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Machine is a library for creating data workflows. These workflows can be either very concise or quite complex, even allowing for cycles for flows that need retry or self healing mechanisms.


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The two function types are:

// Monad is a function that is applied to payload and used for transformations
type Monad[T any] func(d T) T

// Filter is a function that can be used to filter the payload.
type Filter[T any] func(d T) bool

These are used in the Machine for functional operations

// New is a function for creating a new Machine.
// name string
// input chan T
// option ...Option
// Call the startFn returned by New to start the Machine once built.
func New[T any](name string, input chan T, options ...Option) (startFn func(context.Context), x Machine[T])

// Transform is a function for converting the type of the Machine. Cannot be used inside a loop
// until I figure out how to do it without some kind of run time error or overly complex
// tracking method that isn't type safe. I really wish method level generics were a thing.
func Transform[T, U any](m Machine[T], fn func(d T) U) (Machine[U], error)

// Machine is the interface provided for creating a data processing stream.
type Machine[T any] interface {
	// Name returns the name of the Machine path. Useful for debugging or reasoning about the path.
	Name() string
	// Then apply a mutation to each individual element of the payload.
	Then(a Monad[T]) Machine[T]

	// Recurse applies a recursive function to the payload through a Y Combinator.
	// f is a function used by the Y Combinator to perform a recursion
	// on the payload.
	// Example:
	//	func(f Monad[int]) Monad[int] {
	//		 return func(x int) int {
	//			 if x <= 0 {
	//				 return 1
	//			 } else {
	//				 return x * f(x-1)
	//			 }
	//		 }
	//	}
	Recurse(x Monad[Monad[T]]) Machine[T]

	// Memoize applies a recursive function to the payload through a Y Combinator
	// and memoizes the results based on the index func.
	// f is a function used by the Y Combinator to perform a recursion
	// on the payload.
	// Example:
	//	func(f Monad[int]) Monad[int] {
	//		 return func(x int) int {
	//			 if x <= 0 {
	//				 return 1
	//			 } else {
	//				 return x * f(x-1)
	//			 }
	//		 }
	//	}
	Memoize(x Monad[Monad[T]], index func(T) string) Machine[T]

	// Or runs all of the functions until one succeeds or sends the payload to the right branch
	Or(x ...Filter[T]) (Machine[T], Machine[T])

	// And runs all of the functions and if one doesnt succeed sends the payload to the right branch
	And(x ...Filter[T]) (Machine[T], Machine[T])

	// Filter splits the data into multiple stream branches
	If(f Filter[T]) (Machine[T], Machine[T])

	// Select applies a series of Filters to the payload and returns a list of Builders
	// the last one being for any unmatched payloads.
	Select(fns ...Filter[T]) []Machine[T]

	// Tee duplicates the data into multiple stream branches.
	Tee(func(T) (a, b T)) (Machine[T], Machine[T])

	// While creates a loop in the stream based on the filter
	While(x Filter[T]) (loop, out Machine[T])

	// Drop terminates the data from further processing without passing it on

	// Distribute is a function used for fanout
	Distribute(Edge[T]) Machine[T]
	// Output provided channel
	Output() chan T

Distribute is a special method used for fan-out operations. It takes an instance of Edge[T] and can be used most typically to distribute work via a Pub/Sub or it can be used in a commandline utility to handle user input or a similiar blocking process.

The Edge[T] interface is as follows:

// Edge is an interface that is used for transferring data between vertices
type Edge[T any] interface {
	Output() chan T
	Send(payload T)

The Send method is used for data leaving the associated vertex and the Output method is used by the following vertex to receive data from the channel.

Confirguration is done using the Option helper

// Option is used to configure the machine
type Option interface

// OptionFIF0 controls the processing order of the payloads
// If set to true the system will wait for one payload
// to be processed before starting the next.
var OptionFIF0 Option

// OptionBufferSize sets the buffer size on the edge channels between the
// vertices, this setting can be useful when processing large amounts
// of data with FIFO turned on.
func OptionBufferSize(size int) Option

// OptionAttributes apply the slog.Attr's to the machine metrics and spans
// Do not override the "name", "type", "duration", "error", or "value" attributes
func OptionAttributes(attributes ...slog.Attr) Option

// OptionFlush attempts to send all data to the flushFN before exiting after the gracePeriod has expired
// Im looking for a good way to make this type specific, but want to avoid having to add separate option
// settings for the Transform function.
func OptionFlush(gracePeriod time.Duration, flushFN func(vertexName string, payload any)) Option

Machine supports collecting metrics and traces through a log/slog wrapper that sends the telemetry to the provided OpenTelemetry Meter and Tracer

// import ""

// Make your slog handler however you please
yourSlogHandler := slog.Default().Handler()

// wrap your handler and provide your tracer and meter
telemetryHandler := telemetry.New(
	meterProvider.Meter("your_meter"), // Your otel metric.Meter
	tracerProvider.Tracer("your_tracer"), // Your otel trace.Tracer
	false, // Log Metrics and Traces to logs as well (useful for debugging)


Examples of Edge implentations can be found in the edge directory and can be used as follows

// import ""

func New[T any](
	ctx context.Context,
	subscription *pubsub.Subscription,
	publisher *pubsub.Topic,
	to func(T) *pubsub.Message,
	from func(context.Context, *pubsub.Message) T,
) machine.Edge[T]

// import ""

func New[T any](c http.Client, fn func(context.Context, T) *http.Request) machine.Edge[T]

🤝 Contributing

Contributions, issues and feature requests are welcome.
Feel free to check issues page if you want to contribute.
Check the contributing guide.


👤 Jonathan Whitaker

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Machine is provided under the MIT License.

The MIT License (MIT)

Copyright (c) 2020 Jonathan Whitaker
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