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开源Web渗透测试框架 提高安全评估效率

OWTF是OWASP旗下的开源Web渗透测试框架,旨在提高安全评估效率。它结合OWASP测试指南、Top 10等标准,帮助测试人员快速发现和验证漏洞。OWTF具有自定义插件功能、灵活配置、Web界面和REST API。该框架兼容Kali Linux和macOS,支持Python 3,并提供Docker容器部署方案,便于快速搭建测试环境。OWTF支持暂停和恢复测试、分离测试流量,并提供交互式报告功能。其插件系统允许用户轻松扩展功能,无需编程经验即可添加新的测试项。适用于复杂漏洞和业务逻辑缺陷的深入调查,有助于在有限时间内展示真实安全风险。

Offensive Web Testing Framework

Build staus License (3-Clause
BSD) python_3.6 python_3.7 python_3.8

OWASP OWTF is a project focused on penetration testing efficiency and alignment of security tests to security standards like the OWASP Testing Guide (v3 and v4), the OWASP Top 10, PTES and NIST so that pentesters will have more time to

  • See the big picture and think out of the box
  • More efficiently find, verify and combine vulnerabilities
  • Have time to investigate complex vulnerabilities like business logic/architectural flaws or virtual hosting sessions
  • Perform more tactical/targeted fuzzing on seemingly risky areas
  • Demonstrate true impact despite the short timeframes we are typically given to test.

The tool is highly configurable and anybody can trivially create simple plugins or add new tests in the configuration files without having any development experience.

Note: This tool is however not a silverbullet and will only be as good as the person using it: Understanding and experience will be required to correctly interpret tool output and decide what to investigate further in order to demonstrate impact.


OWTF is developed on KaliLinux and macOS but it is made for Kali Linux (or other Debian derivatives)

OWTF supports Python3.

OSX pre-requisites

Dependencies: Install Homebrew ( and follow the steps given below:

$ python3 -m venv ~/.virtualenvs/owtf
$ source ~/.virtualenvs/owtf/bin/activate
$ brew install coreutils gnu-sed openssl
# We need to install 'cryptography' first to avoid issues
$ pip install cryptography --global-option=build_ext --global-option="-L/usr/local/opt/openssl/lib" --global-option="-I/usr/local/opt/openssl/include"


Running as a Docker container:

The recommended way to use OWTF is by building the Docker Image so you will not have to worry about dependencies issues and installing the various pentesting tools.

git clone
cd owtf
make compose

Installing directly

Create and start the PostgreSQL database server

Using preconfigured Postgresql Docker container (Recommended)

Please make sure you have Docker installed!

Run make startdb to create and start the PostgreSQL server in a Docker container. In the default configuration, it listens on port 5342 exposed from Docker container.

Manual setup (painful and error-prone)

You can also use a script to this for you - find it in scripts/ You'll need to modify any hardcoded variables if you change the corresponding ones in owtf/

Start the postgreSQL server,

  • macOS: brew install postgresql and pg_ctl -D /usr/local/var/postgres start
  • Kali: sudo systemctl enable postgresql; sudo systemctl start postgresql or sudo service postgresql start

Create the owtf_db_user user,

  • macOS: psql postgres -c "CREATE USER $db_user WITH PASSWORD '$db_pass';"
  • Kali: sudo su postgres -c "psql -c \"CREATE USER $db_user WITH PASSWORD '$db_pass'\""

Create the database,

  • macOS: psql postgres -c "CREATE DATABASE $db_name WITH OWNER $db_user ENCODING 'utf-8' TEMPLATE template0;"
  • Kali: sudo su postgres -c "psql -c \"CREATE DATABASE $db_name WITH OWNER $db_user ENCODING 'utf-8' TEMPLATE template0;\""

Installing OWTF

git clone
cd owtf
python3 develop
open `localhost:8009` in the web browser for the OWTF web interface or `owtf --help` for all available commands.


  • Resilience: If one tool crashes OWTF, will move on to the next tool/test, saving the partial output of the tool until it crashed.
  • Flexible: Pause and resume your work.
  • Tests Separation: OWTF separates its traffic to the target into mainly 3 types of plugins:
    • Passive : No traffic goes to the target
    • Semi Passive : Normal traffic to target
    • Active: Direct vulnerability probing
  • Extensive REST API.
  • Has almost complete OWASP Testing Guide(v3, v4), Top 10, NIST, CWE coverage.
  • Web interface: Easily manage large penetration engagements easily.
  • Interactive report:
  • Automated plugin rankings from the tool output, fully configurable by the user.
  • Configurable risk rankings
  • In-line notes editor for each plugin.


Checkout LICENSE

Code of Conduct

Checkout Code of Conduct


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