for disable background task mode.

  • getCancellationId: function

    getCancellationId is a callback function that gives us compress video id, which can be used in Video.cancelCompression method to cancel the compression


  • compressionMethod: compressionMethod (default: "manual")

    if you want to compress videos like whatsapp then make this prop auto. Can be either manual or auto, defines the Compression Method.

  • downloadProgress?: (progress: number) => void;

    it is callback, only trigger when we pass image url from server

  • progressDivider?: number (default: 0)

    we uses it when we use downloadProgress/onProgress

  • maxSize: number (default: 640)

    The maximum size can be height in case of portrait video or can be width in case of landscape video.

  • bitrate: number

    bitrate of video which reduce or increase video size. if compressionMethod will auto then this prop will not work

  • minimumFileSizeForCompress: number (default: 0)

    previously default was 16 but now it is 0 by default. 0 mean 0mb. This is an offset, which you can set for minimumFileSizeForCompress will allow this package to dont compress less than or equal to minimumFileSizeForCompress ref #26

if you wanna get video metadata then read this


  • `compress(url:
Project Cover


豆包 MarsCode 是一款革命性的编程助手,通过AI技术提供代码补全、单测生成、代码解释和智能问答等功能,支持100+编程语言,与主流编辑器无缝集成,显著提升开发效率和代码质量。

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Suno AI是一个革命性的AI音乐创作平台,能在短短30秒内帮助用户创作出一首完整的歌曲。无论是寻找创作灵感还是需要快速制作音乐,Suno AI都是音乐爱好者和专业人士的理想选择。

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Kimi AI助手提供多语言对话支持,能够阅读和理解用户上传的文件内容,解析网页信息,并结合搜索结果为用户提供详尽的答案。无论是日常咨询还是专业问题,Kimi都能以友好、专业的方式提供帮助。

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