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Oracle Linux 容器基础镜像 轻量高效的企业级操作系统

该项目提供 Oracle Linux 容器基础镜像,支持 Docker Hub 和 GitHub Container Registry。包含多架构 rootfs tarballs,提供轻量 slim 版和标准版。Oracle Linux 是开源操作系统,经过实际负载测试,具备 Ksplice 和 DTrace 等创新功能。项目附带使用说明、更新日志和安全指南,并提供 Oracle 产品容器镜像资源。

Oracle Linux base images

This repo stores the architecture-specific rootfs tarballs for the official Oracle Linux base images published on Docker Hub and GitHub Container Registry.

Oracle Linux

Oracle Linux is an open-source operating system available under the GNU General Public License (GPLv2). Suitable for general purpose or Oracle workloads, it benefits from rigorous testing of more than 128,000 hours per day with real-world workloads and includes unique innovations such as Ksplice for zero-downtime kernel patching, DTrace for real-time diagnostics, the powerful Btrfs file system, and more.

How to use these images

The Oracle Linux images are intended for use in the FROM field of a downstream Dockerfile. For example, to use the latest optimized Oracle Linux 7 image, specify FROM oraclelinux:7-slim.


Due to the fact that only the latest tarball for each tag is stored in the dist-amd64 and dist-arm64v8 branches, it is not possible to use Git's history to determine what has changed and when. Thus, we maintain a CHANGELOG in the master branch that documents the changes made to various images by date.

Differences between oraclelinux:7 and oraclelinux:7-slim

Oracle recommends using oraclelinux:7-slim as your base layer as it contains just enough packages for yum to work to install more packages. Therefore, it has the smallest size and the least amount of unneeded content.

The oraclelinux:7 images is based off the package set what would be installed via a Minimal install of Oracle Linux.

Differences between oraclelinux:8 and oraclelinux:8-slim

As with Oracle Linux 7, the 8-slim variant contains just enough packages to install more.

However, it also replaces the standard dnf client with the tiny microdnf tool to further reduce space. If you need the functionality of the full client, you can install it via RUN microdnf install dnf in your downstream Dockerfile.

To provide yum compatibility, use RUN microdnf install yum.

Using modules with microdnf

An example of how to enable module support when using microdnf can be seen in the oraclelinux:8 variants of the OracleLinuxDeveloper images in the Oracle Docker Images repo.

Finding container images of Oracle products

We provide sample Dockerfiles for several Oracle products in the Oracle Docker Images repository on GitHub. Many of these images are also available for direct download from the Oracle Container Registry.


This project is not accepting external contributions at this time. For bugs or enhancement requests, please file a GitHub issue unless it’s security related. When filing a bug remember that the better written the bug is, the more likely it is to be fixed. If you think you’ve found a security vulnerability, do not raise a GitHub issue and follow the instructions in our security policy.


Please consult the security guide for our responsible security vulnerability disclosure process


Released under the GPLv2. See the LICENSE.txt file in this repository for more information.


Oracle provides support to Oracle Linux subscription customers via the My Oracle Support portal. The Oracle Linux Docker images are covered by Oracle Linux Basic and Premier support subscriptions. Customers should follow existing support procedures to obtain support for Oracle Linux running in a Docker container.

For users without an Oracle Linux support subscription, the following resources are available:

Official resources

Social media resources

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