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GitHub 风格的开源代码语法高亮库

starry-night 是一个模仿 GitHub 代码高亮效果的开源库。它支持超过 600 种编程语言,采用 TextMate 语法规则生成高质量的语法高亮。该项目适用于需要精确代码高亮的场景,尤其适合面向开发者的内容。starry-night 提供了简单的 API 接口,可输出 AST 对象便于后续处理。此外,它还包含了适配浅色和深色模式的 CSS 样式。

Close up of The Starry Night by Vincent van Gogh (1889)
with examples of starry-night over it


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Syntax highlighting, like what GitHub uses to highlight code, but free and open source and JavaScript!


What is this?

This package is an open source version of GitHub’s closed-source PrettyLights project (more on that later). It supports 600+ grammars and its extremely high quality. It uses TextMate grammars which are also used in popular editors (SublimeText, Atom, VS Code, &c). They’re heavy but high quality.

When should I use this?

starry-night is a high quality highlighter (when your readers or authors are programmers, you want this!) that can support tons of grammars (from new things like MDX to much more!) which approaches how GitHub renders code.

It has a WASM dependency, and rather big grammars, which means that starry-night might be too heavy particularly in browsers, in which case [lowlight][lowlight] or [refractor][refractor] might be more suitable.

This project is similar to the excellent [shiki][shiki], and it uses the same underlying dependencies, but starry-night is meant to match GitHub in that it produces classes and works with the CSS it ships, making it easier to add dark mode and other themes with CSS compared to inline styles.

Finally, this package produces objects (an AST), which makes it useful when you want to perform syntax highlighting in a place where serialized HTML wouldn’t work or wouldn’t work well. For example, when you want to show code in a CLI by rendering to ANSI sequences, when you’re using virtual DOM frameworks (such as React or Preact) so that diffing can be performant, or when you’re working with [hast][hast] or [rehype][rehype].

Bundled, minified, and gzipped, starry-night and the WASM binary are 185 kB. There are two lists of grammars you can use: [common][api-common] (±35 languages, good for your own site) adds 250 kB and [all][api-all] (~600 languages, useful if you are making a site like GitHub) is 1.6 MB. You can also manually choose which grammars to include (or add to common): a language is typically between 3 and 5 kB. To illustrate, Astro costs 2.1 kB and TSX costs 25.4 kB.

What is PrettyLights?

PrettyLights is the syntax highlighter that GitHub uses to turn this:

# Hello, world!

…into this:

<span class="pl-mh"><span class="pl-mh">#</span><span class="pl-mh"> </span>Hello, world!</span>

…which is what starry-night does too (some small differences in markup, but essentially the same)!

PrettyLights is responsible for taking the flag markdown, looking it up in [languages.yml][languages-yml] from github-linguist to figure out that that means markdown, taking a corresponding grammar (in this case [wooorm/markdown-tm-language][markdown-tm-language]), doing some GPL magic in C, and turning it into spans with classes.

GitHub is using PrettyLights since December 2014, when it [replaced Pygments][ref-1]. They wanted to open source it, but [were unable][ref-2] due to licensing issues. Recently ([Feb 2019][ref-3]?), GitHub has slowly started to move towards TreeLights, which is based on TreeSitter, and also closed source. If TreeLights includes a language (currently: C, C#, CSS, CodeQL, EJS, Elixir, ERB, Gleam, Go, HTML, Java, JS, Nix, PHP, Python, RegEx, Ruby, Rust, TLA, TS), that’ll be used, for everything else PrettyLights is used.

starry-night does what PrettyLights does, not what TreeLights does. I’m hopeful that that will be open sourced in the future and we can mimic both.



This package is [ESM only][esm]. In Node.js (version 16+), install with [npm][]:

npm install @wooorm/starry-night

In Deno with [][esmsh]:

import {common, createStarryNight} from ''

In browsers with [][esmsh]:

<script type="module">
  import {common, createStarryNight} from ''

To get the CSS in browsers, do (see [CSS][] for more info):

<!-- This supports light and dark mode automatically. -->
<link rel="stylesheet" href="">


import {common, createStarryNight} from '@wooorm/starry-night'

const starryNight = await createStarryNight(common)

const scope = starryNight.flagToScope('markdown')
const tree = starryNight.highlight('# hi', scope)



  type: 'root',
  children: [
      type: 'element',
      tagName: 'span',
      properties: {className: ['pl-mh']},
      children: [
        {type: 'text', value: '# '},
          type: 'element',
          tagName: 'span',
          properties: {className: ['pl-en']},
          children: [{type: 'text', value: 'hi'}]


This package exports the identifiers [all][api-all], [common][api-common], and [createStarryNight][api-create-starry-night] from the main module. There is no default export.

It also includes grammars directly in its export map. Do not use the lang/ folder or the .js extension. For CSS files, do use style/ but don’t use .css:

import mdx from '@wooorm/starry-night/source.mdx' // Grammar.
import tritanopiaDark from '@wooorm/starry-night/style/tritanopia-dark' // CSS.


List of all grammars ([Array<Grammar>][api-grammar])


List of ±35 common grammars ([Array<Grammar>][api-grammar])

createStarryNight(grammars[, options])

Create a StarryNight that can highlight things with the given grammars. This is async to allow async loading and registering, which is currently only used for WASM.

  • grammars ([Array<Grammar>][api-grammar]) — grammars to support
  • options ([Options][api-options], optional) — configuration

Promise that resolves to an instance which highlights with the bound grammars (Promise<StarryNight>).


Get the grammar scope (such as associated with a grammar name (such as markdown) or grammar extension (such as .mdwn).

