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高效智能的Telegram AI聊天机器人

ChatGPT-Telegram-Bot是一款为Telegram平台开发的AI聊天机器人,集成了Azure OpenAI和原生OpenAI技术。该项目特点包括实时流式响应、多种预设和自定义身份、一键清除对话等功能。机器人支持用户分级管理,提供差异化会话权限,并具备中英双语界面。项目易于部署,支持容器化,为用户提供了一个功能完善的AI聊天解决方案。

ChatGPT Telegram Bot

python-version python-telegram-bot-version db openai-version license bot

English | 中文

A Telegram bot with a silky smooth AI experience.


[✓] Support for both Azure OpenAI and native OpenAI.

[✓] Real-time (streaming) response to AI, with faster and smoother experience.

[✓] 15 preset bot identities that can be quickly switched.

[✓] Support for custom bot identities to meet personalized needs.

[✓] Support to clear the contents of the chat with a single click, and restart the conversation at any time.

[✓]Native Telegram bot button support, making it easy and intuitive to implement required functions.

[✓] User level division, with different levels enjoying different single session token numbers, context numbers, and session frequencies.

[✓] Support English and Chinese on UI

[✓] Containerization.

[✓] More...


[x] Allow users to use their own OpenAI Key in the bot to gain more freedom.

[x] Improve ErrorHandler.

🤖Quick Experience

Telegram Bot: RoboAceBot


Install Dependencies

pip install -r requirements.txt

Configure Database

Install Database

You can quickly create a local MySQL database using:

docker-compose up -d -f db/docker-compose.yaml

Initialize Database

mysql -uusername -p -e "source db/database.sql"

Add Configuration

All the required configurations are in config.yaml, please refer to config.yaml.example for file format and content.

BOT.TOKENNoCreate a bot from @botFather and get the Token.
DEVELOPER_CHAT_IDNoTelegram account ID that receives messages when the bot encounters an error. You can use @get_id_bot to get your ID.
MYSQLNoParameters related to MySQL connection.
TIME_SPANNoThe time window size used to calculate the ratelimit, in minutes.
RATE_LIMITNokey is the user level, and value is the maximum number of chats that can be made within the TIME_SPAN time period.
CONTEXT_COUNTNokey is the user level, and value is the number of contexts included in each chat.
MAX_TOKENNokey is the user level, and value is the maximum number of tokens returned by the AI per chat.
AI.TYPEYesThe type of AI used, with two options: openai and azure. The default is openai.
AI.BASEYesWhen checking resources from the Azure portal, this value can be found in the "Keys and Endpoints" section. Alternatively, this value can be found in "Azure OpenAI Studio" > "Playground" > "Code View". Only needs to be set when AI.TYPE is azure.
AI.MODELYesThe deployment name of Azure OpenAI, only needs to be set when AI.TYPE is azure.
AI.VERSIONYesThe version number of Azure OpenAI, only needs to be set when AI.TYPEis azure.
AI.MODELYesThe Model of OpenAI, only needs to be set when AI.TYPEis openai.

If you are using Azure's OpenAI, you can obtain all the required content at this link:

Get started using ChatGPT and GPT-4 with Azure OpenAI Services


python | tee >> debug.log

Docker build & Run

docker run --rm --name chatgpt-telegram-bot -v ./config.yaml:/app/config.yaml 

Docker Compose

docker-compose up -d

❤️In Conclusion

I hope this project can provide you with a smooth AI experience and help more people create and use their own Telegram bots.

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豆包 MarsCode 是一款革命性的编程助手,通过AI技术提供代码补全、单测生成、代码解释和智能问答等功能,支持100+编程语言,与主流编辑器无缝集成,显著提升开发效率和代码质量。

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问小白是一个基于 DeepSeek R1 模型的智能对话平台,专为用户提供高效、贴心的对话体验。实时在线,支持深度思考和联网搜索。免费不限次数,帮用户写作、创作、分析和规划,各种任务随时完成!

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