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创意编码资源大全 入门到精通的综合指南


Awesome Creative Coding Awesome

Carefully curated list of awesome creative coding resources primarily for beginners/intermediates.

Creative coding is a different discipline than programming systems. The goal is to create something expressive instead of something functional. Interaction design, information visualization and generative art are all different types of creative coding – which has become a household term describing artworks articulated as code.

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Frameworks • Libraries • Ecosystems

  • Processing [Cross-platform] - Computer programming language and IDE for visual arts.
  • py5 [Cross-platform] - A library that intergrates Processing into the Python 3 ecossystem.
  • Cinder [Cross-platform] - Open source library for professional-quality creative coding in C++.
  • openFrameworks [Cross-platform] - Open source C++ toolkit for creative coding.
  • C4 [iOS] - Open-source creative coding framework for iOS.
  • Unity [Mac, Win] - Game engine, but useful for creative coding and installations.
  • Godot [Cross-platform] - Open source game engine, that can also be used for all sorts of things.
  • PlayCanvas [Cross-platform] - Open source, realtime collaborative WebGL engine.
  • hg_sdf [Cross-platform] - GLSL library for building signed distance functions.
  • nannou [Cross-platform] - Open-source creative coding framework for the Rust language.
  • [Cross-platform] - Open source collection of computational design tools for JavaScript, TypeScript, Clojure and ClojureScript languages.
  • PixelKit [iOS, Mac] - Open source, live graphics, Swift framework, powered by Metal.
  • OPENRNDR [Cross-platform] - Open source library for creative coding written in Kotlin.
  • Phaser [Cross-platform] - HTML5 framework for building games, uses both a Canvas and WebGL renderer.
  • Canvas-sketch [Cross-platform] - HTML5 framework for making generative artwork in JavaScript and the browser.
  • AsyncGraphics [iOS, macOS] - Open source, live graphics, async / await, Swift package, powered by Metal.
  • Lygia [Cross-platform] - Granular and multi-language (GLSL, HLSL, WGSL, MSL and CUDA) shader library designed for performance and flexibility.
  • [Cross-platform] - A web development environment for creative coding.

Visual Programming Languages

  • vvvv [Win] - Hybrid visual/textual live-programming environment for easy prototyping and development.
  • NodeBox [Mac, Win] - Cross-platform, node-based GUI for efficient data visualizations and generative design.
  • TouchDesigner [Mac, Win] - Visual development platform to create realtime projects.
  • Quartz Composer [Mac] - Development tool for processing and rendering graphical data.
  • Vuo [Mac] - Live interactive-media programming environment.
  • Max [Mac, Win] - Visual programming language for media.
  • Pure Data [Cross-platform] - Open source visual programming language for multimedia.
  • ossia score [Cross-platform] - Interactive, intermedia audio-visual sequencer.
  • tooll [Win] - Open source tool for creating interactive 3d content and animations.
  • XOD [Cross-platform] - Open source visual programming language and environment for microcontroller-based projects.
  • Isadora [Cross-platform] - Scene based media control software with integrated projection mapper.
  • cables [Cross-platform/Web] - Your model kit for creating beautiful interactive content. Currently in private beta, invites can be requested.
  • eternal [Web] - Programs as graphs and graphs as compositional tools for creation
  • Notch Builder [Win] - Node-based authoring tool with a strong focus on real-time graphics. Currently in beta.
  • JOY.JS - Realtime visual coding tool, easy to understand and aimed at beginners.
  • Circles [iPhone, iPad, Mac] - Live graphics node editor, powered by AsyncGraphics.
  • TIC-80 - Make pixel art style games and art on a 240*136 pixel screen.

Sound Programming Languages

  • SuperCollider [Multi-platform] - Platform for audio synthesis and algorithmic composition.
  • ChucK - Strongly-timed, concurrent, and on-the-fly music programming language.
  • TidalCycles - Domain specific language for live coding of pattern.
  • [Sonic
Project Cover


豆包 MarsCode 是一款革命性的编程助手,通过AI技术提供代码补全、单测生成、代码解释和智能问答等功能,支持100+编程语言,与主流编辑器无缝集成,显著提升开发效率和代码质量。

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Suno AI是一个革命性的AI音乐创作平台,能在短短30秒内帮助用户创作出一首完整的歌曲。无论是寻找创作灵感还是需要快速制作音乐,Suno AI都是音乐爱好者和专业人士的理想选择。

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Kimi AI助手提供多语言对话支持,能够阅读和理解用户上传的文件内容,解析网页信息,并结合搜索结果为用户提供详尽的答案。无论是日常咨询还是专业问题,Kimi都能以友好、专业的方式提供帮助。

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稿定设计 是一个多功能的在线设计和创意平台,提供广泛的设计工具和资源,以满足不同用户的需求。从专业的图形设计师到普通用户,无论是进行图片处理、智能抠图、H5页面制作还是视频剪辑,稿定设计都能提供简单、高效的解决方案。该平台以其用户友好的界面和强大的功能集合,帮助用户轻松实现创意设计。

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