AirPods desktop user experience enhancement program
🔍 Preview
✨ Features
- 🔋 Battery information display.
- 👂 Automatic ear detection.
- 🚀 Low audio latency mode.
- 🌈 Beautiful animation.
🛠️ Build
See the Build Instructions.
🤝 Contribute
AirPodsDesktop is an open source project, here are some ways you can contribute:
- Open an issue to report bugs or suggest new features.
- Submit a PR to fix a known bug or try something from the TODO list.
- Translate to other languages or improve existing translations.
💎 ThirdParty
- Qt 5.15.2 (LGPLv3 License)
- spdlog (MIT License)
- cxxopts (MIT License)
- cpr (MIT License)
- json (MIT License)
- SingleApplication (MIT License)
- pfr (BSL-1.0 License)
- magic_enum (MIT License)
- stacktrace (BSL-1.0 License)