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Otterize network mapper是一款轻量级Kubernetes网络流量映射工具,无需配置即可使用。它可映射Pod间、Pod与互联网间以及AWS IAM流量,提供集群内流量洞察。通过CLI支持流量列表、可视化和结果导出等功能。该工具包含映射器、嗅探器和Kafka观察器等组件,安装简便,易于上手。

Otterize network mapper


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Maps pod-to-pod traffic, pod-to-Internet traffic, and even AWS IAM traffic, with zero-config.


The Otterize network mapper is a zero-config tool that aims to be lightweight and doesn't require you to adapt anything in your cluster. Its goal is to give you insights about traffic in your cluster without a complete overhaul or the need to adapt anything to it, unlike other solutions, which may require deploying a new CNI, a service mesh, and so on.

You can use the Otterize CLI to list the traffic by client, visualize the traffic, export the results as JSON or YAML, or reset the traffic the mapper remembers.

Example output after running otterize network-mapper visualize on the Google Cloud microservices demo: graph

The same microservices demo in the Otterize Cloud access graph, as it appears when you choose to connect the network mapper to Otterize Cloud: image

Example output after running otterize network-mapper list on the Google Cloud microservices demo:

cartservice in namespace otterize-ecom-demo calls:
  - redis-cart
checkoutservice in namespace otterize-ecom-demo calls:
  - cartservice
  - currencyservice
  - emailservice
  - paymentservice
  - productcatalogservice
  - shippingservice
frontend in namespace otterize-ecom-demo calls:
  - adservice
  - cartservice
  - checkoutservice
  - currencyservice
  - productcatalogservice
  - recommendationservice
  - shippingservice
loadgenerator in namespace otterize-ecom-demo calls:
  - frontend
recommendationservice in namespace otterize-ecom-demo calls:
  - productcatalogservice

Try the network mapper

Try the quickstart to get a hands-on experience in 5 minutes.

Looking to map AWS traffic? Check out the AWS visibility tutorial.

Installation instructions

Install and run the network mapper using Helm

helm repo add otterize
helm repo update
helm install network-mapper otterize/network-mapper -n otterize-system --create-namespace --wait

Install Otterize CLI to query data from the network mapper


brew install otterize/otterize/otterize-cli

Linux 64-bit

tar xf otterize_linux_x86_64.tar.gz
sudo cp otterize /usr/local/bin


scoop bucket add otterize-cli
scoop update
scoop install otterize-cli

For more platforms, see the installation guide.


  • Mapper - the mapper is deployed once per cluster, and receives traffic information from the sniffer and watchers, and resolves the information to communications between service identities.
  • Sniffer - the sniffer is deployed to each node using a DaemonSet, and is responsible for capturing node-local DNS traffic and inspecting open connections.
  • Kafka watcher - the Kafka watcher is deployed once per cluster and is responsible for detecting accesses to Kafka topics, which services perform those accesses and which operations they use.
  • Istio watcher - the Istio watcher is part of the Mapper and queries Istio Envoy sidecars for HTTP traffic statistics, which are used to detect HTTP traffic with paths. Currently, the Istio watcher has a limitation where it reports all HTTP traffic seen by the sidecar since it was started, regardless of when it was seen.
  • AWS IAM visibility - The AWS IAM visibility components are optionally deployed with --set aws.visibility.enabled=true. Label pods with true, and if connected to Otterize Cloud, the Cloud will combine the information to put together a map of accesses to AWS resources, which you can export as ClientIntents yamls for use with the Intents Operator.

DNS responses

DNS is a common network protocol used for service discovery. When a pod (checkoutservice) tries to connect to a Kubernetes service (orderservice) or another pod, a DNS query is sent out. The network mapper watches DNS responses and extracts the IP addresses, which are used for the service identity resolving process.

Active TCP connections

DNS responses will only appear when new connections are opened. To handle long-lived connections, the network mapper also queries open TCP connections in a manner similar to netstat or ss. The IP addresses are used for the service identity resolving process, as above.

Kafka logs

The Kafka watcher periodically examines logs of Kafka servers provided by the user through configuration, parses them and deduces topic-level access to Kafka from pods in the cluster. The watcher is only able to parse Kafka logs when Kafka servers' Authorizer logger is configured to output logs to stdout with DEBUG level.

Istio sidecar metrics

The Istio watcher, part of the Network mapper periodically queries for all pods with the label, queries each pod's Istio sidecar for metrics about connections, and deduces connections with HTTP paths between pods covered by the Istio service mesh.

AWS IAM visibility

AWS IAM visibility consists of several components: a HTTP proxy that proxies AWS traffic for pods which you opt-in on using the label true, a webhook admission controller that patches Pods with that label as they are admitted to add a certificate for the HTTP proxy and direct DNS traffic for to a DNS server belonging to the network mapper, and finally said DNS server which responds only to requests and forwards the rest to the cluster's DNS server.

Service name resolution

Service names are resolved in one of two ways:

  1. If an otterize/service-name label is present, that name is used.
  2. If not, a recursive look-up is performed for the Kubernetes resource owner for a pod until the root is reached. For example, if you have a Deployment named client, which then creates and owns a ReplicaSet, which then creates and owns a Pod, then the service name for that pod is client - same as the name of the Deployment. The goal is to generate a mapping that speaks in the same language that dev teams use.

Exporting a network map

The network mapper continuously builds a map of pod to pod communication in the cluster. The map can be exported at any time in either JSON or YAML formats with the Otterize CLI.

The YAML export is formatted as ClientIntents Kubernetes resource files. Client intents files can be consumed by the Otterize intents operator to configure pod-to-pod access with network policies, or Kafka client access with Kafka ACLs and mTLS.

Learn more

Explore our documentation site to learn how to:

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