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Elide是一个Java库,用于快速构建模型驱动的GraphQL或JSON API Web服务。它支持CRUD和分析API,具备内置安全机制、移动友好设计和复杂写操作原子性。Elide可与多种数据存储方式集成,为开发者提供灵活的API开发工具,简化Web和移动应用的后端实现。该库支持模式内省、自定义数据验证和生命周期钩子,增强了API的可扩展性和灵活性。Elide简化了安全控制实现,并支持复杂的数据操作,适用于构建高效且安全的Web服务。


Opinionated APIs for web & mobile applications.

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Discord Build Status Maven Central Coverage Status Mentioned in Awesome Java Mentioned in Awesome GraphQL

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Table of Contents


Elide is a Java library that lets you setup model driven GraphQL or JSON API web service with minimal effort. Elide supports two variants of APIs:

  1. A CRUD (Create, Read, Update, Delete) API for reading and manipulating models.
  2. An analytic API for aggregating measures over zero or more model attributes.

Elide supports a number of features:

Security Comes Standard

Control access to fields and entities through a declarative, intuitive permission syntax.

Mobile Friendly APIs

JSON-API & GraphQL lets developers fetch entire object graphs in a single round trip. Only requested elements of the data model are returned. Our opinionated approach for mutations addresses common application scenarios:

  • Create a new object and add it to an existing collection in the same operation.
  • Create a set of related, composite objects (a subgraph) and connect it to an existing, persisted graph.
  • Differentiate between deleting an object vs disassociating an object from a relationship (but not deleting it).
  • Change the composition of a relationship to something different.
  • Reference a newly created object inside other mutation operations.

Filtering, sorting, pagination, and text search are supported out of the box.

Atomicity For Complex Writes

Elide supports multiple data model mutations in a single request in either JSON-API or GraphQL. Create objects, add them to relationships, modify or delete together in a single atomic request.

Analytic Query Support

Elide supports analytic queries against models crafted with its powerful semantic layer. Elide APIs work natively with Yavin to visualize, explore, and report on your data.

Schema Introspection

Explore, understand, and compose queries against your Elide API through generated Swagger documentation or GraphQL schema.


Customize the behavior of data model operations with computed attributes, data validation annotations, and request lifecycle hooks.

Storage Agnostic

Elide is agnostic to your particular persistence strategy. Use an ORM or provide your own implementation of a data store.


More information about Elide can be found at


To try out an Elide example service, check out the elide-spring-boot-example project.

Alternatively, use the elide-standalone-example project which allows you to quickly setup a local instance of Elide running inside an embedded Jetty application.



The simplest way to use Elide is by leveraging JPA to map your Elide models to persistence:

The models should represent the domain model of your web service:

public class Book {

    private Integer id;

    private String title;

    @ManyToMany(mappedBy = "books")
    private Set<Author> authors;

Add Elide annotations to both expose your models through the web service and define security policies for access:

@Include(rootLevel = true)
@CreatePermission("Admin OR Publisher")
public class Book {

    private Integer id;

    @UpdatePermission("Admin OR Publisher")
    private String title;

    @ManyToMany(mappedBy = "books")
    private Set<Author> authors;

Add Lifecycle hooks to your models to embed custom business logic that execute inline with CRUD operations through the web service:

@Include(rootLevel = true)
@CreatePermission("Admin OR Publisher")
@LifeCycleHookBinding(operation = UPDATE, hook = BookCreationHook.class, phase = PRECOMMIT)
public class Book {

    private Integer id;

    @UpdatePermission("Admin OR Publisher")
    private String title;

    @ManyToMany(mappedBy = "books")
    private Set<Author> authors;

public class BookCreationHook implements LifeCycleHook<Book> {
    public void execute(LifeCycleHookBinding.Operation operation,
                        LifeCycleHookBinding.TransactionPhase phase,
                        Book book,
                        RequestScope requestScope,
                        Optional<ChangeSpec> changes) {
       //Do something

Map expressions to security functions or predicates that get pushed to the persistence layer:

public static class IsAdminUser extends UserCheck {
    public boolean ok(User user) {
        return isUserInRole(user, UserRole.admin);

To expose and query these models, follow the steps documented in the getting started guide.

For example API calls, look at:

  2. GraphQL

For Analytic APIs

Analytic models including tables, measures, dimensions, and joins can be created either as POJOs or with a friendly HJSON configuration language:

  tables: [
      name: Orders
      table: order_details
      measures: [
          name: orderTotal
          type: DECIMAL
          definition: 'SUM({{$order_total}})'
      dimensions: [
          name: orderId
          type: TEXT
          definition: '{{$order_id}}'

More information on configuring or querying analytic models can be found here.


Security is documented in depth here.


Please refer to the file for information about how to get involved. We welcome issues, questions, and pull requests.

If you are contributing to Elide using an IDE, such as IntelliJ, make sure to install the Lombok plugin.

Community chat is now on discord. Join by clicking here.


This project is licensed under the terms of the Apache 2.0 open source license. Please refer to LICENSE for the full terms.


Intro to Elide video

Intro to Elide

Create a JSON API REST Service With Spring Boot and Elide

Custom Security With a Spring Boot/Elide Json API Server

Logging Into a Spring Boot/Elide JSON API Server

Securing a JSON API REST Service With Spring Boot and Elide

Creating Entities in a Spring Boot/Elide JSON API Server

Updating and Deleting with a Spring Boot/Elide JSON API Server

Project Cover


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