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WireMock Docker images

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The official Docker image for WireMock Standalone deployments. It includes WireMock for Java under the hood, and fully compatible with its features. You can learn more about WireMock standalone on the WireMock docs site.

Quick Start

In a temporary directory, checkout the demo repository, pull the Docker image, and start the WireMock instance.

docker pull wiremock/wiremock:latest
git clone
docker run -it --rm \
  -p 8080:8080 \
  -v $PWD/wiremock-docker/samples/hello/stubs:/home/wiremock \

You will get a CLI output like this one:

██     ██ ██ ██████  ███████ ███    ███  ██████   ██████ ██   ██
██     ██ ██ ██   ██ ██      ████  ████ ██    ██ ██      ██  ██
██  █  ██ ██ ██████  █████   ██ ████ ██ ██    ██ ██      █████
██ ███ ██ ██ ██   ██ ██      ██  ██  ██ ██    ██ ██      ██  ██
 ███ ███  ██ ██   ██ ███████ ██      ██  ██████   ██████ ██   ██

|               Cloud:               |
|               Slack:              |

port:                         8080
enable-browser-proxying:      false
no-request-journal:           false
verbose:                      false
extensions:                   response-template,webhook

Supported architectures

  • x64
  • armv7
  • armv8

Supported tags

There are multiple image tags provided for end users. These tags are available on DockerHub and GitHub Packages, see the full list here. The most important tags are listed below.

Latest images

Latest WireMock 2.x images

Deprecated and experimental tags

Using WireMock in Docker

To start WireMock with the default settings:

docker run -it --rm -p 8080:8080 wiremock/wiremock

By default, the image exposes the 8080 port for HTTP. To verify the WireMock state, access http://localhost:8080/__admin/health to display the health status and the information. The /__admin/health endpoint is available for WireMock 3.1.0 or above.

A HEALTHCHECK is also built into the docker image to allow direct querying of the docker container's health status. Under the hood, this uses the same method as above to verify the status of the container.

Configuring WireMock

You can configure WireMock using the following ways:

  • Passing the CLI arguments
  • Passing Environment variables
  • Passing configuration files via volumes
  • Building a custom image using wiremock/wiremock as a base image

Passing the CLI arguments

To start with these WireMock arguments, you can add them to the end of the command line. For example, to enable HTTPs: --https-port 8443 --verbose

docker run -it --rm -p 8443.9443 wiremock/wiremock --https-port 8443 --verbose

Using environment variables

The following environment variables are supported by the image:

  • uid : the container executor uid, useful to avoid file creation owned by root
  • JAVA_OPTS : for passing any custom options to Java e.g. -Xmx128m
  • WIREMOCK_OPTIONS: CLI options to be passed to WireMock (starting from 3.2.0-2).

Example for passing the CLI options:

docker run -it --rm \
  -e WIREMOCK_OPTIONS='--https-port 8443 --verbose' \
  -p 8443.9443 \
  --name wiremock \

Passing configuration files as volumes

Inside the container, the WireMock uses /home/wiremock as the root from which it reads the mappings and __files directories. This means you can mount a directory containing these from your host machine into Docker and WireMock will load the stub mappings.

To mount the current directory use -v $PWD:/home/wiremock e.g.:

docker run -it --rm \
  -p 8080:8080 \
  --name wiremock \
  -v $PWD:/home/wiremock \
  wiremock/wiremock:{{ site.wiremock_version }}

Building your own image

Inside the container, the WireMock uses /home/wiremock as the root from which it reads the mappings and __files directories. This means you can copy your configuration from your host machine into Docker and WireMock will load the stub mappings.

WireMock utilizes a custom entrypoint script that passes all provided arguments as WireMock startup parameters. To modify the WireMock launch parameters it is recommended to override the entrypoint in your custom Docker image.

# Sample Dockerfile
FROM wiremock/wiremock:latest
COPY wiremock /home/wiremock
ENTRYPOINT ["/", "--global-response-templating", "--disable-gzip", "--verbose"]

Using WireMock extensions

You can use any WireMock extension with the Docker image. They can be added via CLI and volumes, but for most of the use-cases it is recommended to build a custom image by extending the official one.

Using extensions in CLI

For old style extensions (that don't have Java service loader metadata) you need to add the extension JAR file into the extensions directory and specify the name of the extension's main class via the --extensions parameter:

# prepare extension folder
mkdir wiremock-docker/samples/random/extensions
# download extension
wget \
  -O wiremock-docker/samples/random/extensions/wiremock-body-transformer-1.1.3.jar
# run a container using extension 
docker run -it --rm \
  -p 8080:8080 \
  -v $PWD/wiremock-docker/samples/random/stubs:/home/wiremock \
  -v $PWD/wiremock-docker/samples/random/extensions:/var/wiremock/extensions \
  wiremock/wiremock \
    --extensions com.opentable.extension.BodyTransformer

For new style extensions the --extensions part should not be included as the extension will be discovered and loaded automatically:

# prepare extension folder
mkdir wiremock-docker/samples/random/extensions
# download extension
wget \
  -O wiremock-docker/samples/random/extensions/wiremock-grpc-extension-standalone-0.5.0.jar
# run a container using extension 
docker run -it --rm \
  -p 8080:8080 \
  -v $PWD/wiremock-docker/samples/random/stubs:/home/wiremock \
  -v $PWD/wiremock-docker/samples/random/extensions:/var/wiremock/extensions \

Using extensions in the Dockerfile

git clone
docker build -t wiremock-random wiremock-docker/samples/random
docker run -it --rm -p 8080:8080 wiremock-random

Access http://localhost:8080/random to show random number

Advanced use-cases

Using HTTPs

For HTTPs, the 8443 port is exposed by default. To run with HTTPs, run the following command:

docker run -it --rm -p 8443.9443 wiremock/wiremock --https-port 8443 --verbose

To check the HTTPs on the default exposed port, use https://localhost:8443/__admin to check HTTPs working.

Using the Record Mode

In Record mode, when binding host folders (e.g. $PWD/test) with the container volume (/home/wiremock), the created files will be owned by root, which is, in most cases, undesired. To avoid this, you can use the uid docker environment variable to also bind host uid with the container executor uid.

docker run -d --name wiremock-container \
  -p 8080:8080 \
  -v $PWD/test:/home/wiremock \
  -e uid=$(id -u) \
  wiremock/wiremock \
    --proxy-all="" \
    --record-mappings --verbose
curl http://localhost:8080
docker rm -f wiremock-container

Check the created file owner with ls -alR test

However, the example above is a facility. The good practice is to create yourself the binded folder with correct permissions and to use the -u docker argument.

mkdir test
docker run -d --name wiremock-container \
  -p 8080:8080 \
  -v $PWD/test:/home/wiremock \
  -u $(id -u):$(id -g) \
  wiremock/wiremock \
    --proxy-all="" \
    --record-mappings --verbose
curl http://localhost:8080
docker rm -f wiremock-container

Check the created file owner with ls -alR test

Docker Compose

Configuration in compose file is similar to Dockerfile definition

# Sample compose file
version: "3"
    image: "wiremock/wiremock:latest"
    container_name: my_wiremock
    entrypoint: ["/", "--global-response-templating", "--disable-gzip", "--verbose"]

You can also mount your local __files and mappings files into the container e.g:

# Sample compose file
version: "3"
    image: "wiremock/wiremock:latest"
    container_name: my_wiremock
      - ./__files:/home/wiremock/__files
      - ./mappings:/home/wiremock/mappings
    entrypoint: ["/", "--global-response-templating", "--disable-gzip", "--verbose"]


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