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Awesome PHP Awesome

A curated list of amazingly awesome PHP libraries, resources, and shiny things.

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Table of Contents

Composer Repositories

Composer Repositories.

Dependency Management

Libraries for dependency and package management.

Dependency Management Extras

Extras related to dependency management.

  • Composed - A library to parse your project's Composer environment at runtime.
  • Composer Merge Plugin - A composer plugin to merge several composer.json files.
  • Composer Normalize - A plugin for normalizing composer.json files.
  • Composer Patches - A plugin for Composer to apply patches.
  • Composer Prefer Lowest Validator - A plugin to check if minimum dependencies can be installed and tested.
  • Composer Require Checker - CLI tool to analyze composer dependencies and verify that no unknown symbols are used in the sources of a package.
  • Composer Unused - A CLI Tool to scan for unused composer packages.
  • Repman - A private PHP package repository manager and Packagist proxy.
  • Satis - A static Composer repository generator.
  • Tooly - A library to manage PHAR files in a project using Composer.
  • Toran Proxy - A Composer proxy for speed and reliability. (:warning: Toran Proxy is being phased out.)


Web development frameworks.

  • CakePHP - A rapid application development framework.
  • CodeIgniter - A powerful PHP framework with a very small footprint.
  • Laminas - A framework comprised of individual components (previously Zend Framework).
  • Laravel - A web application framework with expressive, elegant syntax.
  • Nette - A web framework comprised of mature components.
  • Phalcon - A framework implemented as a C extension.
  • Spiral - A high-performance PHP/Go framework.
  • Symfony - A set of reusable components and a web framework.
  • Yii2 - A fast, secure, and efficient web framework.

Framework Extras

Extras related to web development frameworks.

  • CakePHP CRUD - A Rapid Application Development (RAD) plugin for CakePHP.
  • Knp RAD Components - A set of Rapid Application Development (RAD) components for Symfony.
  • LaravelS - An out-of-the-box adapter between Laravel/Lumen and Swoole.
  • Livewire - Powerful, dynamic, front-end UIs without leaving PHP.

Content Management Systems (CMS)

Tools for managing digital content.

  • Backdrop - A CMS targeting small-to-medium-sized business and non-profits (a fork of Drupal).
  • Concrete5 - A CMS targeting users with a minimum of technical skills.
  • CraftCMS - A flexible, user-friendly CMS for creating custom digital experiences on the web and beyond.
  • Drupal - An enterprise level CMS.
  • Grav - A modern flat-file CMS.
  • Joomla - Another leading CMS.
  • Kirby - A flat-file CMS that adapts to any project.
  • Magento - The most popular e-commerce platform.
  • Moodle - An open-source learning platform.
  • Pico CMS - A stupidly simple, blazing fast, flat file CMS.
  • Statamic - Build beautiful, easy-to-manage websites.
  • Sulu - A user and developer friendly focused CMS and Platform based on the Symfony Framework.
  • WordPress - A blogging platform and CMS.


Standalone components from web development frameworks and development groups.

Micro Frameworks

Micro frameworks and routers.

  • Laravel-Zero - A micro-framework for console applications.
  • Mezzio - A micro-framework by Laminas.
  • Minicli - Minimalist, dependency-free framework for building CLI-centric PHP applications.
  • Silly - A micro-framework for CLI applications.
  • Slim - Another simple micro framework.

Micro Framework Extras

Extras related to micro frameworks and routers.


Libraries for handling application routing.

  • Aura.Router - A full-featured routing library.
  • Fast Route - A fast routing library.
  • Klein - A flexible router.
  • Pux - Another fast routing library.
  • Route - A routing library built on top of Fast Route.


Libraries and tools for templating and lexing.

  • Latte - The safest and truly intuitive templates for PHP.
  • MtHaml - A PHP implementation of the HAML template language.
  • Mustache - A PHP implementation of the Mustache template language.
  • PHPTAL - A PHP implementation of the TAL templating language.
  • Plates - A native PHP templating library.
  • Smarty - A template engine to complement PHP.
  • Twig - A comprehensive templating language.

Static Site Generators

Tools for pre-processing content to generate web pages.

  • Couscous - Couscous turns Markdown documentation into beautiful websites. It's GitHub Pages on steroids.
  • Jigsaw - Simple static sites with Laravel's Blade.
  • Sculpin - A tool that converts Markdown and Twig into static HTML.
  • Spress - An extensible tool that converts Markdown and Twig into HTML.


Libraries for working with HTTP.

  • Buzz - Another HTTP client.
  • Guzzle - A comprehensive HTTP client.
  • HTTPlug - An HTTP client abstraction without binding to a specific implementation.
  • Nyholm PSR-7 - A super lightweight PSR-7 implementation. Very strict and very fast.
  • PHP VCR - A library for recording and replaying HTTP requests.
  • Requests - A simple HTTP library.
  • Retrofit - A library to ease creation of REST API clients.
  • Symfony HTTP Client - A component to fetch HTTP resources synchronously or asynchronously.
  • Laminas Diactoros - PSR-7 HTTP Message implementation.


Libraries for scraping websites and detecting crawlers.

  • Chrome PHP - Instrument headless Chrome/Chromium instances from PHP.
  • CrawlerDetect - A PHP class for detecting bots/crawlers/spiders via the user agent.
  • DiDOM - A super-fast HTML scrapper and parser.
  • Embed - An information extractor from any web service or page.
  • PHP Spider - A configurable and extensible PHP web spider.
  • Symfony Panther - A browser testing and web crawling library for PHP and Symfony.


Libraries for building application using middlewares.


Libraries for parsing URLs.

  • PHP Domain Parser - A domain suffix parser library.
  • Purl - A URL manipulation library.
  • sabre/uri - A functional URI manipulation library.
  • Uri - Another URL manipulation library.


Libraries for sending and parsing email.

Project Cover


豆包 MarsCode 是一款革命性的编程助手,通过AI技术提供代码补全、单测生成、代码解释和智能问答等功能,支持100+编程语言,与主流编辑器无缝集成,显著提升开发效率和代码质量。

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Suno AI是一个革命性的AI音乐创作平台,能在短短30秒内帮助用户创作出一首完整的歌曲。无论是寻找创作灵感还是需要快速制作音乐,Suno AI都是音乐爱好者和专业人士的理想选择。

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Kimi AI助手提供多语言对话支持,能够阅读和理解用户上传的文件内容,解析网页信息,并结合搜索结果为用户提供详尽的答案。无论是日常咨询还是专业问题,Kimi都能以友好、专业的方式提供帮助。

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