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Sequelize 的 TypeScript 装饰器扩展和高级功能增强

sequelize-typescript 扩展了 Sequelize ORM,为 TypeScript 项目引入装饰器语法和高级功能。它简化了模型定义、关联和验证过程,并新增仓储模式、作用域和钩子等特性。该项目完全兼容 Sequelize v6,通过装饰器 API 提高了开发效率,增强了类型安全性,使 Sequelize 在 TypeScript 环境中的使用更加便捷和强大。


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Decorators and some other features for sequelize (v6).


npm install --save-dev @types/node @types/validator
npm install sequelize reflect-metadata sequelize-typescript

Your tsconfig.json needs the following flags:

"target": "es6", // or a more recent ecmascript version
"experimentalDecorators": true,
"emitDecoratorMetadata": true

Sequelize Options

  • SequelizeConfig renamed to SequelizeOptions
  • modelPaths property renamed to models

Scopes Options

The @Scopes and @DefaultScope decorators now take lambda's as options

@DefaultScope(() => ({...}))
@Scopes(() => ({...}))

instead of deprecated way:


Model definition

import { Table, Column, Model, HasMany } from 'sequelize-typescript';

class Person extends Model {
  name: string;

  birthday: Date;

  @HasMany(() => Hobby)
  hobbies: Hobby[];

Less strict

import { Table, Model } from 'sequelize-typescript';

class Person extends Model {}

More strict

import { Optional } from 'sequelize';
import { Table, Model } from 'sequelize-typescript';

interface PersonAttributes {
  id: number;
  name: string;

interface PersonCreationAttributes extends Optional<PersonAttributes, 'id'> {}

class Person extends Model<PersonAttributes, PersonCreationAttributes> {}

The model needs to extend the Model class and has to be annotated with the @Table decorator. All properties that should appear as a column in the database require the @Column annotation.

See more advanced example here.


The @Table annotation can be used without passing any parameters. To specify some more define options, use an object literal (all define options from sequelize are valid):

  timestamps: true,
class Person extends Model {}

Table API

@Tablesets options.tableName=<CLASS_NAME> and options.modelName=<CLASS_NAME> automatically
@Table(options: DefineOptions)sets define options (also sets options.tableName=<CLASS_NAME> and options.modelName=<CLASS_NAME> if not already defined by define options)

Primary key

A primary key (id) will be inherited from base class Model. This primary key is by default an INTEGER and has autoIncrement=true (This behaviour is a native sequelize thing). The id can easily be overridden by marking another attribute as primary key. So either set @Column({primaryKey: true}) or use @PrimaryKey together with @Column.

@CreatedAt, @UpdatedAt, @DeletedAt

Annotations to define custom and type safe createdAt, updatedAt and deletedAt attributes:

  creationDate: Date;

  updatedOn: Date;

  deletionDate: Date;
@CreatedAtsets timestamps=true and createdAt='creationDate'
@UpdatedAtsets timestamps=true and updatedAt='updatedOn'
@DeletedAtsets timestamps=true, paranoid=true and deletedAt='deletionDate'


The @Column annotation can be used without passing any parameters. But therefore it is necessary that the js type can be inferred automatically (see Type inference for details).

  name: string;

If the type cannot or should not be inferred, use:

import {DataType} from 'sequelize-typescript';

  name: string;

Or for a more detailed column description, use an object literal (all attribute options from sequelize are valid):

    type: DataType.FLOAT,
    comment: 'Some value',
  value: number;

Column API

@Columntries to infer dataType from js type
@Column(dataType: DataType)sets dataType explicitly
@Column(options: AttributeOptions)sets attribute options


If you're in love with decorators: sequelize-typescript provides some more of them. The following decorators can be used together with the @Column annotation to make some attribute options easier available:

@AllowNull(allowNull?: boolean)sets attribute.allowNull (default is true)
@AutoIncrementsets attribute.autoIncrement=true
@Unique(options? UniqueOptions)sets attribute.unique=trueUniqueOptions
@Default(value: any)sets attribute.defaultValue to specified value
@PrimaryKeysets attribute.primaryKey=true
@Comment(value: string)sets attribute.comment to specified string
Validate annotationssee Model validation

Type inference

The following types can be automatically inferred from javascript type. Others have to be defined explicitly.

Design typeSequelize data type


Get/set accessors do work as well

class Person extends Model {
  get name(): string {
    return 'My name is ' + this.getDataValue('name');

  set name(value: string) {
    this.setDataValue('name', value);


Except for minor variations sequelize-typescript will work like pure sequelize. (See sequelize docs)


To make the defined models available, you have to configure a Sequelize instance from sequelize-typescript(!).

import { Sequelize } from 'sequelize-typescript';

const sequelize = new Sequelize({
  database: 'some_db',
  dialect: 'sqlite',
  username: 'root',
  password: '',
  storage: ':memory:',
  models: [__dirname + '/models'], // or [Player, Team],

Before you can use your models you have to tell sequelize where they can be found. So either set models in the sequelize config or add the required models later on by calling sequelize.addModels([Person]) or sequelize.addModels([__dirname + '/models']):



import {Sequelize} from 'sequelize-typescript';

const sequelize =  new Sequelize({
        models: [__dirname + '/**/*.model.ts']
// or
sequelize.addModels([__dirname + '/**/*.model.ts']);

Model-path resolving

A model is matched to a file by its filename. E.g.

// File User.ts matches the following exported model.
export class User extends Model {}

This is done by comparison of the filename against all exported members. The matching can be customized by specifying the modelMatch function in the configuration object.

