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Bazel GitOps Rules


Bazel GitOps Rules provides tooling to bridge the gap between Bazel (for hermetic, reproducible, container builds) and continuous, git-operation driven, deployments. Users author standard kubernetes manifests and kustomize overlays for their services. Bazel GitOps Rules handles image push and substitution, applies necessary kustomizations, and handles content addressed substitutions of all object references (configmaps, secrets, etc). Bazel targets are exposed for applying the rendered manifest directly to a Kubernetes cluster, or into version control facilitating deployment via Git operations.

Bazel GitOps Rules is an alternative to rules_k8s. The main differences are:

  • Utilizes and integrates the full set of Kustomize capabilities for generating manifests.
  • Implements GitOps target.
  • Supports personal namespace deployments.
  • Provides integration test setup utility.
  • Speeds up deployments iterations:
    • The results manifests are rendered without pushing containers.
    • Pushes all the images in parallel.
  • Provides an utility that creates GitOps pull requests.




From the release you wish to use: copy the WORKSPACE snippet into your WORKSPACE file.


The k8s_deploy creates rules that produce the .apply and .gitops targets k8s_deploy is defined in k8s.bzl. k8s_deploy takes the files listed in the manifests, patches, and configmaps_srcs attributes and combines (renders) them into one YAML file. This happens when you bazel build or bazel run a target created by the k8s_deploy. The file is created at bazel-bin/path/to/package/name.yaml. When you run a .apply target, it runs kubectl apply on this file. When you run a .gitops target, it copies this file to the appropriate location in the same os separate repository.

For example, let's look at the example's k8s_deploy. We can peek at the file containing the rendered K8s manifests:

cd examples
bazel run //

When you run bazel run ///helloworld:mynamespace.apply, it applies this file into your personal ({BUILD_USER}) namespace. Viewing the rendered files with .show can be useful for debugging issues with invalid or misconfigured manifests.

clusterNoneThe name of the cluster in which these manifests will be applied.
namespaceNoneThe target namespace to assign to all manifests. Any namespace value in the source manifests will be replaced or added if not specified.
user{BUILD_USER}The user passed to kubectl in .apply rule. Must exist in users ~/.kube/config
configmaps_srcsNoneA list of files (of any type) that will be combined into configmaps. See Generating Configmaps.
configmaps_renamingNoneConfigmaps/Secrets renaming policy. Could be None or 'hash'. 'hash' renaming policy is used to add a unique suffix to the generated configmap or secret name. All references to the configmap or secret in other manifests will be replaced with the generated name.
secrets_srcsNoneA list of files (of any type) that will be combined into a secret similar to configmaps.
manifestsglob(['*.yaml','*.yaml.tpl'])A list of base manifests. See Base Manifests and Overlays.
name_prefixNoneAdds prefix to the names of all resources defined in manifests.
name_suffixNoneAdds suffix to the names of all resources defined in manifests.
patchesNoneA list of patch files to overlay the base manifests. See Base Manifests and Overlays.
image_name_patchesNoneA dict of image names that will be replaced with new ones. See kustomization images.
image_tag_patchesNoneA dict of image names which tags be replaced with new ones. See kustomization images.
substitutionsNoneDoes parameter substitution in all the manifests (including configmaps). This should generally be limited to "CLUSTER" and "NAMESPACE" only. Any other replacements should be done with overlays.
configurations[]A list of files with kustomize configurations.
prefix_suffix_app_labelsFalseAdd the bundled configuration file allowing adding suffix and prefix to labels app and and respective selector in Deployment.
common_labels{}A map of labels that should be added to all objects and object templates.
common_annotations{}A map of annotations that should be added to all objects and object templates.
start_tag"{{"The character start sequence used for substitutions.
end_tag"}}"The character end sequence used for substitutions.
deps[]A list of dependencies used to drive k8s_deploy functionality (i.e. deps_aliases).
deps_aliases{}A dict of labels of file dependencies. File dependency contents are available for template expansion in manifests as {{imports.<label>}}. Each dependency in this dictionary should be present in the deps attribute.
objects[]A list of other instances of k8s_deploy that this one depends on. See Adding Dependencies.
images{}A dict of labels of Docker images. See Injecting Docker Images.
image_digest_tagFalseA flag for whether or not to tag the image with the container digest.
image_registrydocker.ioThe registry to push images to.
image_repositoryNoneThe repository to push images to. By default, this is generated from the current package path.
image_repository_prefixNoneAdd a prefix to the image_repository. Can be used to upload the images in
image_pushes[]A list of labels implementing K8sPushInfo referring image uploaded into registry. See Injecting Docker Images.
release_branch_prefixmasterA git branch name/prefix. Automatically run GitOps while building this branch. See GitOps and Deployment.
deployment_branchNoneAutomatic GitOps output will appear in a branch and PR with this name. See GitOps and Deployment.
gitops_pathcloudPath within the git repo where gitops files get generated into
tags[]See Bazel docs on tags.
visibilityDefault_visibilityChanges the visibility of all rules generated by this macro. See Bazel docs on visibility.

Base Manifests and Overlays

The manifests listed in the manifests attribute are the base manifests used by the deployment. This is where the important manifests like Deployments, Services, etc. are listed.

The base manifests will be modified by most of the other k8s_deploy attributes like substitutions and images. Additionally, they can be modified to configure them different clusters/namespaces/etc. using overlays.

To demonstrate, let's go over hypothetical multi cluster deployment.

