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基于Alpine Linux的轻量级Docker SSH服务器镜像

docker-sshd是一个轻量级SSH服务器Docker镜像,基于Alpine Linux构建。它集成了sshd服务和rsync工具,提供灵活的用户配置和SFTP/SCP/Rsync受限模式。支持通过环境变量设置SSH选项和自定义脚本,适合需要安全远程访问的容器化环境。该镜像已发布在quay.io和AWS ECR Public平台上。


Minimal Alpine Linux Docker image with sshd exposed and rsync installed. The image is available on and AWS ECR Public

Environment Options

Configure the container with the following environment variables or optionally mount a custom sshd config at /etc/ssh/sshd_config:

General Options

  • SSH_USERS list of user accounts and uids/gids to create. eg SSH_USERS=www:48:48,admin:1000:1000:/bin/bash. The fourth argument for specifying the user shell is optional. If SSH_GROUPS is omitted, a group is created for each user with the same name as the user.
  • SSH_GROUPS list of groups and gids to create. eg SSH_GROUPS=guests:1005,other:1006. Specifying this option disables automatic group creation of user-named groups if you also specify SSH_USERS.
  • SSH_ENABLE_ROOT if "true" unlock the root account. N.B restricted modes to not apply to this account.
  • SSH_ENABLE_PASSWORD_AUTH if "true" enable password authentication (disabled by default) (excluding the root user)
  • SSH_ENABLE_ROOT_PASSWORD_AUTH if "true" enable password authentication for all users including root
  • MOTD change the login message

SSH Options

  • GATEWAY_PORTS if "true" sshd will allow gateway ports
  • TCP_FORWARDING if "true" sshd will allow TCP forwarding
  • DISABLE_SFTP if "true" sshd will not accept sftp connections. Note: This does not prevent file access unless you define a restricted shell for each user that prevents executing programs that grant file access.

Restricted Modes

The following three restricted modes, SFTP only, SCP only and Rsync only are mutually exclusive. If no mode is defined, then all connection types will be accepted. Only one mode can be enabled at a time:


  • SFTP_MODE if "true" sshd will only accept sftp connections
  • SFTP_CHROOT if in sftp only mode sftp will be chrooted to this directory. Default "/data"

SCP Only

  • SCP_MODE if "true" sshd will only accept scp connections (uses rssh)

Rsync Only

  • RSYNC_MODE if "true" sshd will only accept rsync connections (uses rssh)

SSH Host Keys

SSH uses host keys to identify the server. To avoid receiving a security warning the host keys should be mounted on an external volume.

By default this image will create new host keys in /etc/ssh/keys which should be mounted on an external volume. If you are using existing keys and they are mounted in /etc/ssh this image will use the default host key location making this image compatible with existing setups.

If you wish to configure SSH entirely with environment variables it is suggested that you externally mount /etc/ssh/keys instead of /etc/ssh.

Authorized Keys

Mount your .ssh credentials (RSA public keys) at /root/.ssh/ in order to access the container via root and set SSH_ENABLE_ROOT=true or mount each user's key in /etc/authorized_keys/<username> and set SSH_USERS environment config to create the user accounts.

Authorized keys must be either owned by root (uid/gid 0), or owned by the uid/gid that corresponds to the uid/gid and user specified in SSH_USERS.

SFTP mode

When in sftp only mode (activated by setting SFTP_MODE=true) the container will only accept sftp connections. All sftp actions will be chrooted to the SFTP_CHROOT directory which defaults to "/data".

Please note that all components of the pathname in the ChrootDirectory directive must be root-owned directories that are not writable by any other user or group (see man 5 sshd_config).

SCP or Rsync modes

When in scp or rsync only mode (activated by setting SCP_MODE=true or RSYNC_MODE=true respectively) the container will only accept scp or rsync connections. No chroot is provided.

This is provided by using rssh restricted shell.

Custom Scripts

Executable shell scripts and binaries can be mounted or copied in to /etc/entrypoint.d. These will be run when the container is launched but before sshd is started. These can be used to customise the behaviour of the container.

Password authentication

Password authentication is not recommended however using SSH_ENABLE_PASSWORD_AUTH=true you can enable password authentication. The image doesn't provide any way to set user passwords via config but you can use the custom scripts support to run a custom script to set user passwords. Setting SSH_ENABLE_ROOT_PASSWORD_AUTH=true also enables password authentification for the root account.

For example you could add the following script to /etc/entrypoint.d/

#!/usr/bin/env bash

set -e

echo 'user1:$6$lAkdPbeeZR7YJiE3$ohWgU3LcSVit/hEZ2VOVKvxD.67.N9h5v4ML7.4X51ZK3kABbTPHkZUPzN9jxQQWXtkLctI0FJZR8CChIwz.S/' | chpasswd --encrypted

# Or if you don't pre-hash the password remove the line above and uncomment the line below.
# echo "user1:user1password" | chpasswd

It is strongly recommend to pre-hash passwords. Passwords that are not hashed are a security risk, other users may be able to read the script and see all other users passwords and keeping plain text passwords is considered bad practice.

To generate a hashed password use mkpasswd which is available in this image or use to generate a hash in your browser. Example use of mkpasswd below.

$ docker run --rm -it --entrypoint /usr/bin/env mkpasswd

To start sshd with the script

docker run -ti -p 2222:22 \
  -v $(pwd)/keys/:/etc/ssh/keys \
  -e SSH_USERS=user:1000:1000 \
  -v $(pwd)/entrypoint.d/:/etc/entrypoint.d/ \

To enable password authentication on the root account, the previous script must also define a password for the root user, then the command will be:

docker run -ti -p 2222:22 \
  -v $(pwd)/entrypoint.d/:/etc/entrypoint.d/ \

Usage Example

The example below will run interactively and bind to port 2222. /data will be bind mounted to the host. And the ssh host keys will be persisted in a keys directory.

You can access with ssh root@localhost -p 2222 using your private key.

docker run -ti -p 2222:22 \
  -v ${HOME}/.ssh/ \
  -v $(pwd)/keys/:/etc/ssh/keys \
  -v $(pwd)/data/:/data/ \
  -e SSH_ENABLE_ROOT=true \

Create a www user with gid/uid 48. You can access with ssh www@localhost -p 2222 using your private key.

docker run -ti -p 2222:22 \
  -v ${HOME}/.ssh/ \
  -v $(pwd)/keys/:/etc/ssh/keys \
  -v $(pwd)/data/:/data/ \
  -e SSH_USERS="www:48:48" \


For production usage, please use a versioned release rather than the floating 'latest' tag.

See the releases for tag usage and release notes.


Production ready and stable.

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