Awesome Resources
:sunglasses: List of helpful resources added by the community for the community!
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Emojis Filter and Cheatsheet
(If you're viewing this one the website, try clicking the icon buttons to filter the items in the list based on the category)
Throughout this list you'll see next to each resource and emoji. Here's what each mean:
:books: Course, long series or list of tutorials, or books
:file_folder: Documentation
:speaker: Podcast
:green_book: Single Tutorial
:wrench: Tool
:video_camera: Video Resource (Youtube, video course, etc...)
:bulb: Other
- Algorithms
- Android
- Angular
- Artificial Intelligence
- Big Data
- Blockchain
- Bots
- C
- C++
- Clojure
- Computer Science
- CSharp
- Dart
- Database
- Data Science
- Deep Learning
- DevOps
- Django
- Docker
- Express
- Ethical Hacking
- Expo
- Fundamental CP algorithms
- Flask
- Flutter
- GitHub
- Go
- GraphQL
- Ionic
- Java
- Javascript
- Kubernetes
- Laravel
- Linux
- Machine Learning
- Magento
- Markdown
- NodeJS
- Operating Systems
- PostgreSQL
- Power Automate
- Python
- React
- React Native
- Regular Expressions
- Ruby
- Rust
- Sass
- Shell
- Spring
- Svelte
- Swift
- System Design
- Terraform
- Testing
- Typescript
- Unity
- Vue
- Web Accessibility
- Web Development
- Webpack
- Others
- :books: Vogella Tutorials
- :books: Android Basics with Kotlin Course
- :file_folder: Build your first app
- :file_folder: Official Documentation
- :bulb: Android™ Notes for Professionals book
- :bulb: Android Developer Roadmap
- :bulb: Android cheat sheet
- :bulb: Android Tips & Tricks
- :bulb: Awesome Android
- :books: Kotlin Fundamentals for Android Developers
- :video_camera: Android Jetpack Compose For Beginners
- :file_folder: Learning Jetpack Compose
- :video_camera: Android Development Tutorial For Beginners
- :books: - Angular
- :video_camera: - Build Redux Style Applications with Angular2, RxJS, and ngrx/store
- :video_camera: Udemy - Introduction to Angular 2
- :video_camera: Udemy - Angular 2 with TypeScript for Beginners: The Pragmatic Guide
- :video_camera: Udemy - The Complete Guide to Angular 2
- :video_camera: Pluralsight - Angular 2: First Look
- :video_camera: Pluralsight - Angular 2: Getting Started
- :bulb: Angular Material - Material Design components for Angular
- :bulb: Angular Powered Bootstrap - Bootstrap widgets for Angular
- :books: - Learn Angular - Full Tutorial Course
Artificial Intelligence
- :books: Learn Basics Of AI
- :books: The Pac-Man Projects
- :video_camera: Artificial Intelligence Full Course | Artificial Intelligence Tutorial for Beginners | Edureka
Big Data
- :video_camera: Big Data
- :bulb: KnowEthereum (handpicked ethereum resources)
- :green_book: Learn Solidity By Example
- :books: Crypto Zombie - Build DApps By Building Simple Games
- :video_camera: Learn Blockchain, Solidity, and Full Stack Web3 Development with JavaScript
- :video_camera: Solidity, Blockchain, and Smart Contract Course – Beginner to Expert Python Tutorial
- :video_camera: Complete Blockchain tutorial for beginners
- :books: Become a Web3 Developer
- :video_camera: Blockchain Complete Series
- :green_book: Simple Twitter Bot Tutorial with Node.js
- :green_book: Create a Simple WhatsApp Chatbot without Coding
- :file_folder: Build Your First Wit App
- :green_book: How to Make a Twitter Bot in Python With Tweepy
- :video_camera: Discord.JS v13 - Make your own Discord bots by following this video series
- :video_camera: C Full Course
- :video_camera: C Programming for Beginners
- :books: Learn C Org
- :bulb: C Cheatsheet
- :books: C Tutorial - Learn C in Detail
- :wrench: C Playground
- :bulb: CP Algorithms
- :books: Tutorials Point Course
- :bulb: How to Learn the C++ Languages: The Ultimate List
- :bulb: The C++ Standard Template Library (STL)
- :books: C++ Series GeeksForGeeks
- :books: LearnCPP
- :video_camera: C++ Tutorial
- :file_folder: C++ API Reference
- :video_camera: C++ Standard Template Library in Practice
- :video_camera: C++ Standard Template Library for Competative programming
- :bulb: C++ Cheatsheet
- :books: C++ Tutorial - Learn CPP in Detail
- :video_camera: Complete C++ Placement DSA Course
- :file_folder: C++ Reference
- :books: Clojure for the Brave and True
- :bulb: Clojure Cheatsheet
- :file_folder: Clojure Documentation
- :file_folder: Clojure API
- :video_camera: Clojure Tutorial
- :video_camera: Clojure Crash Course
- :video_camera: The Clojure Language
- :video_camera: Clojure tutorial by a Defold developer
Computer Science
- :bulb: Awesome Awesomeness
- :books: CS50
- :books: Khan Academy - Computer Science
- :bulb: Open Source Society University - Path to a free self-taught education in Computer Science!
- :books: Teach Yourself Computer Science
- :books: Introduction to Compilers and How they Work
- :video_camera: Machine Learning University (MLU) Accelerated Computer Vision class
Theoretical Computer Science
- :file_folder: Agda usage
- :books: Freely available programming books
- :file_folder: Programming Language Foundation in Agda
- :video_camera: Type Theory playlist
- :books: CSS Tutorial on W3Schools
- :bulb: 30SecondsOfCode CSS Snippet
- :green_book: A Complete Guide to Flexbox
- :green_book: A Complete Guide to Grid
- :wrench: CSS Framework - Bootstrap
- :wrench: CSS Framework - Bulma
- :wrench: CSS Framework - Materialize
- :wrench: CSS Framework - Tailwind CSS
- :video_camera: CSS Flexbox - Wes Bos
- :video_camera: CSS Grid - Wes Bos
- :wrench: CSS Box-Shadow Generator
- :wrench: [CSS Gradient