Here is the fragment of the k8s_deploy rule that is responsible for generating manifest variants per CLOUD, CLUSTER, and NAMESPACE :

    manifests = glob([                 # (1)
      "manifests/%s/*.yaml" % (CLOUD),
    patches = glob([                   # (2)
      "overlays/%s/*.yaml" % (CLOUD),
      "overlays/%s/%s/*.yaml" % (CLOUD, NAMESPACE),
      "overlays/%s/%s/%s/*.yaml" % (CLOUD, NAMESPACE, CLUSTER),

The manifests list (1) combines common base manifests and CLOUD specific manifests.

├── aws
│   └── pvc.yaml
├── onprem
│   ├── pv.yaml
│   └── pvc.yaml
├── deployment.yaml
├── ingress.yaml
└── service.yaml

Here we see that aws and onprem clouds have different persistence configurations aws/pvc.yaml and onprem/pvc.yaml.

The patches list (2) requires more granular configuration that introduces 3 levels of customization: CLOUD, NAMESPACE, and CLUSTER. Each manifest fragment in the overlays subtree applied as strategic merge patch update operation.

├── aws
│   ├── deployment.yaml
│   ├── prod
│   │   ├── deployment.yaml
│   │   └── us-east-1
│   │       └── deployment.yaml
│   └── uat
│       └── deployment.yaml
└── onprem
    ├── prod
    │   ├── deployment.yaml
    │   └── us-east
    │       └── deployment.yaml
    └── uat
        └── deployment.yaml

That looks like a lot. But lets try to decode what is happening here:

  1. aws/deployment.yaml adds persistent volume reference specific to all AWS deployments.
  2. aws/prod/deployment.yaml modifies main container CPU and memory requirements in production configurations.
  3. aws/prod/us-east-1/deployment.yaml adds monitoring sidecar.

Generating Configmaps

Configmaps are a special case of manifests. They can be rendered from a collection of files of any kind (.yaml, .properties, .xml, .sh, whatever). Let's use hypothetical Grafana deployment as an example:

        name = NAME,
        cluster = CLUSTER,
        configmaps_srcs = glob([                 # (1)
            "configmaps/%s/**/*" % CLUSTER
        configmaps_renaming = 'hash',            # (2)

        ("mynamespace", "dev", "{BUILD_USER}"),  # (3)
        ("prod-grafana", "prod", "prod"),        # (4)

Here we generate two k8s_deploy targets, one for mynamespace (3), another for production deployment (4).

The directory structure of configmaps looks like this:

└── configmaps
    ├── dev
    │   └── grafana
    │       └── ldap.toml
    └── prod
        └── grafana
            └── ldap.toml

The configmaps_srcs parameter (1) will get resolved into the patterns configmaps/dev/**/* and configmaps/prod/**/*. The result of rendering the manifests bazel run // will have following manifest fragment:

apiVersion: v1
  ldap.toml: |
kind: ConfigMap
  name: grafana-k75h878g4f
  namespace: ops-prod

The name of directory on the first level of glob patten grafana become the configmap name. The ldap.toml file on the next level were embedded into the configmap.

In this example, the configmap renaming policy (2) is set to hash, so the configmap's name appears as grafana-k75h878g4f. (If the renaming policy was None, the configmap's name would remain as grafana.) All the references to the grafana configmap in other manifests are replaced with the generated name:

apiVersion: apps/v1
kind: Deployment
      - configMap:
          - key: ldap.toml
            path: ldap.toml
          name: grafana-k75h878g4f
        name: grafana-ldap

Injecting Docker Images

Third-party Docker images can be referenced directly in K8s manifests, but for most apps, we need to run our own images. The images are built in the Bazel build pipeline using rules_docker. For example, the java_image rule creates an image of a Java application from Java source code, dependencies, and configuration.

Here's a (very contrived) example of how this ties in with k8s_deploy. Here's the BUILD file located in the package //examples:

    name = "helloworld_image",
    srcs = glob(["*.java"]),
    name = "helloworld",
    manifests = ["helloworld.yaml"],
    images = {
        "helloworld_image": ":helloworld_image",  # (1)

And here's helloworld.yaml:

apiVersion: v1
kind: Pod
  name: helloworld
    - image: //examples:helloworld_image  # (2)

There images attribute dictionary (1) defines the images available for the substitution. The manifest file references the fully qualified image target path //examples:helloworld_image (2).

The image key value in the dictionary is used as an image push identifier. The best practice (as provided in the example) is to use image key that matches the label name of the image target.

When we bazel build the example, the rendered manifest will look something like this:

apiVersion: v1
kind: Pod
  name: helloworld
    - image:

The image substitution using an images key is supported, but not recommended (this functionality might be removed in the future). For example, helloworld.yaml can reference helloworld_image:

apiVersion: v1
kind: Pod
  name: helloworld
    - image: helloworld_image

Image substitutions for Custom Resource Definitions (CRD) resources could also use target references directly. Their digests are available through string substitution. For example,

apiVersion: v1
kind: MyCrd
  name: my_crd
    app_label_image_digest: "{{//examples:helloworld_image.digest}}"
    app_label_image_short_digest: "{{//examples:helloworld_image.short-digest}}"
  image: "{{//examples:helloworld_image}}"

would become

apiVersion: v1
kind: MyCrd
  name: my_crd
    app_label_image_digest: "e6d465223da74519ba3e2b38179d1268b71a72f"
    app_label_image_short_digest: "e6d465223d"

An all examples above the image: URL points to the helloworld_image in the private Docker registry. The image is uploaded to the registry before any .apply or .gitops target is executed. See

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