This function uses the first word (when splitting on spaces and tabs) that is used after the opening of a fenced code block:


To match GitHub, this also accepts entire paths:


👉 Note: languages can use the same extensions. For example, .h is reused by many languages. In those cases, you will get one scope back, but it might not be the most popular language associated with an extension.

  • flag (string) — grammar name (such as 'markdown'), grammar extension (such as '.mdwn'), or entire file path ending in extension

Grammar scope, such as '' (string or undefined).

import {common, createStarryNight} from '@wooorm/starry-night'

const starryNight = await createStarryNight(common)

console.log(starryNight.flagToScope('pandoc')) // `''`
console.log(starryNight.flagToScope('workbook')) // `''`
console.log(starryNight.flagToScope('.workbook')) // `''`
console.log(starryNight.flagToScope('path/to/example.js')) // `'source.js'`
console.log(starryNight.flagToScope('whatever')) // `undefined`

starryNight.highlight(value, scope)

Highlight programming code.

  • value (string) — code to highlight
  • scope (string) — registered grammar scope to highlight as (such as '')

Node representing highlighted code ([Root][hast-root]).

import {createStarryNight} from '@wooorm/starry-night'
import sourceCss from '@wooorm/starry-night/source.css'

const starryNight = await createStarryNight([sourceCss])

console.log(starryNight.highlight('em { color: red }', 'source.css'))


  type: 'root',
  children: [
    {type: 'element', tagName: 'span', properties: [Object], children: [Array]},
    {type: 'text', value: ' { '},
    {type: 'element', tagName: 'span', properties: [Object], children: [Array]},
    {type: 'text', value: ': '},
    {type: 'element', tagName: 'span', properties: [Object], children: [Array]},
    {type: 'text', value: ' }'}


List scopes that are needed by the registered grammars but that are missing.

To illustrate, the text.xml.svg grammar needs the text.xml grammar. When you register text.xml.svg without text.xml, it will be listed here.


List of grammar scopes, such as '' (Array<string>).

import {createStarryNight} from '@wooorm/starry-night'
import textXml from '@wooorm/starry-night/text.xml'
import textXmlSvg from '@wooorm/starry-night/text.xml.svg'

const svg = await createStarryNight([textXmlSvg])
console.log(svg.missingScopes()) //=> ['text.xml']

const svgAndXml = await createStarryNight([textXmlSvg, textXml])
console.log(svgAndXml.missingScopes()) //=> []


Add more grammars.

  • grammars ([Array<Grammar>][api-grammar]) — grammars to support

Promise resolving to nothing (Promise<undefined>).

import {createStarryNight} from '@wooorm/starry-night'
import sourceCss from '@wooorm/starry-night/source.css'
import textMd from '@wooorm/starry-night/'
import {toHtml} from 'hast-util-to-html'

const markdown = '```css\nem { color: red }\n```'

const starryNight = await createStarryNight([textMd])

console.log(toHtml(starryNight.highlight(markdown, '')))

await starryNight.register([sourceCss])

console.log(toHtml(starryNight.highlight(markdown, '')))


<span class="pl-s">```</span><span class="pl-en">css</span>
<span class="pl-c1">em { color: red }</span>
<span class="pl-s">```</span>
<span class="pl-s">```</span><span class="pl-en">css</span>
<span class="pl-ent">em</span> { <span class="pl-c1">color</span>: <span class="pl-c1">red</span> }
<span class="pl-s">```</span>


List all registered scopes.


List of grammar scopes, such as '' (Array<string>).

import {common, createStarryNight} from '@wooorm/starry-night'

const starryNight = await createStarryNight(common)



  // …


Function to get a URL to the oniguruma WASM (TypeScript type).

👉 Note: this must currently result in a version 2 URL of onig.wasm from [vscode-oniguruma][vscode-oniguruma].

⚠️ Danger: when you use this functionality, your project might break at any time (when reinstalling dependencies), except when you make sure that the WASM binary you load manually is what our internally used vscode-oniguruma dependency expects. To solve this, you could for example use an npm script called [dependencies][npm-script-dependencies] (which runs everytime node_modules is changed) which copies vscode-oniguruma/release/onig.wasm to the place you want to host it.


URL object to a WASM binary (Promise<URL> or URL).

import {common, createStarryNight} from '@wooorm/starry-night'

const starryNight = await createStarryNight(common, {
  getOnigurumaUrlFetch() {
    return new URL('/onig.wasm', window.location.href);


TextMate grammar with some extra info (TypeScript type).

  • dependencies (Array<string>, optional, example: ['source.tsx']) — list of scopes that are needed for this grammar to work
  • extensions (Array<string>, example: ['.mdx']) — list of extensions
  • extensionsWithDot (Array<string>, optional, example: ['.php']) — list of extensions that only match if used w/ a dot
  • injections (Record<string, Rule>, optional) — TextMate injections
  • names (Array<string>, example: ['mdx']) — list of names
  • patterns (Array<Rule>) — TextMate patterns
  • repository (Record<string, Rule>, optional) — TextMate repository
  • scopeName (string, example: 'source.mdx') — scope


Configuration (TypeScript type).

Project Cover


豆包 MarsCode 是一款革命性的编程助手,通过AI技术提供代码补全、单测生成、代码解释和智能问答等功能,支持100+编程语言,与主流编辑器无缝集成,显著提升开发效率和代码质量。

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Suno AI是一个革命性的AI音乐创作平台,能在短短30秒内帮助用户创作出一首完整的歌曲。无论是寻找创作灵感还是需要快速制作音乐,Suno AI都是音乐爱好者和专业人士的理想选择。

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Kimi AI助手提供多语言对话支持,能够阅读和理解用户上传的文件内容,解析网页信息,并结合搜索结果为用户提供详尽的答案。无论是日常咨询还是专业问题,Kimi都能以友好、专业的方式提供帮助。

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