For example, if your models are named user.model.ts, and your class is called User, you can match these two by using the following function:

import {Sequelize} from 'sequelize-typescript';

const sequelize =  new Sequelize({
  models: [__dirname + '/models/**/*.model.ts']
  modelMatch: (filename, member) => {
    return filename.substring(0, filename.indexOf('.model')) === member.toLowerCase();

For each file that matches the *.model.ts pattern, the modelMatch function will be called with its exported members. E.g. for the following file

import {Table, Column, Model} from 'sequelize-typescript';

export const UserN = 'Not a model';
export const NUser = 'Not a model';

export class User extends Model {

  nickname: string;

The modelMatch function will be called three times with the following arguments.

user.model UserN -> false
user.model NUser -> false
user.model User  -> true (User will be added as model)

Another way to match model to file is to make your model the default export.

export default class User extends Model {}

⚠️ When using paths to add models, keep in mind that they will be loaded during runtime. This means that the path may differ from development time to execution time. For instance, using .ts extension within paths will only work together with ts-node.

Build and create

Instantiation and inserts can be achieved in the good old sequelize way

const person ={ name: 'bob', age: 99 });;

Person.create({ name: 'bob', age: 99 });

but sequelize-typescript also makes it possible to create instances with new:

const person = new Person({ name: 'bob', age: 99 });;

Find and update

Finding and updating entries does also work like using native sequelize. So see sequelize docs for more details.

Person.findOne().then((person) => {
  person.age = 100;

    name: 'bobby',
  { where: { id: 1 } }
).then(() => {});

Model association

Relations can be described directly in the model by the @HasMany, @HasOne, @BelongsTo, @BelongsToMany and @ForeignKey annotations.


class Player extends Model {
  name: string;

  num: number;

  @ForeignKey(() => Team)
  teamId: number;

  @BelongsTo(() => Team)
  team: Team;

class Team extends Model {
  name: string;

  @HasMany(() => Player)
  players: Player[];

That's all, sequelize-typescript does everything else for you. So when retrieving a team by find

Team.findOne({ include: [Player] }).then((team) => {
  team.players.forEach((player) => console.log(`Player ${}`));

the players will also be resolved (when passing include: Player to the find options)


class Book extends Model {
  @BelongsToMany(() => Author, () => BookAuthor)
  authors: Author[];

class Author extends Model {
  @BelongsToMany(() => Book, () => BookAuthor)
  books: Book[];

class BookAuthor extends Model {
  @ForeignKey(() => Book)
  bookId: number;

  @ForeignKey(() => Author)
  authorId: number;

Type safe through-table instance access

To access the through-table instance (instanceOf BookAuthor in the upper example) type safely, the type need to be set up manually. For Author model it can be achieved like so:

  @BelongsToMany(() => Book, () => BookAuthor)
  books: Array<Book & {BookAuthor: BookAuthor}>;


For one-to-one use @HasOne(...)(foreign key for the relation exists on the other model) and @BelongsTo(...) (foreign key for the relation exists on this model)

@ForeignKey, @BelongsTo, @HasMany, @HasOne, @BelongsToMany API

@ForeignKey(relatedModelGetter: () => typeof Model)marks property as foreignKey for related class
@BelongsTo(relatedModelGetter: () => typeof Model)sets SourceModel.belongsTo(RelatedModel, ...) while as is key of annotated property and foreignKey is resolved from source class
@BelongsTo(relatedModelGetter: () => typeof Model, foreignKey: string)sets SourceModel.belongsTo(RelatedModel, ...) while as is key of annotated property and foreignKey is explicitly specified value
@BelongsTo(relatedModelGetter: () => typeof Model, options: AssociationOptionsBelongsTo)sets SourceModel.belongsTo(RelatedModel, ...) while as is key of annotated property and options are additional association options
@HasMany(relatedModelGetter: () => typeof Model)sets SourceModel.hasMany(RelatedModel, ...) while as is key of annotated property and foreignKey is resolved from target related class
@HasMany(relatedModelGetter: () => typeof Model, foreignKey: string)sets SourceModel.hasMany(RelatedModel, ...) while as is key of annotated property and foreignKey is explicitly specified value
@HasMany(relatedModelGetter: () => typeof Model, options: AssociationOptionsHasMany)sets SourceModel.hasMany(RelatedModel, ...) while as is key of annotated property and options are additional association options
@HasOne(relatedModelGetter: () => typeof Model)sets SourceModel.hasOne(RelatedModel, ...) while as is key of annotated property and foreignKey is resolved from target related class
@HasOne(relatedModelGetter: () => typeof Model, foreignKey: string)sets SourceModel.hasOne(RelatedModel, ...) while as is key of annotated property and foreignKey is explicitly specified value
@HasOne(relatedModelGetter: () => typeof Model, options: AssociationOptionsHasOne)sets SourceModel.hasOne(RelatedModel, ...) while as is key of
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豆包 MarsCode 是一款革命性的编程助手,通过AI技术提供代码补全、单测生成、代码解释和智能问答等功能,支持100+编程语言,与主流编辑器无缝集成,显著提升开发效率和代码质量。

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Suno AI是一个革命性的AI音乐创作平台,能在短短30秒内帮助用户创作出一首完整的歌曲。无论是寻找创作灵感还是需要快速制作音乐,Suno AI都是音乐爱好者和专业人士的理想选择。

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Kimi AI助手提供多语言对话支持,能够阅读和理解用户上传的文件内容,解析网页信息,并结合搜索结果为用户提供详尽的答案。无论是日常咨询还是专业问题,Kimi都能以友好、专业的方式提供帮助。

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