Awesome macOS open source applications
List of awesome open source applications for macOS. This list contains a lot of native, and cross-platform apps. The main goal of this repository is to find free open source apps and start contributing. Feel free to contribute to the list, any suggestions are welcome!
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You can see in which language an app is written. Currently there are following languages:
- ![c_icon] - C language.
- ![cpp_icon] - C++ language.
- ![c_sharp_icon] - C# language.
- ![clojure_icon] - Clojure language.
- ![coffee_script_icon] - CoffeeScript language.
- ![css_icon] - CSS language.
- ![go_icon] - Go language.
- ![elm_icon] - Elm language.
- ![haskell_icon] - Haskell language.
- ![javascript_icon] - JavaScript language.
- ![lua_icon] - Lua language.
- ![objective_c_icon] - Objective-C language.
- ![python_icon] - Python language.
- ![ruby_icon] - Ruby language.
- ![rust_icon] - Rust language.
- ![shell_icon] - Shell language.
- ![swift_icon] - Swift language.
- ![typescript_icon] - TypeScript language.
- Audio
- Backup
- Browser
- Chat
- Cryptocurrency
- Database
- Development
- Git
- iOS / macOS
- JSON Parsing
- Web development
- Other development
- Downloader
- Editors
- Markdown
- TeX
- Text
- Extensions
- Finder
- Games
- Graphics
- Images
- Keyboard
- Menubar
- Music
- News
- Notes
- Other
- Podcast
- Productivity
- Screensaver
- Security
- Sharing Files
- Social Networking
- Streaming
- System
- Terminal
- Touch Bar
- Utilities
- VPN & Proxy
- Video
- Wallpaper
- Window Management
- AUHost - Application which hosts AudioUnits v3 using AVFoundation API. ![swift_icon]
- Audacity - Free, open source, cross-platform audio software ![c_icon]
- Aural Player - Aural Player is a audio player application for the macOS platform. Inspired by the classic Winamp player for Windows, it is designed to be to-the-point and easy to use. ![swift_icon]
- AutoMute - Automatically mute the sound when headphones disconnect / Mac awake from sleep. ![objective_c_icon]
- Background Music - Background Music, a macOS audio utility: automatically pause your music, set individual apps' volumes and record system audio. ![cpp_icon]
- BlackHole - BlackHole is a modern macOS virtual audio driver that allows applications to pass audio to other applications with zero additional latency. ![c_icon]
- CAM - macOS camera recording using ffmpeg ![javascript_icon]
- Clementine - Clementine is a modern music player and library organizer for Windows, Linux and macOS. ![cpp_icon]
- Cog - Cog is an open source audio player for macOS. The basic layout is a single-paned playlist interface with two retractable drawers, one for navigating the user's music folders and another for viewing audio file properties, like bitrate. ![objective_c_icon]
- Karaoke Forever - Host awesome karaoke parties where everyone can queue songs from their phone's browser. Plays MP3+G and MP4 with WebGL visualizations. ![javascript_icon]
- LocalRadio - LocalRadio is software for listening to "Software-Defined Radio" on your Mac and mobile devices. ![objective_c_icon]
- LosslessCut - The swiss army knife of lossless video/audio editing without re-encoding. ![javascript_icon]
- Lyricism - macOS app to show you lyric what currently iTunes or Spotify is playing. ![objective_c_icon] ![swift_icon]
- LyricsX - Lyrics for iTunes, Spotify and Vox. ![swift_icon]
- MPV - Lightweight, highly configurable media player. ![c_icon]
- MonitorControl - Control your external monitor brightness, contrast or volume directly from a menulet or with keyboard native keys. ![swift_icon] ![objective_c_icon]
- Mous Player - Simple yet powerful audio player for BSD/Linux/macOS. ![cpp_icon]
- NoiseBuddy - Control the listening mode on your AirPods Pro in the Touch Bar or Menu Bar. ![swift_icon]
- PlayStatus - PlayStatus is a macOS app that allows the control of Spotify and iTunes music playback from the menu bar. ![swift_icon]
- Plug - Discover and listen to music from Hype Machine. ![swift_icon]
- Scope - Audio Oscilloscope ![swift_icon]
- ShazamScrobbler - Scrobble vinyl, radios, movies to ![objective_c_icon]
- Sonora - Minimal, beautifully designed music player for macOS. ![objective_c_icon]
- SpotMenu - Spotify and iTunes in your menu bar. ![objective_c_icon] ![swift_icon]
- SpotSpot - Spotify mini-player for macOS. ![javascript_icon]
- Spotify4BigSur - Spotify widget for Notification Center. ![swift_icon]
- Suohai - Audio input/output source lock for macOS. ![swift_icon]
- Tickeys - Instant audio feedback for typing. macOS version. ![rust_icon]
- Tuner - Musical Instrument Tuner ![swift_icon]
- [Un]MuteMic - macOS app to mute & unmute the input volume of your microphone. Perfect for podcasters. ![objective_c_icon] ![c_icon]
