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TruecallerJS 是一个开源库,用于检索电话号码的详细信息。该库简化了 Truecaller API 的使用,提供简洁的接口获取和处理号码数据。支持 Node.js、JavaScript 和 TypeScript,具备单个和批量号码查询功能。适用于开发各类电话号码相关应用。


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Welcome to TruecallerJS! This is a library for retrieving phone number details using the Truecaller API. It provides a simple and convenient way to access information about phone numbers in your Node.js, JavaScript, and TypeScript projects.


TruecallerJS is built to simplify the process of fetching phone number details. With this library, you can easily integrate Truecaller functionality into your Node.js, JavaScript, and TypeScript applications. It abstracts the complexities of interacting with the Truecaller API and provides a streamlined interface for fetching and processing phone number information.


  • Phone Number Lookup: Retrieve detailed information about a phone number, including the owner's name, location, and more.

  • Support for Node.js, JavaScript, and TypeScript: TruecallerJS can be used in Node.js projects, as well as in JavaScript and TypeScript applications.

  • Simple and Lightweight: TruecallerJS is designed to be easy to use and lightweight.

Table of Contents


You can install TruecallerJS using npm:

npm install truecallerjs

To use TruecallerJS from the command line

npm install -g truecallerjs

Note: If you are using a version of truecallerjs that is older than 1.1.2, we recommend referring to the truecallerjs-v1.1.2 documentation for instructions. Note: If you are using truecallerjs version from 1.1.3 to 1.1.5, please refer to the truecallerjs-v1.1.5 documentation for instructions.

Command Line Usage

To use TruecallerJS from the command line, you can run the truecallerjs command followed by the desired options and arguments.

Here are some examples of the available options:

  • truecallerjs login: Use this command to log in to your Truecaller account.

  • truecallerjs -s [number]: Use this command to search for a phone number and retrieve the caller name and related information.

  • truecallerjs --bulksearch, --bs command is used to performing bulk number searches using the Truecaller service. It allows you to search for multiple phone numbers at once, making it convenient for processing large sets of phone numbers in a single request.

  • truecallerjs --bulksearch, --bs: Use this command to perform a bulk number search.

  • Additional options include --raw, --name, --email, --json, --xml, --yaml, --text, --nc, --installationid, --verbose, and --help.

For example:

~$ truecallerjs -s +9199123456789 --json
     "name":"Sumith Emmadi"

~$ truecallerjs -s +9199123456789 --name
Name : Sumith Emmadi

Example for bulk search

truecallerjs --bulksearch <phone_number_1>,<phone_number_2>,<phone_number_3>,...,<phone_number_n>

Replace <phone_number_1>, <phone_number_2>, ..., <phone_number_n> with the actual phone numbers you want to search. Separate each phone number with a comma.

 ~$ truecallerjs --bs 9912345678,+14051234567,+919987654321

Note : If the country code is not specified for a phone number, it will default to using your own country code.


Please note the following limitations when using the --bulksearch option:

  1. Maximum Number of Phone Numbers: The tool supports searching 30 or fewer phone numbers at once in a single request. If you exceed this limit, you may need to split your input into multiple requests.

  2. Formatting: Ensure that the phone numbers are correctly formatted and do not contain any additional characters or spaces. The tool expects the phone numbers to be provided in a comma-separated format.


To use the project, start by installing the truecallerjs package via npm:

npm install truecallerjs

Simple Example

Here's a basic example of how to perform a normal search for a phone number:

import truecallerjs, { SearchData, Format } from "truecallerjs";

async function performTruecallerSearch(): Promise<void> {
  const searchData: SearchData = {
    number: "9912345678",
    countryCode: "IN",
    installationId: "a1k07--Vgdfyvv_rftf5uuudhuhnkljyvvtfftjuhbuijbhug",

  try {
    const response: Format = await;

    // Additional response methods:
    // console.log(response.xml());
    // console.log(response.yaml());
    // console.log(response.text());

    // Example of available data from the response:
    console.log(response.getName()); // "Sumith Emmadi"
    console.log(response.getAlternateName()); // "sumith"
    console.log(response.getAddresses()); // {....}
    console.log(response.getEmailId()); //
    console.log(response.getCountryDetails()); // {...}
  } catch (error) {
    console.error("Error occurred:", error);


In the above example, the truecallerjs package is used to search for a phone number. The search_data object contains the necessary parameters, including the number, country code, and installation ID. The response from the function provides various methods to access the returned data.

Note : Make sure to log in using the truecallerjs login command and obtain your installation ID using the truecallerjs -i command.

Bulk Search on Multiple Phone Numbers

The truecallerjs package also supports bulk search on multiple phone numbers:

import truecallerjs, { BulkSearchData, Format } from "truecallerjs";

async function performBulkTruecallerSearch(): Promise<void> {
  const countryCode: string = "IN";
  const installationId: string = "a1k07--Vgdfyvv_rftf5uuudhuhnkljyvvtfftjuhbuijbhug";
  const phoneNumbers: string = "+9912345678,+14051234567,+919987654321";

  try {
    const response: BulkSearchData = await truecallerjs.bulkSearch(phoneNumbers, countryCode, installationId);
  } catch (error) {
    console.error("Error occurred:", error);


In this example, the truecallerjs.bulkSearch() function is used to perform bulk searches on multiple phone numbers. The phoneNumbers parameter should contain the phone numbers separated by commas. The countryCode and installationId parameters are used to specify the default country code and installation ID, respectively.

Note : Make sure to log in using the truecallerjs login command and obtain your installation ID using the truecallerjs -i command.

For more details and additional functionalities, please refer to the documentation, including the process for logging in and obtaining the installation ID.


The truecallerjs tool is not an official Truecaller product. It is a custom script developed by Sumith Emmadi, and its functionality is dependent on the Truecaller service. Please use this tool responsibly and in compliance with the terms of service of Truecaller.

For more information and support, please contact Sumith Emmadi at .


Contributions to the truecallerjs are not only welcome but highly encouraged!

  1. Fork this repository git clone
  2. Create a new branch for your contribution.
  3. Add your content in the appropriate folder or create a new file.
  4. Commit your changes and push them to your forked repository.
  5. Open a pull request, explaining the nature of your contribution.

Please note that all contributions should align with the spirit of the repository and be suitable for all audiences. Offensive or inappropriate content will not be accepted.


TruecallerJS is open source and licensed under the MIT License. See the LICENSE file for more information.

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💖 Sponsors


  • I want to extend my sincere gratitude to all my sponsors for their generous support.


Thank you for choosing TruecallerJS! I hope it helps you retrieve phone number details efficiently.


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