- eqMac2 - System-Wide Equalizer for the Mac. ![cpp_icon]
- fre:ac - The fre:ac audio converter project. ![cpp_icon]
- iTunes-Volume-Control - This app allows you to control the iTunes volume using volume up and volume down hotkeys. ![objective_c_icon]
- jmc - jmc is new macOS media organizer. ![swift_icon]
- shairport-sync - macOS/Linux/FreeBSD/OpenBSD Airplay audio receiver. ![c_icon] ![cpp_icon]
- waveSDR - macOS native desktop Software Defined Radio application using the RTL-SDR USB device. ![swift_icon]
- BorgBase/Vorta - Simple and Secure Offsite Backups ![python_icon]
- Mackup - Keep your application settings in sync (macOS/Linux). ![python_icon]
- Syncalicious - Keeping multiple macOS preferences in sync can be painful, but it shouldn't be. ![swift_icon]
- UrBackup - UrBackup is Client/Server network backup for Windows, macOS and Linux. ![cpp_icon] ![c_icon]
- shallow-backup - Easily create lightweight documentation of installed applications, dotfiles, and more. ![python_icon]
- Beaker Browser - Beaker is an experimental peer-to-peer Web browser. ![javascript_icon]
- Brave Browser - Brave browser for Desktop and Laptop computers running Windows, macOS, and Linux. ![javascript_icon]
- Chromium - Chromium is an open-source browser project that aims to build a safer, faster, and more stable way for all users to experience the web. ![javascript_icon] ![cpp_icon] ![c_icon]
- Finicky - Always opens the right browser. ![swift_icon]
- Firefox - Fast, privacy aware browser from a non-profit. Runs on Windows, macOS and Linux. ![javascript_icon] ![rust_icon] ![cpp_icon]
- Helium - Floating browser window for macOS. ![objective_c_icon] ![swift_icon]
- Min Browser - A fast and efficient minimal web browser. ![javascript_icon]
- Pennywise - Pennywise opens any website or media in a small floating window that remains on top of all other applications. It's a great alternative to Helium. ![javascript_icon]
- Plash - Make any website your desktop wallpaper. ![swift_icon]
- Privacy Redirect for Safari - Redirect Twitter, YouTube, Reddit, Google Maps, Google Search, and Google Translate to privacy friendly alternatives. ![swift_icon]
- browserosaurus - macOS tool that prompts you to choose a browser when opening a link. ![javascript_icon]
- otter-browser - Otter Browser aims to recreate the best aspects of the classic Opera (12.x) UI using Qt5. ![cpp_icon]
- seb-mac - Safe Exam Browser for macOS and iOS. ![c_icon]
- Adium - Instant messaging application that can connect to XMPP (Jabber), IRC and more. ![c_icon]
- Beagle IM - Powerful XMPP client with support for file transfer, VoIP and end-to-end encryption. ![swift_icon]
- ChitChat - Native Mac app wrapper for WhatsApp Web. ![objective_c_icon]
- Electronic WeChat - Better WeChat on macOS and Linux. ![javascript_icon]
- Element - Element is a collaboration app (currently Electron) for the Matrix protocol. ![javascript_icon]
- Franz - Franz is messaging application for services like WhatsApp, Slack, Messenger and many more. ![javascript_icon]
- Google Allo for Desktop - Native macOS & Windows desktop app for Google Allo. ![javascript_icon]
- GroupMe - Unofficial GroupMe App. ![javascript_icon] ![css_icon]
- MessagesHistoryBrowser - macOS application to comfortably browse and search through your history. ![swift_icon]
- RocketChat - Free open source chat system for teams. An alternative to Slack that can also be self hosted. ![javascript_icon]
- Seaglass - A truly native Matrix client for macOS. ![swift_icon]
- Signal Desktop - Electron app that links with your Signal Android or Signal iOS app. ![javascript_icon]
- Telegram - Source code of Telegram for macOS on Swift. ![swift_icon]
- Telegram Desktop - Telegram Desktop messaging app. ![cpp_icon]
- Textual - Textual is an IRC client for macOS. ![objective_c_icon]
- Thunderbird - Backed by Mozilla, Thunderbird is an extensible email, newsfeed, chat, and calendaring client. ![cpp_icon] ![javascript_icon] ![rust_icon]
- Torchat-Mac - TorChat for Mac is a macOS native and unofficial port of torchat. ![objective_c_icon]
- WhatsAppBar - Send WhatsApp message from menu bar. ![swift_icon]
- Wire Desktop - Standalone Electron app for the chatapp Wire. ![javascript_icon]
- Balance Open - App for all the world’s currencies. ![swift_icon]
- CoinBar - macOS menu bar application for tracking crypto coin prices. ![swift_icon]
- Copay - A secure bitcoin wallet platform for both desktop and mobile devices. ![typescript_icon]
- Crypto Bar - macOS menu bar application built with Electron. ![javascript_icon]
- Float coin - Native menu bar app with floating window and support for many Exchanges. ![swift_icon]